lesson about death

1.9K 47 12

Age: 9

Mom: Wanda maximoff

Thank you PinzPink_ for requesting this, enjoy!!


The casket got put down in the hole.
I grabbed onto mom's arm.
She was wearing a beautiful black dress and some high flats.
She had a black coat on, and her hair was braided, just like Uncle Pietro always had liked.

Mom had braided my hair the same. She had also put me in a black dress. I was also wearing a black beret on my head.

Uncle Clints family was there aswell, they were also all wearing black.
Natasha and Steve were there as well.

I wiped my face, and Natasha walked over to me.
She crouched down and genlt directed me into her arms.

I began crying, natasha gently caressed my back.
"It's okay, baby," she said and hugged me a little tighter.


"Hey potato chip," Mom's own special nick name. I got it when I fell asleep, face buried in potato chips.

"Can we go somewhere?" She asked.
I nodded and smiled halfway.
"We need a little drive come along," she said and walked out of the living room.

I turned off the TV and went to grab my coat and put on shoes.
Mom unlocked the car, and I rushed to the car.

She locked the house and went to the car. Mom drove to 'little miss Floria', and she demanded that I come in too.

"Choose a kind of flower, just one flower," Mom said.
I quickly chose one, a blue hydrangea, that's what it Saud on the sign.

"Mom, I like this one," I said, tugging at her shirt and pointing at the flower.
"Alright, that's a pretty flower, my potato chip," she said with a smile.

She walked to the front desk, and the sweetest looking girl turned around.
"Hi, what can I get you?" she said.

"Hello, could I have a small flower bouquet with a couple of different flowers in it?" Mom asked. She seemed so out of energy.

"Yes, that I can do. Are there any specific flowers you would like?" Mom nodded.
"If you could make it around the blue hydrangea, that would be perfect, thank you," Mom answered.
The girl nodded and smiled.

The girl quickly started working on the flowers.
Mom sat down on a little bench, and I sat down next to her.

After a long time, mom paid for the pretty bouquet of flowers.
After that, mom drove to the graveyard.
She walked to Pietros grave.

"Mom, I don't want to go there," I said with tears threatening to leave.
"No, come here," she said and grabbed my arm.
She dragged me over there.

"Put the flowers in front of the stone," she demanded and handed me the flowers.

I placed the flowers in front of the stone and wiped my face.
Mom dragged me back and hugged me.

"Why do we put flowers on his gravr?" I asked. We have done that every time we visited his grave.

"It's a sign of respect. We show him that we love him even though he isn't present," Mom answered, I cuddled into her.

"Mom, I miss him. Why couldn't he stay here?" I asked with my face full of tears.
She sighed and wrapped a warm plaid around us.

"Your uncle Pietro, he was very brave, he stood in front of a very bad guy so he could save Clint and a small child. And he got hurt badly, " Mom started explaining.

I was looking at the grave.
Son, brother, uncle. It said.

"He was in a lot of pain, so his body decided that it was best for him to be at another  place." Mom wiped her face.

"Up there!" I pointed to the sky.
"Yeah, up there," she said with a light chuckle.

"The thing about death is that, it ends a person's suffering, it makes people let go of pain, and elt them feel at ease again, but it can and will hurt the people around the person" Mom wiped her face and kissed mine.

"Can I cry, mom?" I asked, I felt tears build up.
"It hurts, mom, it hurts a lot," I said, breaking down.

"I know, baby, I know." she caressed my arm.
"But it will get better when you grow up," she said into my hair.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now