teacher's pet

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Age: 15

Mom: Elizabeth Olsen(it will be explained in the story 🤭)

TW?: incredible bad plot twist? Ig. Lying?



The halls in school seems so large until I see that teacher. Ms. Olsen.

I smiled at her. Her green eyes were so mesmerizing. I walked into the classroom and she followed me with a smile.

"Hey y/n"

I blinked a couple of times while staring into her beautiful emeralds that shined as bright as my own.
Her soft smile grew as she hugged me.

"Hi ms. Olsen"

She went up to her desk and sat down waiting for the rest of the class to come. I caught her glancing at me a couple times, especially looking at my right wrist where I had a bracelet on, I had gotten it from my biological mother.

It had a key to a lock but I don't have the lock, I think my mom told me I lost it or something.

At the end of the class everyone handed in their homework. Dylan however tried to make an escape.

"Uh uh Dylan"

Ms. Olsen grabbed him by his shirt. He shamefully explained that he didn't have his essay.

I giggled and handed in my essay. We had to write an essay about problems in the US. I wrote about the system.
I don't even know why cause I had been lucky and gotten a wonderful family that adopted me.

"Oh hey y/n, could you stay behind?"

I froze at her words. I don't think I did anything wrong. So what happened?

I just nodded as everyone else left.
She smiled softly at me.

"Are you on your way home?"

"Uh yeah. Why? Did I do something wrong?"

She shook her head with a grin on her face.
"Do you want to maybe go to a cafe with me? Just to talk, I have something to tell you"

I picked at the hem of my shirt. It was a nice offer but it seemed..... Well creepy.

"right, sorry that seems creepy."

She collected all her binders and papers and so on and put it in her bag with an awkward smile.

"My mom is outside, I probably have to go"

"Wait y/n-"

I turned around and she sighed and found a box with a lock.

"Your bracelet. The key"

I furrowed my eye rows and took off the bracelet and unlocked the lock on the box.

And sure enough, it went right off.
I stayed very still but slowly lifted the lid.

The box wasn't even that big it could at most hold a couple necklaces and/or some pictures.

"How- I mean-"

I looked up at her with teary eyes. She sighed and sat down on her desk.

"When I was 17 I got pregnant, I didn't find out until I was almost 4 months along. I never really had morning sickness so it was only when I got 'bloated' or well when I started to show that I found out."

Her sharp inhale sounded loudly through the nearly empty classroom.
She grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.

"I thought- I thought that I couldn't take care of you, I thought you would ruin my life. But-"

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now