thats my mommy

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Age: 3

Mom: Elizabeth olsen
Dad: Robbie arnett


"Hey honey," I said as y/n waddled over to us.
She had a huge grin on her face and a drawing in her hand.

"Are you ready for court?" She nodded and gave me the drawing.

"Dat Robbie," she giggled and pointed to a figure holding a guitar.
"Dat you," she pointed to the figure with glowing hands.

"Woah, you're so talented. This deserves a place on the refrigerator, doesn't it?" She nodded with the cutest little smile.

I lifted her up and placed her in the harness car seat, and then i strapped her in.

"Lizzie, my mom and Robbie, my dad," she stated out of the sudden.
"Yes, sweetheart, you can call us mom and dad," Robbie answered as I started driving.

We quickly got to court.
Y/n got yet another teddy. She already had tons.

When we walked in, I didn't expect the whole Marvel cast to be there.
"Why is mommy sad?" Y/n asked as I wiped a tear.

"Mommy's happy, really happy," I said, kissing her nose.
She wrapped her arms around me.

Scarlett stopped me.
"Don't get too emotional." I giggled and kept walking.

Robbie and I sat next to y/n, but she wanted to sit on my lap, so I let her.
Robbie grabbed some papers and some crayons from my bag and put it on the table.

"Me draw?" She asked, I nodded, and she grabbed a crayon and began coloring.
Then, the judge came in and sat in her chair.

"Hi sweetheart, what are you drawing?" The judge asked y/n.

"Mommy!" She wiggled happily.
"Can I see?" Y/n nodded and held it up.

"Woah, you drew that, I bet mom is so proud of you!" The judge said with a smile, we've been working with her since the start of the adoption process, so she knows y/n very well.

"I am," I mumbled, wiping away tears.
Y/n turned around and showed me.
"Oh darling,  that is so  pretty," I said. She turned around and continued drawing.

"Okay, Mrs. Arnett, do you understand that if the papers are signed, that this will now be your child, you are responsible for her care, that you are given the responsibility to love and nuture this child?" She asked me.

"I understand," I answered.

"Mrs. Arnett, do you have the financial status to support y/n?" She asked.
"We do," I answered for both Robbie and I.

He grabbed my hand.
"Mommy's shaking," y/n said as she turned to me.
"Mommy's nervous, sweetie, cause Mommy loves you very, very much." she put her forehead against mine.

"Are you alright Elizabeth do you need a break?" The judge asked.
"No, thank you, Ms. Brown, I'm quite alright, " i answered.

"Mrs. Arnett, are you prepared to support this lovely child, emotional, physically, financially and in every other way she might search for your support" I looked at y/n who was grinning at me while showing me her drawing which was me with a heart around me.

I let tears fall and laughed a little.
"I am, I've always been prepared since the first day I had with her." Robbie looked at me with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Arnett, I have no further questions, " she said.
"Mr Arnett," the judge started. Robbie turned his head towards her.

"Please raise your hand." He did as he was told.
"Do you swear by this that you are telling the truth and the truth only?" she asked.

"I do." He was crying as much as he was when we got y/n in as a foster kid.
He took his hand down on a signal.

"You have heard what I've asked your wife and what she has answered. Did you agree with her answers?" He also let some tears fall.

"Yes, yes I do." I squeezed his hand a little harder.
"Thank you. I have no further questions," she said.

"Y/n wanna come up here and bang a little hammer?" Y/n nodded and took my hand to follow her up.
"Daddy come too" she said looking at Robbie.

Robbie was quick to come up.
"I declare, from. Today, Mr. Mrs. Arnett and y/n Arnett officially family" we helped y/n bang the little hammer and she immediately rushed down to her aunt.

But instead of hugging her aunt she hugged Rose who picked her up.

"Me have a Mommy" she said proudly to Rose.
"I know, you have the most amazing mom" Rose said and kissed y/n's head.

"Hey y/n honey wanna take a picture with our judge?" Robbie asked.
Y/n nodded and got down from roses arms.

She went over and we took a picture.
"Me talk," she asked and pointed to the judge microphone.

"Yes of cause come on" she patted on the chair and helped y/n up.
"I love my mommy and daddy" she spoke. Laughter spread through out the room.

I broke down in tears of joy as y/n went over to us.
"Thank you sweetheart, we love you too" she began laughing as we walked down.

"Congrats Elizabeth, that is the best decision you've ever made and that says alot" rdj said and gave me a hug.

"Gampa" I bursted out with a laugh. Somehow, y/n started calling Robert gampa. I don't know why, and even when we have said to her that Robert isn't her grandpa, she just keeps calling him Gampa and he doesn't say anything to it.

"Hi sweetheart, wanna go get ice cream?" He asked. Y/n of cause giggled and nodded.

"Hey Lizzie I'm stealing your daughter, we're getting ice cream" Rdj said.
I kissed y/n on the head.

"Remember to get the biggest ice cream, even if you can't eat it" I said and tickled her stomach.

They left to get ice cream while y/n had the biggest smile on her face.
"Congrats auntie lizard" Rose said as she hugged me gently.

"Thank you Rosie," I smield and hugged her back.
"She's lucky to have you as her mom, I'm kinda jealous" I giggled. Y/n is so lucky to have rose as her cousin, Rose may be 16 but they're adorable together.

"I heard that Rose Dorothy Dauriac" Scarlett spoke and hugged Rose.
Everybody started congratulating me.

"Where's our daughter Liz?" Robbie asked. "Robert left with her to get ice cream" he bursted out laughing.

"Never understood why she calls him Gampa huh?" He asked and tickled me.
When we got back to our house, y/n and Robert was eating ice cream on the porch out front.

He was so much like Tony in real life.
"Okay okay, you can taste mine" He said and let her take a little bite even though she had ice cream in her whole face.

"No more, that's the good part" he said with a laugh.
"You're officially an oldie, Downey" I stated as I walked over and unlocked the door.

"Thank you thank you," he giggled.


A/N: I watched so many adoption videos to write this and I'm bawling my eyes out.

Anyways, if I were to make a little advent calendar for Christmas, who ahould be the parents of the main character??

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now