1.4K 46 17

Age: 5
Mom: Elizabeth Olsen
Dad: Robbie Arnett.

"I WANT A NEW BIKE!" Y/n screamed with tears streaming down her face.
She ran to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

She cried the poor life out of her.
"You have a bike, honey," I said.

Y/n jumped down from me again.
"Yeah, with stupid training wheels," she screamed and ran to the garage.
I quickly followed her, and she kicked her bike.

"Y/n!" I yelled. She was about to kick the bike again.
"Y/n, if you kick that bike one more time, you're grounded," I warned her.
She stopped herself and turned to me.

"I'm sorry, momma," she said and reached out her arms.
I picked her up, and she calmed down.

I sat down in the garage with her.
"We can just take off the training wheels. You don't need to get a new bike just yet," I said and kissed her head.

"Mom, will you learn me to ride?" She asked, putting her hands on my cheeks.

"Of cause I will teach you how to ride the bike without training wheels." I kissed her nose.

"Will Daddy help you?" She asked.
"If you want, we can ask when he gets home." her face lid up, and a big smile formed.

"When is daddy coming home?" She asked, worried.
"It should be right about." I cut myself off and heard a car pull up.
"Now," she giggled all the way outside and jumped into her dad's arms.

"Hi babe," Robbie said and kissed me.
"Now y/n you had that question," I said to her. She looked at Robbie.

"Daddy, will you help me ride my bike without training wheels?" She asked, grabbing some of his hair to try and braid.

"Well, I would love to do that for you hun" he tickled y/n's stomach.
They went out into the garage.

"I'm gonna make dinner," I yelled to them and started on dinner.

After I was done, I made the table, and the two of them got inside again.
"Hey, it smells lovely, thank you hun" He said, kissing my cheek before he left to wash his hands.

I sat down next to y/n and poured some pasta on there along with some meat.
"Mamma, can I get those?" She asked, pointing to the green beans.

"Well, yes, of cause, but I must warn you, there is garlic in there, so if you have a vampire boyfriend, he won't kiss you," I said and got some to her.
She took a bite of one green bean.

"You like them?" I asked, eating some of mine. She nodded as she munched on them.

I smiled as she ate all the green beans before continuing to the pasta.
Robbie had also finished washing his hands and had sat down on the other side of y/n.

"Can I have more of  those?" She asked, pointing to the green beans once again.

"One bite of the meat and then you can," I said, and she did take a big fork full of the meat.

"You really like green beans, huh baby?" Robbie asked y/n who nodded with her mouth full of meat.

I put some more green beans on her plate.
She quickly finished her whole plate.
"Good job, you finished your whole  plate, what about if you want to, after we help you to ride the bike, we can go out for ice cream" Robbie said, y/n nodded and waited until we were finished, to leave.

We all cleaned out plates before going to the garage.
Y/n pushed the bike outside.
"Promise you won't let go, Daddy?" Y/n asked, worried that she might fall off.

"Yeah, I promise darling." y/n sat onto the bike and began stepping on the pedals.

After a little while, Robbie let go, and y/n didn't even notice.
She just rode away until she turned and saw Robbie wasn't following. She stopped the bike and nearly fell.

The pure horror on her face was so sad.
"No honey, don't give up, you can do it, don't lose hope," I said to her.
She took a deep breath before she started steeping on the pedals once again.

And sure enough, she did it she rode all the way up to us.
Her knee was bleeding a little after she scraped it.

"Good job, baby, you rode your bike all by yourself without training wheels," Robbie said, giving her a high-five.

"Does your knee hurt, baby?" She shook her head and got up on the bike again.
I laughed as she rode to our neighbors and hugged the woman.

Y/n rode back to us and jumped into Robbies' arms.
"Thanks, Robbie." Robbie rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead with a laugh.

"Wanna ride your bike to the ice cream shop?" She jumped in excitement. Robbie went in and grabbed our bikes.
I out know a helmet, and so did Robbie.

"Come one, let's go y/n," I said and smiled.
She quickly was up on her bike and powered forward.

She was adorable.
Robbie was riding close to her, and I was a little behind, so I didn't bump into any of them cause my brakes were a little slow.

Though, when we were close to the ice cream shop, y/n accidently hit her brake, and she fell off.

I calmly stopped my bike and walked over to her.
"Mommy, can I still get an ice cream?" she sniffled and held out her arms.

"Are you hurt?" I asked as I picked her up.

"My leg hurts, Mommy." she had an abrasion.
"I know it hurts, but can you try to walk for mommy?" I let her on the ground she walked on it naturally, thank God.

We grabbed our bikes and walked to the  ice cream. Or well, y/n rode to the ice cream shop.

"Mommy, can I get that one?" She pointed to a softie in a  tiger cup.
"Yes honey,

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now