my own little miracle

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Age: 0

Mamma: Natasha romanoff
Dad: bucky, Barnes


"Would you like a water Natasha?" Wanda asked.
I put my hand in front of my mouth and shook my hand.

Wanda quickly grabbed a bucket, and I vomited in it.
She put her hand on my forehead.

"Well, you don't have a fever. Are you sure you couldn't be pregnant?" She asked.

"The red room took out my reproductive system," I answered.
I stood up again.

"How about you take a test just to be sure? What if they didn't take everything out? What if they did some magic work?"  Wanda looked at me with a pleading look.

"Then I would have gotten pregnant before," I sighed.
I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Wanda walked into the bathroom and handed me a test.
"I would really, really appreciate it, if you took it, because I need to be sure if I'm going to have to help you raise a little one or not" she had a little cry to her sound.

"Fine!" I groaned and snatched the test from her hand.
She left  the room, and i locked the door.
I grabbed the old test and slid down against the door, sobbing.

And I can't tell of its happy tears or not.
But the pregnancy test was positive.

"Natasha?" Wanda sounded concerned.
"Go away," I cried out.
"BUCKY!" Wanda yelled, and soon after, bucky was in my room hugging me.

I gave Wanda the positive pregnancy test. She gasped and looked at me.
I sobbed into buckys shoulder.

"Natasha, listen, you can do this. You can do it, I promise," bucky whispered. He kissed my head.

"No -" my voice was cut off by tears trying to choke me.
"I-I-I can't, I can't do this, I can't become a mother," my voice was shaking.

"Yes, you can," Wanda said. 
"Natasha, you are the strongest person  I know, and yet you still have the biggest heart, I know you will be an amazing mother." Wanda hugged me from the side.

"I don't know how, I don't know how to be a mother," I sobbed.
Bucky grabbed my jawbone and wiped my face with his thumbs.

"None of us do, but we will be here for you, in every moment,  even when you're eating pickled and drinking pickle juice," I giggled. He kissed my forehead.

"If we get a son, I will put him up for adoption if you name him, Clint." I let out a laugh. I sniffles lightly and wiped my face.

"And if you're going to call our possible daughter, Connie, I will smack you in the nuts." He laughed.

"I deserved that," He mumbled with a laugh.
I kissed his cheek before hugging Wanda.

"I guess I will have to help you raise it when you're out on a mission or getting a little spicy with bucky." I hugged her tightly.

"You don't have a choice," I laughed with tears in my eyes.
She giggled with a smile.

"You're going to be a mom." Wanda smiled and giggled.
"I'm going to be a mom witchy." I wiped my face and hugged her.

(7 months later)

"You can do this, just one more push," I pushed. They were quick and suddenly my own little miracle, laying on top of me, listening to my heartbeats.

I looked up at bucky, who had tears on his face.
"Are you crying, bucky Barnes?" I mocked.

"Look away," He said and stroked our little girl on the head.

"Okay, dad, are you ready to cut the umbilical cord?" The delivery nurse asked bucky who wiped his face.

They clamped to umbilical cord and bucky cut it right where he was supposed to.

"I wanna name her y/n, I like it bucky,
Y/n barnes-romanoff, "  I said and looked at him, who stroked our girl on the head.

"Y/n barnes-romanoff, sits nice on the tongue. You're a good name giver. " he kissed my forehead, which was sweating.

"And the placenta is out!" They quickly removed it from the bed and away from me.

Y/n began crying.
She quickly found my breast and latched onto it, though.
"Look at that, the little ones hungry." My mom, Melina, came in.

Bucky left with a smile and some tears on his face.
"I can't believe it, you're a mother, my little Natalia is a mother," she said, giving me a kiss on my head.

"I'm proud of you Natasha, you're going to be such a good mom," she said.
I smiled.
"Thank you, ma' I love you." y/n latched off again, and the nurses took her off of me to weigh, wash, and put a diaper on her.

Then she got back to my arms.
"Alexi is crying right outside this room," Mom said loudly.

"Am not," the thick Russian accent sounded, and the door opened.
I looked up at Alexis with a smile.

"It's your granddaughter, ain't she cute?" And yes, I forgave both of them, afterall they were the ones raising me in the good part of my childhood.

"моя маленькая внучка(my little granddaughter)" He said and kissed my head.

"Alright, Alright, where's the little rat?" yelena said while she barged into the room.
I scoffed and looked up at her.

"Your beautiful human niece, Is right here?" I handed her y/n. She shed a tear while rocking y/n lightly.

"I might drop her, natasha. How dare you give her to me? What if I drop her?" yelena said. She looked down at y/n with tears in her eyes.

"Her name is y/n, and I think you're quite alright," I giggled lightly. Yelena was so sweet with y/n.

Y/n tried to latch onto yelenas boob but yelena moved her away.
"No little one, I'm not your mamma, I'm just your super cool aunt that will sneak you alcohol and teach you how to ride a motorbike when you're older" yelena lifted her up so they were nose against nose.

Y/n began sucking on her nose instead.
"No little one," yelena gave me y/n back, and I fed y/n.
She bit me, though.

"Ouch, she's a biter," I mumbled under my breath. Even though she didn't have any teeth, it still hurt.
A knock was placed on the door frame, and I looked up.

"Hey, can I come in and say hello?" My mom and dad left the room, and yelena went to sit on my left side.

Wanda sat down on the right side of me.
"How are you, Natasha?" Wanda asked.
I smiled, y/n was still eating.

"I'm amazing, I mean, I just became a mother, a freaking mother." Wanda giggled and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah, you just became a mother. Isn't it just  the most amazing feeling?" She kissed y/n's head.


A/n: I thought you guys deserved a little cute chapter or atleats with a good ending.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now