my little angel-part 2- tw

959 50 32

Age: 14

Mamma(adoptive): Wanda maximoff

~~~~(narrators pov:)~~~~

12 years ago, Wanda had chosen to exile herself to the lonely mountains, to slowly let herself drown in her own sorrows and anger.

But a little miracle happened, she found a little 2 year old girl.
The little two year old had long blonde curls and eyes silver grey.

Sofie, that's, that's her name, little Sofie girl.

And Sofie, she was real, she wasn't a figment of her imagination like Tommy and billy.

Sofie bleed in crimson red, Sofie couldn't age herself.
Wanda broke no laws to get little Sofie.

She even signed adoption papers.
So Sofie was officially Wanda's daughter, if she liked it or not.

(Wandas pov)

I gently knock on Sofie's door before walking inside her room.
"Hey Sofie hun, I was thinking, how about we get some pizza? I'm not really in the mood for cooking tonight?"

I softly talk and gently wrap my arms around her, looking at the song she was writing.

"Yeah yeah, that's fine I don't really care"
Why does she sound so sad.

I say stern, she turns around on her chair and places her guitar down.

"What's wrong?"
I ask with a little harder tone.

"Nothing, I'm okay mom"
I raise my eyebrows and look at her sternly.

"The truth thank you" she sighs and pull her legs up to her.

"You're my mom right?"
Where does this curiosity come from?

"Why honey? Of course I'm your mom" I reassured her gently lifting up her cheek, meeting the grey eyes.

"It's stupid, forget it"
She gently blink away some tears.
"Sof, love. Nothing is stupid, even if you think my singing in the shower is shit"

I gently grab her hands and crouch down.

"Why do I look nothing like you? You have orange hair, green eyes and you have powers. I have blonde, Elsa blonde hair and silver eyes and I'm powerless" Sofie asks gently letting a tear fall down her rosy cheeks.

I gently wiped her cheeks with my thumbs.
"Look honey, I am your mother, I love you and I take care of you. I will always take care of you. Isn't that enough?"

She sniffled and wiped her own face.

"Yes! Yes it is, I just- nevermind" I sighed and put my hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, what's bothering your little pretty mind?"
I softly asked.

"Promise you won't be mad?"
I nodded and gently kissed her forehead.

"I get these, nightmares, but they don't, they don't feel like nightmares they feel more like memories" suddenly I was intrigued.

"Memories?" I ask and she nodded. I moved and sat down in her bed.

"When i sleep, I get these flashes of memories, and I'm not me, I'm looking down on me as a child. And there was one-"
She cut herself off and wiped another tear.

I gently dragged her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"There was one, where you were holding me. I ask for a Babi? Which turnd out to be a bottle, but next to us, there's this woman, she's blue, like she had been dead in a long long time. And then I see my youngersefl try to breastfeed off of this woman"

I freeze as I hear her say that.
She wasn't supposed to know, she was supposed to forget about her mom.

"And there's also these where I'm walking hand in hand with the woman, through the forest, and she gets hit in the head with something.

And my younger self starts crying and the woman just starts begging me to run to our cabin" she wiped her face again.

Those are some vivid memories.

"Oh honey, do you really remember all of that?"
I ask softly, holding her close to me.

"You know about it?"
Her head peeled up and I gently kissed it.

"The woman you're seeing is- she's- I'm not- you're-"
I wipe my teary face and part from her, I gently lift up her frowny face.

"When you were two, i found you by my door. You were seeking help for your mother"
I sniffle the tiniest amount and look down.

"You aren't my mom?"
Sofie back away in fear.

"I am! But I'm not your biological mother. But you're still my daughter and I would do anything for you, understood?" I wiped the tear on her face.

"Sweetheart. When I found your mother, she was dead, presumably had been for a long long time.

So I called the police, and I took you in, deciding to raise you as if you were my own.

I don't love you any less because you aren't my own flesh and blood"
Her bottom lip trembled and she looked as if she was on the verge of tears.

"What was her name? My mother?"
Her eyes were wet.

"They never found out. But she was wearing a necklace."
I found it in my pocket.

She grabbed it and looked at it.

"My name, my real name" she stated.
I smiled a little and hers shined bright.

"Sofie Schuyler?" I nodded slightly.
Sofie looked at the necklace and then up at me before looking right back down at the necklace.

She smiled and her eyes lid up with happiness. Maybe we should have found her real family? Maybe I should have told her I adopted her?

I frowned slightly at the thought of her not thinking of me as her mom anymore.

So it caught me off guard when she hugged me.
"Thank you mamma, for telling me. And for taking me in back then"
I eased into the hug and hugged her right back.

"I couldn't have wished for a better mom"
She said and put her head in the crook of my neck.

I gently let my hand run up and down her back.

"I do love you, a lot, you know that, right Sofie honey" she nodded and I felt my heart beat again.

"Still on for pizza?" I let out a laugh.
"Definitely" I answered with a smile.


..... Okay....

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now