hide and seek- TW

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Age: 6

Mom: Elizabeth Olsen.

Tw= school shooting.


I let go of Mommy and Daddy's hands.
"Have fun at school love! Daddy's gonna pick you up" mommy yelled as I ran into school, I got this new bluey backpack, and it's something with proof, b-proof I don't remember the first part though.

I walked into class and sat down next to Brooklyn.

"I got a new backpack, it has bluey on it!" I said happily.

"My mom got me a bulletproof spider man backpack!" Ahh, bulletproof.

The day seemed fast forward like in movies, and it was quickly the two last lessons, art!

"Today we will be painting a portrait does any-" mean Philips was interrupted by a loud bang from the hallway.

She panicked and quickly locked the door.
"Hey Christi and Alex help me get the table in front of the door" she whispered, Christi and Alex were our backup teachers.

I began crying but Alex rushed over to me.
"Shh Shh, hey listen can you go hide in the supply room along with all your classmates?" He asked.

"Are we playing hide and seek?" I asked.

"Exactly, you go hide, and when I come and say, found ya, you can all come out"
Alex said and rushed us in there.

Mrs. Phillips git un there with us but then there wasn't enough space for anyone else.

"Everyone has their backpacks, then put them up front of you to protect yourself, like this" She put her backpack up in front of herself, and we all joined her.

More loud bangs were heard.
It was really scary, it was dark and these loud bangs almost like
Thunder but it was shorter and more often than thunder.

"Mrs. Phillips, what's going on," Brooklyn asked. Mrs. Phillips put her finger in front of her mouth to hush us down.

Loud screams came from another class followed by loud bangs.
I tugged on Mrs. Phillip's skirt, it was long and flowery, and it also had a bright yellow background.

"Are we going to die?" I asked as she looked down.

"No, no we're not, you don't have to be afraid, nobody will die today I promise" she whispered crouching down.

She reached her arms out and we all ran into her arms.
The glass shattered and we all put our hands on our mouths to stop a sound from getting out.

Loud police sirens sounded.
Even louder bangs were heard, and we all scrambled together even closer.

A bullet fired through the door and we all dug. Another bullet went through the door and soon after it was silent except for loud groans.

One of the others was about to go out but Mrs. Phillips grabbed him and made him stay.

Mrs. Phillips kissed our heads and just stayed here in silence.
We thought it was done but another bullet went through the door and hit a pink bottle of paint.

A weird laugh sounded before another bullet came, and another, and another until a door sounded.

"Drop the weapon or we will fire!" It sounded another bang sounded, followed by a couple of others, something metal dropped to the ground and what sounded like handcuffs were out.

"Officer Darwin, go help officer dinna with checking out classrooms, we have this guy under control and we will make sure everyone is safe here" I removed my hand from Mrs. Phillip's back and saw red on my hand and also a hole through it

Some of the others were bleeding as well.
"Mrs. Phillips," I said and showed her my hand.

"The doctors will help us alright?" I nodded, it didn't even hurt, I couldn't feel it when it shot through my hand.

The door opened and Alex came in.
"Hey hey, I found you all, you can come out" Alex wasn't bleeding neither was Christi.

A policewoman came in.
"Hey, I'm Officer Barnes, it's safe to come out, many of your parents are waiting outside" She smiled with a safe smile.

All the others ran outside.
Alex helped Mrs. Phillips up and out and I showed the officer my hand.

"Let's get you out to the ambulance huh shall we?" I nodded and she picked me up.


I sat down on the couch next to Scarlett.
Scarlett was watching Friends on a channel until it was paused by breaking news.

"Breaking news, some people passing by reported loud gunshots from Sandford elementary school" I heard.

"Damn already, it's been a month since the last one happened hasn't it?" Scarlett asked but then I realized, that's where y/n goes to school.

"Fuck! Y/n! Sorry, Scarlett I have to go, that's y/n's school!" I shouted and rushed to my car.

I put in Robbie's number and let it ring while I drove.

"Robbie, go outside, I'll pick you up! There's a school shooting at y/n's school" I said focused on the road.

"WHAT! Liz, do you know more?" He asked as panicked as me.

"No but I'm at our house soon" I knew Robbie was home all day.

"Good I'm outside, talk to you In the car," He said and hung up.
Soon after I pulled up, Robbie rushed into the car and we drove to the school.

I parked the car and we ran up to the school, a man all in black was being directed into the car, they caught him thank God for that.

kids from the ages 4-11 all rushed out but some were carried out in black body bags.

I grabbed onto Robbie's hand as I saw parents fall over their dead child.
"Robbie that's her teacher, Mrs. Phillips," I said and pointed, she was being directed to the ambulance by the assistant teacher Alex.

I squeezed Robbie's hand harder.
I also bit my lip in panic as I couldn't spot y/n anywhere.

"Hey hey Liz, it's gonna be alright, she's probably okay" I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach as I saw y/n's second favorite teacher Mr. Hunter in a big body bag.

I gasped and cried as j saw y/n being carried out in the arms of a police officer.
I let go of Robbie and ran over as fast as I could.

"Mommy!" She cried out, the police officer handed me y/n and I squeezed the life out of that poor fragile girl.

"Hey Ms. Olsen your daughter's hand might need to be checked out" Y/n showed me her hand, a bullet had gone straight through.

I sat down near an ambulance with y/n on my legs.

"Hey, honey bear! Are you okay?" Robbie asked y/n nodded and showed him her hand.

"Does it hurt?" She shook her head.

"Hey ma'am is your child okay?" An ambulance driver asked me.
"No hmm a bullet went through her hand" I answered.

"Get her into the ambulance" I quickly got y/n into the ambulance, where a couple of dudes were there to help.

"Mommy I'm tired," y/n said.

"Can you stay awake for Mommy, don't go to sleep, y/n don't go to sleep alright?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Hey y/n can I borrow a finger, Mr crocodile is missing his heat" She chuckled and gave him her finger.

"Y/n can I borrow your hand?" The other guy asked, y/n handed him her hurt hand and he wrapped it in gauze.

"Hey, y/n wanna know something?" She nodded.

"It's a secret though, promise not to tell anyone?" She nodded excitedly.
He leaned into her ear.

"I have a dinosaur in my pocket," He said and wiggled his eyebrows.
"No you don't" she laughed.
"You don't have a dinosaur in your pocket" the guy Hushed her.

When we got to the hospital she was checked out and her hand was sewn together, she got a cast on and we were allowed to go the next day.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now