dear mommy, its me y/n- TW

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Age: 20(deceased)

Mamma: Natasha romanoff
Dad: unkown


"Natasha, uhmm, i found this in y/n's closet," Clint said as he handed me a box with the lettering, "Dear mommy, it's me y/n'." I shakingly breathed in.

"Thank you." I somehow managed to answer.
I can't believe it's been a month since she passed away from cancer.

"I'll get Wanda to make something for you to eat." He gave me a light squeeze and left.

I opened it up, and there was a USB stick. I grabbed my computer and put it in, then quickly a video with y/n popped up.

I pressed the play button and some dramatic music played.
When  the music stopped, y/n fixed something on her drop before turning back to face  the camera.

"Hi, Mommy!" She said excitedly.
"Wait before you say anything, I know I look dope right now," a cough escaped her mouth. She had no hair, she had a drop in her hand, and her mask for oxygen was in her hand.

"I mean, my hairstyle is absolutely the best." she always loved to joke when she was around.

She put on her mask again for a little while before taking it off again.

"Yeah, this is just temporary, Bruce is coming in a little while to put up the new nasal cannula," she said before putting the oxygen mask on again.

"Y/n I'm here, are you awake?" Bruce asked as he walked inside with some equipment.

"Oh hi brucey! Be right back ma" the camera shut off.
A new video started.

"Hey, i'm back, even more fabulous," she giggled.
"Anyways I found a letter I wrote to you on my fifth birthday, the birthday I went to the red room you know" I never forgave myself for that, I trusted Melina and Alexi and they sold her off to the red room.

She fiddled with a piece of paper that was baby pink and had glitter stars on there.
"Hi, mamma, I'm turning five today." she read out loud, but it was interrupted by a cough.

"Glamma and gramps bought me a pig. I wish you were there, though, so you could say hi to Georgie. " I laughed, she loved Georgie.

"But I'm sure that when I turn 6, we can throw a big party and I'll get to invite all my friends and you can invite yours," she stopped herself.

"Well, how about when I turn 21, then you can take the 21 shots for me, cause we'll I'm not there?" she smiled sadly.

She turned her attention back to the paper.
"Lov y/n, love is spelled l-o-v-e for gods sake 5 year old me," she mumbled to herself.

She coughed loudly and even coughed some blood up.
It was one of the bad days, I guess.

"Sorry," she mumbled and coughed some more.

"Mamma, when you're seeing this, I am gone, that's no surprise, but I am better now than ever." Then suddenly, she threw up.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't beat it this time." She beat it once before, but it was just too hard this time.
"I'm sorry ma, but I'm scared, it's scary living with this disease," she let tears fall.
My poor, sweet little angel.

I wish that I could hold her and tell her it was going to be alright.
"I don't" she breathed in and wiped her face "I don't even know if you're seeing this, but if you are mamma, I want you to make your banana chocolate chip pancakes for the team one day" she gently said  with a slight hint of sarcasm.

"I want you to know that, i love you very, very much, and that I tried my best to stay strong whenever you were near, cause you don't deserve to see your little girl suffer" I let tears fall.

"I have a gift for you." she moved out of the picture frame but quickly got back with some boxes in her lap.

"Okay, so we have this little one, which is a locket. It has a little picture of me and loki together and then a picture of you and bucky together," she said proudly.

She put the little box aside.
"Then we have the big box, which is really just a bunch of my special stuff, it has my first teddy bear, it has a replica of the first painting I ever sold, it has my favorite book and the one that I want you to keep the safest, is the dagger that I got from loki.

It means a lot to me, cause he gave me it before he passed away, I know it's like weird to keep a dagger, but it means a lot to me" she took it out of the box and wiped her face.

"Then It means a lot to me, darling," I whispered.
She put the dagger back in the box and put the boxes away.

"Mom, I don't want you to grieve too much over me, alright?" She asked.
She looked straight into the camera.

"I want you to take steppy out on long motor bike rides, I want you to travel the world. I want you to tell those mother fuckers at the bar to suck your dick, or I want you to paint over the Mona Lisa, just promise that you will live your life"  Bruce came in once again.

"Bye, mom, I love you," she said before the video ended.
I rushed into her room to find her boxes.

When I found it, I found a letter.
{Remember to enjoy my 21st birthday party, lov 5 year old y/n} I giggled and took the boxes.


A/N: I'm not really sorry, but I hope you guys liked the little one shot, and didn't cry too hard.

Anyways, leave a request in my inbox and I'll do my best to save you.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now