just ask her out idiot

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Age: 17

Mamma: Natasha Romanoff


I was sat in the couch watching some show. I'm honestly not sure what show I was watching to be honest.

I was interrupted when I felt something dip down next to me.

"Hey honey, am I interrupting anything important?"

I shook my head and paused the tv and turned to mamma.

(Natashas pov)

I started to braid y/n's hair.

She's almost 18 and has lived most of her life without a father or other parent than me.

I have taken a liking to Maria, as in Maria hill and I just want to know if y/n would be okay with it.

I get that she's 17 and is probably dating someone, but I just feel as if this is different. I mean both me and Maria are full grown women it's not some teenage love.

"So uhmm, I just- I was wondering if you were okay with not having a dad or like another parent, other than me"

I softly said and redo her braids. I was mostly distracting myself from thinking that it would end badly and she wouldn't like me with anyone.

"It has been fine why?"

I shrugged as I tried coming up with a reasoning for the question, I couldn't just tell her I may be thinking of starting to date a woman that she grew up around.

"I mean I had aunt Wanda and I had Maria too"

"So you like Maria right?"

She scrunched up her eyebrows and looked at me confused.

"I was just wondering if you liked Maria, I know you like Wanda also I was just wondering if you liked Maria"

She chuckled a bit and smirked.

"Why? Do you have a little crush?"

She teased and wiggled her eyebrows.

"N-no, no!"

My hands shook lightly as I continued to braid her hair.
My fingers ran smoothly through her fiery locks.

"Mom do you like her?"

I froze, she had caught on. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Do you like Maria? Do you really like Maria?!"

She sounded so.... Happy? Was she really okay with it? Would she really be okay with me dating a woman she grew up with? God I hope so.

"I- I think so, is that o-okay?"

A smile crept onto her face and she nodded.
"Of course that's okay"

My eyes shined as I looked at y/n, my smile was so full of gratitude towards her.

"But you said you were fine without having another parent"

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now