sorry mom!!

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Age 16

Mom: Scarlett johansson

Dad/step dad: Colin Jost


Mom got the mtv movie award and is going on some sort of interview to thank people for them and oh boy me and dad has something in mind, I'm gonna make some green slime and dad is gonna pour it out over mom, she's gonna be so pissed but it's totally worth it.

I have to make the slime so I go downstairs and grab 2 bottles of white glue, 1 bottle of shaving cream even though I have one in my bathroom but it's nearly used and ofc green food dye.
We are evil, I was nearly about to forget a bowl but I grabbed it in last minute.

I got it all sneaked upstairs with only dad noticing me, he smirked at me before I went upstairs in my room.
I poured all the glue in there and made sure nearly every last drop of the glues.
Then a knock on the door could be heard.

"Hey wait up I'm naked!" I yelled, as I placed the stuff hiding at the side of my cabinet "why are you naked?" It was dad's voice which made me relive.
I placed the bowl with glue on my desk again.

"You can come in!" I yelled and dad  came in not even a second later.
I opened the new bottle of  shaving cream and started to put a lot of shaving  cream in there.

"You stole Scarlett's new bottle of shaving cream!" He said almost like he was amused.
"Yup" I popped out the 'p'
"You're living a risky life darling" he said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, I know, I should probably start digging my own grave but I want to see Mom get slimed first!" I laughed and began stirring in the slime.
It wasn't going to be fluffy slime but just some liquidy slime.

Another knock got landed on the door, I was quick to hide the bowl with slime meanwhile dad hid all the stuff I wasn't supposed to have but he just happened to accidentally forget to put the shaving cream away, Mom walked in and quickly notices the shaving cream.

"Is that my new bottle I bought yesterday?"She said pointing to the bottle on the desk.

"Oh are you sure it's this one, oh wait yeah it is!" I answered her taking it up.
"Well I am nearly out and I thought I could take it and tell you after you interview!" I said and handed her it, she placed it back on the desk.

"Well lucky for me that I always buy 2 bottles cause somebody in this household always need a bottle!" She said looking at me.
I chuckled.

"Love you mom!" I said with my most innocent voice. "Love you too hun!" She placed a kiss on my cheek and I made gagging sounds.

"Eww Mom stop it!" With that she began attacking my face with kisses until I was finally able to get away from her.

"Moooom!" I whined "you are embarrassing me infront of dad!!" I said  and she began laughing.

"Oh but it's a mother's finest job to embarrass their child!" Scarlett ruffled my hair before giving dad a peck on the lips. I made gagging sounds again making dad and mom laugh.

"Yeah I'm gonna go to the interview, bye love ya all!"She said before walking away, dad and I smirked at eachother before I grabbed the slime and started dying it green.

"It's all done, okay so I'm gonna film through the keyhole while you pour it over her alrightie!" I asked looking up at dad, out little evil moment got interrupted by Rose running into my room.

"Ohh slime can I play with it!" She said happy.
"No Rosie me and Colin is gonna use it to prank mom!" I whispered the last part so mom wouldn't hear it.

"Oh okay, can I play with It after then!" I swear to god that daughter it a biatch.
"No Rose you can't!" I answered, we heard mom begin to talk about her prize, dad and I shared a look, he quickly grabbed the slime and I grabbed my phone.

He got in there after a long time with the bowl and a huge grin.
I smirked and filmed through the key hole. He poured the slime all over mom, I tried not to laugh which I did succeed in.

"What the hell!!" She yelled.

"What!! MTV you got slimed!" He defended, I was behind the door trying not to laugh.

"That's NICKELODEON!" oh yeah I may have told him that you get slimed when you win the MTV but hey he's clueless it's more fun.

"Oh shit!" He cursed, he changed his head direction towards the door 'you told me you get slimed at mtv!'  He mouthed to me, I silently laughed.

"Shit!" She cursed under her breath.
"I am very sorry!" He tried to apologise "just get me a towel!" She yelled "Yeah I'll get a towel" he quickly grabbed a towel we had laid out before.

"Wha- don't touch me!" She said as dad tried to wipe it off her face, he tried again but she ducked again "no don't touch me" she said again. "No it's just really in" he said "no let me get it uhh" dad finally gave it to mom, "love you!" he started walking away.

"Where did you even get this!!" Mom was pissed off, he turned around to her.
"Y/n made it!!" He answered as if it was casual, she looked at the door with anger showing in her eyes, I broke down laughing as dad opened the door.
I stopped recording and hid.

Dad and I walked away, "worth it?" I asked him, he looked at me and started laughing.

"Definitely, how about you, you know you're gonna get grounded and your phone will be taken!" I laughed.

"Oh definitely worth it all!" We gave eachother a Highfive, mom came out of the room, slime spread out in hair and face and shirt and pants.

"You are so grounded young lady!" She yelled and pointed towards me I shrugged. "Phone now!" She was pissed, I handed her my phone and laughed as I walked away into my room.

After a while I heard the shower go on and my door open, I looked over and saw dad with a box in his hand.
"I told your mom I would get all your electronic stuff while she was showering!" He said, I found my computer, both school and normal, my TV couldn't fit so it was the TV router, my speakers like all my speakers and my ipad.

"That's all, love you dad! Tell mom I love her!" I said and he walked out laughing, I really didn't care that I had no electronics right now, it was all worth it!

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now