period cramps

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Age: 16

Mamma: Natasha Romanoff

Aunt(I'm going to play her as aunt):
Wanda maximoff

This idea was giving by my dear friend walkingembarrassment

And cause periods sucks I'm gonna make a small tw to this story.

I wipe a tear from my cheek as my stomach cramps up, I hate cramps.
I always gets so bad cramps and it's not like I can talk to mom about it , cause she never has her period.

Something about someone in her past sterilizing her or something.

I'm well aware I'm adopted, but I'm kind of sad I can't talk about periods with her.

She hasn't experienced a period and doesn't know the pain.
But sure, what I have heard about her past, she probably experienced much more traumatic things that I have.

I have heard stuff I shouldn't hear.

You know I'm just afraid to ask for her comfort.
When she need comforting too.

"Hey детка you hungry yet?" Mom asked, I shook my head.

I was currently laid on the couch, cuddled up to a blanket.
"What's on your mind darling girl?"

Mom's always worried about me, always worried about my mental health.

"Just cramps" real bad cramps. But I wasn't about it tell her that.

"Oh I'm so sorry bubba" she wrapped her arms around me.
I gently pushed her off, hinting that I wasn't in the mood for hugs.

"Is- is there anything I could do to make you feel better" Mom asks, it's not like she would understand if there were.

"No it's okay" I mumbled lightly.
I notice mom's look of guilt.

"Are you sure, I don't want you to be in pain or anything" she's so awkward around this topic.

"No it's fine mama" I say and look at the blank tv.

I feel a hand on my back, it was mom trying to comfort me.

I know she's trying her best to support me through something she never experienced.

And I don't want ot hurt her feelings, it's just very hard to be in this right now.
So I appreciate her effort.

"Do you need uhmm tampons, isn't that what you use?"
I giggled lightly.

"Yeah I'm a bit low, would be nice" I answered.
Mom just nodded and wrote it on her grocery list.

I smiled at her reaction even thought I was cramping real real bad.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?"
I shook my head actually hungry.
Really, really hungry.

"Okay I'm making pasta Alfredo"
Mom said and kissed my head.

I nodded and curled up into a ball.
I softly sniffled as mom made dinner.
I didn't even want to get up cause I was in so much pain.

"Hey детка! Dinner is ready!"
I sniffled and wiped my face.

"Mamma can you come in here with it?" I can hear her sigh but she comes in here with dinner.

She had a single plate in her hand and placed it infront of me with some utinsels.
"I'm sorry honey, Fury is calling me. Is there anything I can do for you?"

I gently shake my head and sit up. Mom sighs and goes out into the kitchen.
After around 20 minutes, our front door opens and aunt Wanda comes inside.

"Oh hey sweetheart, your mom asked me to bring over tampons" she said out of breath and all red in her face.

"Did you run here?" I ask with a smile.
Wanda nodded and handed me a box of mix's.

"I didn't know which one to pick so I just chose a variety box" I nodded and placed it on the table.

My stomach cramped up again and I laid down on the couch.
"Oh honey, how about I make you some peppermint tea and I find you a heat pad?" I gently nodded. Finally someone understood me.

I don't know why I couldn't just say something to mamma.

Wanda came with a cup of tea and a heating pad.

"Do you feel sick love?" Wanda asked and I nodded slightly.
She quickly grabbed a bucket.

"Come on sit up"
I sat up and leaned on Wanda.

She placed the warm heating pad on my stomach and placed the bucket next to me.

She gently placed kisses on my head while hugging me.
"It's one of the bad days, it's the start isn't it?" I gently nod.

I wish I could just talk to mamma about it and she would understand, but hell on my first period I thought I was dying and so did she.

So Wanda had to explain it to me.

Mamma came in.
"Wanda told me you may like some sweets, so I brought your favourite"
I smiled brightly as mom handed me them.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now