my own little miracle- pt 2

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Age: 2 months

Mamma: Natasha romanoff
Dad: bucky, Barnes.


Bucky gently lifted y/n up from her bassinet. He was so gentle with her.

I stood up and out my arm around him.
"You're so sweet with y/n," I complimented.

It was 3 am. But that's life with an infant.
She's only two months old, and she manages to cry so much.

I clipped open my nursing bra on one side and brought y/n up to my boob. She quickly found my nipple and latched on.

Bucky went back to bed.
"Next time she's hungry in the middle of the night, you're preparing her a bottle," I mumbled.

Don't get me wrong, I love y/n with every cell of my body, but boy, I might consider giving her up if she keeps waking us up in the middle of the night.

when she let go, i clicked my cup back on before i burped her. I gently put Y/n into her bassine and rocked her bassinet gently.

"Люли, люли, люленьки,

Где вы, где вы, гуленьки?
Прилетайте на кровать,
Начинайте ворковать.
Люли, люли, люленьки,
Прилетели гуленьки.
Сели в изголовьице -
Спи-ка на здоровьице.
Стали гули ворковать -
Стала доча засыпать.

(Lullaby, lyuli, lyulenki,

Where are you, where are you, little doves?
Fly on the bed,
Start to coo.
Lullaby, lyuli, lyulenki,
They came flying to the bed
Sat down by your head
Guarding your sleep
Started to coo
Began to fall asleep.)" I sang. Not too loud, 2so i wouldn't wake Bucky. I didn't care that she probably didn't understand, but it actually seemed to calm her down.

Y/n babbled a little to me with a toothless grin.  "Is mamma being silly, huh? is she goofy?" i asked her. i gently tickled her, which made her come out with a little laugh. That was more like giggling sounds.

i smiled at her before putting her pacifier into her mouth while rocking her. She quickly fell asleep.

I laid back into bed and spooned bucky.
I woke up at ten am the next day.
Bucky came in with y/n wrapped around his torso in a baby wrap while he was carrying a tray with some food.

I quickly grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of y/n looking up at her dad.

"She's fed, don't worry, her diaper is changed, and I bathed her." I smiled and grabbed the tray with food.

"Thank you, buck," I answered, not wondering how the hell he managed to do a baby wrap.

I only noticed it once he turned around and saw how delicate and smooth it was tied.

"Bucky, who helped you do the baby wrap?" I asked, stuffing my face with eggs.

"Wand! listen, I tried to keep her back, but she stole y/n right off of me and made you some food, " He said with a giggle.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of Bucky's t shirts.
"You're leaking, sweetheart," he whispered.

It's almost like I didn't know.
"Why do you think I'm taking on a t shirt?" I said loudly.

I should probably change my bra, but I just want to eat.
"M-" y/n fussed.

"Are you looking for mamma?" I asked and reached out for her.
Bucky unwrapped her quickly and put her into my arms.

She grabbed my thumb while I was eating.
"Bucky! Bring out my niece!" I heard from the living room.

"Sorry, no can do. She's holding natashas Thumb!" I laughed when Wanda busted I to my room and grabbed y/n.

"She needs cuddles, not just being held," Wanda stated as she started cuddling    y/n.

I quickly finished off my food and took the tray to the kitchen. Y/n began crying, so i took her off of wanda. I gently bounced her, but she didn't seem to calm down.

"Bucky, did you burp Y/n after you fed her?" i asked. bucky came in with a pacifier.

"Maybe i'm not sure," he answered. i grabbed a cloth and threw it over my shoulder. the i laid Y/n against my shoulder, i lightly padded Y/n's back, which caused her to burp and throw up a little milk.

it doesn't cause any damage to y/n she is just uncomfortable when she isn't burped. she smiled with a toothless grin. She was a very smiley little girl, even with strangers, which is strange but cute.

She put her hand on my nose and squeezed it.
"Hey, I don't have a big nose, you cheeky little monkey." I giggled and lightly tickled her stomach, which caused her to stretch out her arms and kick around her feet.

"This is going on the wall," Wanda said, excited.
"Oh shoot, Billy's coming home. I gotta go," she said.
She left, and bucky hugged me, trying not to squeeze y/n

"See, I told you, I knew you were going to be an amazing g mom, and you are." He put his forehead against mine, giving a little peck beforehand.

"She's so beautiful, so tiny and precious," I said, stroking y/n's head gently.

"Can you believe that we made this little thing that will for sure grow up to be an asshole?" I laughed at my statement.

"It's our daughter, no wonder she'll be an asshole" bucky said with a smirk.
I put my hand on his cheek with teary eyes.

He put his metal hand on my jawbone.
"I love you darling" He said to me with tears filling his eyes.

"I love you boo" we shared a gentle kiss.
This was our family, it might be imperfect for others, but it's just right for me and bucky and littlest y/n.


You guys deserved yet another cute lil chapter.

Thank you Avengers1265 for asking for this chapter.
You ask and you shall receive.

Anyways I think I might put this little own shot book or the Natasha× female reader book on hold for a little while.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now