uncle bucky and little y/n(part 1)

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Idk if I'll do more of these, but if you like them sure I'll do more.

Age: 2
Mamma: Natasha Romanoff
Dad: Steve Rogers


I woke up to the sound of Bucky groaning in frustration.
I heard a little giggle next to me so I looked that way and saw y/n with her hands over her mouth giggling.

"Oh no y/n! What did you do to uncle bucky" I said.

"Me put magnets" I sighed and picked her up. I walked out to bucky, balancing y/n on my hip.

"Bucky this little monster has something she wants to say" y/n made grabbed hands and Bucky took her.

Bucky's piv:

"Mamma bad guy" she whispered and giggled, I held onto her a little tighter as I began running.

"Tell daddy" she giggled. We found Steve.

"Daddy, daddy mamma is bad guy" y/n said.
"Ohhh y/n the tickle monster is coming" we heard Natasha say, Steve and I shared a look and we were gone with y/n on my arm.

Y/n was laughing and it was adorable.
We sat down on the living room couch and Steve came and gave y/n some orange juice.

"Fank you dad" y/n said holding the cup with both of her hands.
Steve giggled and kissed her forehead.

"You're welcome," Steve said smiling.
After y/n was finished it was time for her nap.

"Me want buvky" she said angrily, normally she was an easy child and never angry but she is now.

"Want to read a book yeah?" She nodded crawling into my lap.

She had a book by her hand. Hattie harmony: worry detective. To be accurate.

She loves that book like it was made for her. I grabbed the book from her and began reading to her while she was looking at the pictures.

She giggled and said "Hawiet" when she saw Harriet and then pointed to the little cat character.

But by the books ending, she was laying with her arms in a hugging position.
Her arms spread over my shoulders, barely able to reach me.

Her little snores were everything, it wasn't loud and you could barely hear it but if you listened hard enough you could hear them.

I let myself take a nap along with y/n and we were both awakened by Steve in his captain suit.

"Hey the rest of the team are going out for a mission, take care of my daughter," he said.

"Daddy kissy!" Y/n said making grabbed fingers.

I laughed a little as y/n placed a big kiss on his lips. That has always been the way for y/n to show that she loved the person, even when she was 9 months old, she would kiss you.

"Bye darling," Steve said before leaving.
Y/n ran off and came back in a pink tutu and Natasha's white ballet tutu.

"Did you steal that from mommy" she giggled as I took it on. It wouldn't fit perfectly because you know, Natasha's thinner.
She smiled while waddling over to her mini kitchen.

It had running water and a fridge, but no sharp knives or working stoves or anything else she could get hurt on.

I smiled following her.
She filled two plastic tea cups with some cold water and handed one to me and grabbed one for herself.

I gave her a little twirl as I sat down at the sofa table, and she sat down to drinking the 'tea'.

I drink my water too. I smiled hearing her laugh.
"Can I take this one off now?" She looked at me angrily and shook her head.

"Okay okay, I'll keep it on," I said, the team would be home when she wakes up tomorrow but right now, I just needed to make her have the best time of her life.

She grabbed the magnets on the table and started sticking them on my arm without me realizing it.

But when I noticed she looked at me like her doom day had come.

"Oh, my arm can do something else than put magnets on," I said, I began tickling her with my metal arm.
She laughed, like an angle.

I picked her up and stood infront of the mirror. I snapped a picture of me and y/n in tutus.

I sneaked it to natasha's normal number, she used an emergency number on missions so when she was back in the yet she could see it.
I also wrote 'so much for being the cool uncle huh?'.

I knew how Natasha would appreciate it, knowing her daughter was in good hands, of a fully grown man with super soldier serum, in a tutu.

I regret this more and more by every second.

Soon after I started on dinner while y/n was watching peppa pig.
It was just some left over pasta so it was quickly done.

We ate and continued watching, and belive it or not, we fell asleep both of us.
Y/n was laying in the footed until I heard.

"James is that my ballet tutu?" I opened my eyes panicked, looking after y/n who was holding a tea party with Steve.

Natasha laughed.
"Yeah y/n told me to wear it, so I would look like a pretty princess" I scratched the back of my head.

"Atleast you became the baby sitter now huh" she said pointing to the magnet on my arm saying 'nanny' I laughed a little.

Natasha put a picture over the fireplace,  it was the one of me and y/n in tutus.


N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now