I should have known

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Mom: Elizabeth olsen

Aunt: scarlett johansson

(Prob a minor tw,
****** = time skip)


"Mom, I'm sure the date will go great now. Scoot off, I have something import going on, aka a movie." I giggled and hugged her.

Well, in reality, I'm taking a test, I have been dreading to take this test, from the day I missed my period last week.

Mom went to her car and drove away.
I closed the door and went up to my bathroom.

The test box was sitting on the surface space next to the hand wash.
"Oh fuck this, let me get it over with" I groaned annoyed and grabbed the box.

I unpacked it quickly and found the test.
Oh, for godsakes, I'm fifteen, and I shouldn't take these damn pregnancy tests.

I sat down on the toilet and peed on the stick, I put the test on the countertop and flushed the toilet.

I quickly washed my hands before starting to clean up my room.
I set a timer on 7 minutes.

I picked up my favorite corset top and sighed.
I knew that if I was pregnant, I had to keep it a secret, meaning no more corset tops.

No more tight clothes, or maybe joga pants, you know a well-balanced outfit.

I was snapped from my thoughts by the clinging alarm.
I stopped the alarm and walked out to my washroom again.

I picked up the test and turned it around.
My heart dropped, and my world around me started to spin in circles.

The waterline of my eyes started to fill up as my brain tried to process the news.

How could I have let this happen? I was feeling overwhelmed and scared of what had to come.
I had so many questions, but no one to answer them.

All I knew was that my life had officially changed, either for the worse or the better.


Can't believe I'm now 5 months along.
I've started to show a little, but she's rather small. The doctor told me it's normal, though, because I'm as small as I am and because I exercise well enough.

I got ultrasound pictures, and my friend helped me take maternity photos. Her mom is a photographer, so it made the payment a little easier since she basically just told me that seeing the smile on my face was enough.

But even though I'm small, it doesn't mean I don't have to wear baggy clothes when I'm at set with mom and the others.

Even though it's hard to convince the russo's about letting me wear loose clothes for my character, I'm still able to hide her.

I wish I wouldn't have to keep her a secret, but it is what it is.
I can't chicken out now.


"Hey, scarlett, has you noticed something strange with y/n?" I asked Scarlett.
The last five months, it's like y/n has changed completely.

She has asked the russos for her character to wear baggy clothes.
I just have this gut feeling that something is wrong with y/n, something that will impact our whole lives.
But I just can't put my finger on it.

This gut feeling is making me want to throw up cause i just can't get the thought that y/n is sick, out of my head.

"Not really. She's been making a new fashion statement lately. That's really all I've noticed," Scarlett answered and bit through her sandwich.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now