Stupid cupid!

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Age: 17
Mom: Elizabeth Olsen
Dad: Robbie Arnett


I grabbed my bag and my books, I locked my locker and when u looked up again I saw the familiar dark Hazel brown eyes.

His curly dirty blonde hair fell in front of his face and his lips were curved into a smile.

He had on an adorable outfit, he was wearing a white shirt with a light brown sweater vest on top of it.
He had some black pants and a pair of black shoes.

"Yo, what you staring at Ron Weasley?" He laughed as he walked past.
I snapped out of it, even though I didn't realize I was staring at him.

"Sorry, I was just really admiring your outfit," I said giggling lightly.
"Let's go freak, we have PE," He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

His sweet laughter filled my ears as we walked and talked all the way.
"See you later," He said as we left for each of our locker rooms.

I sat down next to my friends.
Emilia(milla), Clara(claire), Manny(Amanda) and lulu(Lucy).

"You're blushing, did cinnamon bun talk to you again?" Manny asked.
I nodded and laid down putting my head in her lap.

"Wait really, no way! He's like so popular and you are well you" Milla said. I hid my face in my hands.

"What do you even like about him?" They asked.
"It's just, he's so kind, and hot" they all laughed.

"But he's a player, he'll hurt you, you know," she said running her hand through my hair.

"I know and I hate myself for the fact that I like him," I said. We were in the gym locker room until school was over.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" I yelled, it was raining a lot.

I had nothing but a thin summer jacket.
I grabbed onto my backpack straps and began running.

"Hey, Ron weasly want a lift?" Hunter said as he pulled up on his motorcycle.
"I'm not supposed to, Mum is going to kill me" he got off his motorcycle and walked over to me.

He wrapped his jacket around me.
It was a warm leather jacket.

I looked into his eyes but my eyes accidentally slipped onto his lips for a split second.

"Eyes say more than words love," He said and suddenly his lips crashed against mine.

His hand was on my cheeks and our tongues were dancing.
When we parted a string of Salvia was there for a brief moment.

"She doesn't have to know weasly," he said and put the helmet on my head.

"Thank you," I said and we got on his motorcycle. He drove me home and I gave him his jacket and helmet back.

"Get home safe," I said and smiled.
"I will do," He said and kissed my cheek.

I got inside the house and it was silent, Dad wasn't there, I guess he was at Gramma's.

I walked up to Mom's room and she was laying in the bed staring at the ceiling.

I laid down next to her.


"Elizabeth, I have to tell you something" I stopped my cooking and looked at him.

"You probably would like to sit down" I grabbed a washcloth and washed my hands before sitting down next to him.

I grabbed his hands.
"It's okay, you can tell me," I said, I tried looking into his eyes but he looked away.

"I- I uhm" He stopped, he was crying.
"I slept with another woman" he cried out.

I didn't let go of his hands but I looked at him with tears filling my waterline.
"Okay," I blinked and let tears fall from my face.

"Do you still want lunch?" I asked.
"You're not mad at me" I began laughing.

"Of cause, I am, who wouldn't" I laughed more.
But I soon stopped.

"But I also knew that we were falling out of love for a long time, and I also am less mad because you told me and I didn't have to find out another way, so do you want lunch or not," I said boldly.

"I would appreciate it, thank you" He smiled and wiped his face.
I made lunch and put it on the table.

"I'm going to spend the weekend at my mom's and when I get back we will try to fix this for y/n," Robbie said and put his hand on mine.

I smiled at him sadly.
Before retracting my hand.
"For y/n," I said under my breath.
He ate and left.

I just lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
Somewhere in there, y/n laid down next to me.


"I'm falling in love," I said looking into the ceiling.

"Oh yeah, well I'm falling out of love," Mom said. We both sighed.

"And it's stupid because I know he's a player, and I know that he will hurt me, but I just want him so bad and we kissed on his motorbike, but I'm scared to be hurt," I said, and sighed.

"Doesn't matter who it is, you will be hurt, this way you're just warned" Mom said.

"Did that cheat on you?" I asked.
Mom laid onto her side and began taking hair out of my face.

"You don't have to worry about it, he's going to spend the weekend at his mom's then from there we will figure it out" Mom kissed my forehead.

"Stupid Cupid huh!" I said with a little laugh "Making us fall in love with the wrong guys" Mom smiled and laughed.

"Yeah, stupid Cupid" she said with a little sigh following.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now