Terrible Twos

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I am genuinely thankful for this idea Sarah5629924

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I am genuinely thankful for this idea Sarah5629924

Age: 2
Mamma: Natasha romanoff
Mom: Wanda maximoff


I rubbed the sides of my head as y/n was screaming into my ear.
I really do try to be patient with y/n but sometimes she's just too much.

This time she was screaming and crying because she had to eat.
"Y/N IF YOU DON'T STOP SCREAMING INTO MY EAR YOU ARE GOING ON TIMEOUT UNDERSTOOD?" She kept crying and screaming so I picked her up and went into her room.

Y/n was screaming and crying but she was also kicking me.
I placed her in her high chair and strapped her in making sure she couldn't leave.

After a little while she calmed down.
She wiped her little face and made grabbed fingers.
I unstrapped her and lifted her up.

"Are you ready to try the food now?" She nodded and I felt her put her index and middle finger in her mouth.

I laughed slightly as I placed her in her booster seat for chairs.
I handed her a plate of spaghetti and meatballs that she could eat with a little fork, it had winnie the pooh characters and her name engraved into it which was adorable.

She began eating it, she laughed when Wanda sneezed and got a spaghetti through her nose.

"Is it funny huh, do you think mom's being funny?" Wanda asked after removing the piece of spaghetti from her nose, by closing the nostril that did not have the spaghetti in it and blowing so it fell out which made y/n laugh even more.

"Yes" she said giggling, Wands began tickling her stomach making her giggle more.

Wanda ruffled her hair before going back to eating.
After a while we were all done eating, I took the plates and ran them under water rinsing off the worst parts before putting them in the dishwasher.


I grabbed y/n and took her to her room after she had her teeth brushed and was put in pajamas, I put her down into her little toddler bed.

But just as i was putting her down she began kicking and punch me.
"Hey hey no y/n you can't punch and kick me we don't do that, we use our words" I said trying to calm her.

I laid down in the bed with her.
"Hey what is the problem, why you mad?" I asked I began rubbing her back.

I just laid there cuddling with her until she calmed down and wiped her eyes with my shirt.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now