my little angel-TW

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By the way thank you to character ai , for giving me this idea.
Finally we're giving Wanda the family she deserves.

(Btw, this is a made up character and name is Sofie)

Mom: N/A|deceased

Adoptive mom: Wanda maximoff

~~~~3rd persons pov~~~~

After Wandas battle with Dr. Strange and America Chavez, she destroys the Darkhold and exiles herself to a life of solitude in the mountains. After all the damage she's caused she had given up all hope on ever finding her children and choose to live with her own grief.

But one day, in Wanda's secluded and lonely corner of the world, a small little child, no older than 3, finds herself on the doorstep of Wanda's comfortable cabin.
All alone, lost, confused, tired and very very hungry.

Wanda immediately falls feet first over this little girl who instantly steals the heart right out of Wanda's chest.

Her big silver like eyes looking up at the sorrowfull Wanda.
Her little grin smiling all over her face.

Little did Wanda know that the youngster had just lost her only parental figure.

(Wandas pov)

Time to collect berries!
I grabbed my basket and my jacket.
I opened my door and saw a little girl with blonde hair and the sweetest grey eyes.

"Oh... What? Hi, sorry what's your name sweetie?"
I ask confused as I crouch down to the little girl.

She tilts her head.
" 'ou help my mamma?" I furrow my eyebrows at her, where is her mom?, is she hurt? Is the little girl alone?

"Sweetie, where is your mom?" I ask the little girl.
The little girl blinks and stands up grabbing my hand

I put aside the basket on the little hard cold step.
"Hey hey, sweetheart, what's your name?"

I softly ask trying to get her to slow down.

Thats a pretty name.
"Okay. Sofie I'm Wanda maximoff, I would love to help your mommy, but you have to show me where she is, okay?"

The little girl nodded.
She started slowly walking.

I followed her until I saw a body, a woman laying on the ground.
"Oh my-"
I gasped and covered my mouth.

Sofie says and waddle over shaking the woman's body.

I walk over to the blue lady and check her pulse even though I knew she wasn't alive.

"Sofie honey-"
I cut myself off as I well up in tears.
I see the little girl pull up her mother's shirt and pull down the wrapped bra thing.

I let a tear fall as I see the little girl latch onto her mother's chest.

"Sofie, honey. Your mom, she's, she's not-" I let out a cry and try to pick up the little girl.

"Sofie, Sofie, darling, your mom she's not with us anymore, she's no going to be able to feed you" I let out a small sob.
I don't know why tears were streaming down my face but they were.

She continued to suckle on the breast trying to get her nutrients through her dead mother's chest.

"No, no, honey, we can't do that. I'm sorry, mommy's not here"
I gently reached out for her and picked up the little body.

"Oh sorry sweetheart, but mommy's not here"
I softly say to the little girl who puts her thumb into her mouth and lays her head against my chest.

Soft small sniffles can be heard from her. Her little stomach grumbles.

"Tummy talking"
Sofie softly says.
I can't help but smile at her little comment.

Most likely caused by hunger.
Before I could react to anything I feel her latch onto my breast and I freeze.

"Honey, I don't have any milk I'm sorry sweetheart"
I say and look down. She frowns and let go, I pulled up my bra and pulled down my shirt.

She asks, what's a Babi?
Could it be a bottle?

"Baby do you want a bottle?"
She nods, god I am relieved she knows what a bottle is.

"Okay, I can get you a bottle but we'll have to go to my house first alright sweet Sofie?" She simply nods and buried her head in the crook of my neck.

I for some reason bought baby formula before destroying the Darkhold, thinking I would get billy and Tommy as infants.

So I still had it, hidden, deep in my pantry.
I pushed open my door and placed Sofie down on the table counter.

I found the formula and for some reason, it hadn't expired.

I was relieved and started preparing a bottle.
I had a lot of baby stuff and toys for all ages, cause I didn't know what age to expect if I had gotten Tommy and billy.

Once the bottle was done, I picked up Sofie and sat down in a rocking chair.
I put the little girl in nursing position and gently held the bottle, hoping she would accept it.

She started suckling on it and I breathed out in relief.

She puts her little hands on the bottle and look up at me through her lashes with her her big grey eyes.

I smile with a little laugh.
"Is it good darling?" She nods.
Once she finished she gently pushed it aside.

"Mommy p'ay with me?" Oh my heart, it can't, it just broke.
"No sweetheart, your mommy isn't here, she can't play with you. I'm so so sorry, she's not here"
I gently stroked her golden hair.

"Where is mommy?" I sigh and wipe the tears off of my face.
"She's uhmm, asleep, but we can't wake her. Cause she needs to sleep forever"
I can see the frowns that are shaped by her little mouth.

"Is she up there?" She ask pointing to the ceiling, she probably meant the sky.

"Yeah she's with the angels, mamma is with the angels, and they're taking good care of her. So good care that we just need to take care of her little baby girl" Sofie hummed and gently put her head onto my chest.

"You my new mommy?" I looked down into the small grey eyes.

"Do you want me to be?" She nodded with a soft smile.
"Then I can be your new mommy"
That hole can never be healed or filled.

But this little girl will definitely cover the hole so it can't be felt.

Giant shout out to Character ai.

And btw if ya'll want another part to this just lmk

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now