got a gun from a gangster- TW

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,Age: 12

Mamma: Natasha Romanoff

"I bet your mom is ashamed of you, I would If were her" I heard right before I felt my head being banged into a locker.

I let out a cry as they left me go.
Blood was running down my face from my nose and my forehead.

I sobbed as I walked out of school, heavy rain falling mistaking my tears for simple rain droptlets.

Warm breezes hit against my skin, like a gentle kiss.
My feet splash the small puddles on the ground as I step in them.

The blood rinses off in the cold rain.

"Hey kid" I look up from the ground and face a man.
I tilt my head and look him into the eyes.

I'm more curious when he brings out a gun.
"Come with me, I promise you that you will never have to get bullied again, ever" I scrunch up my face.

He takes my hands and places the gun in my hands.
The black gun lays there in my shaking hands, the cold metal is cold on my hands.

"Kid, if you go with me, I'll train you, and you can kill those bullies. But in return you have to give me your full dedication" it was tempting, very tempting.

But I would have to leave my mom.

"You're such a pretty girl, look so innocent,"
His hand stroked against my cheek.

His hands wrapped around mine, showing me how to hold the gun.

"You have a flare in your hair, and you can be feisty, I could use such a pretty girl like you" I turned around and looked him in the eyes.

His brown eyes stared right back at me.
"Alright" I answered with a soft tone.

He smiled and kissed my hand, his deep chuckle filled my ears.

The next thing I remember is a cloth wrapping around my head.
It restricted my airways and I passed out.

(Natashas pov)

The clock strikes five and no sign of y/n. I pick up my phone, she haven't called or texted. Her phone can't be tracked.

My stomach is turning upside down, I want to puke and I want to scream and kick everything.

A simple knock is placed on our door and I shoot up and open it to find y/n's principal.

"Hello ms. Romanoff, I was just wondering if I could speak with you and your daughter"
He looked so serious.

"She's not home, she hasn't come home yet" I stated and his face dropped in horror.

"Is this something you know anything about?" I look at him with an intimidating stare.

"She left school around 11" my heart sank to the floor right there and then.
She left school at 11?!

My phone chimed and a video from y/n was sent.

"What the fuck?"
I close the door on the principal and goes into the couch, I press play on the video.

{"Hello mamma, it's y/n, funny enough. I am safe, I have chosen another fate. Don't search for me. Please" she was sitting in a room, with similar clothes that I wore at the red room.}

Fuck, what if she's at the red room?
She couldn't? I took it down in 2014 with Clint.

In Budapest.

Isn't it gone? Forever? I killed dreykov, I thought it was gone that's why I never told y/n.

I quickly called Clint and Tony.
And they froze when they saw the tears on my cheeks.

Clint spoke, he looked horrified.

"Y/n, I don't know where she is" a small sob broke out as tears fell down my pale cheeks.

(Time skip, 3 months later)

"Nat, come on!"
Clint screamed as a building was falling upon me.

I ran out just in time, but then I saw it, I saw my daughter. I saw y/n.

"Y/n?" I whispered looking at the girl coming at us. It was like she didn't recognise who we were.

It was like she had turned her blind eye upon us.

She raised her hand pointing a gun at me. I wasn't scared but she was, her breath was trembling, her hand was shaking.

A man came behind her, dreykov, came behind her. My eyes widened in horror.

"Get her!" Tony yelled and all the avengers started running.
"Run! Little girl run!" Dreykov said and instantly she began running.

Dreykov managed to stop me.
"Little girl is gone, she got a gun from a gangster" he whispered and I immediately ran after y/n even faster.

Y/n shot after Steve and the others but couldn't bring herself to shoot me.

"Run little girl faster!" He yelled and she just dropped the gun to run even faster.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now