closer now

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Age: 16

Mom: Elizabeth olsen
Step dad: Robbie arnett

Callie face timed me, I had been sick the last week, so she called about homework.

"Hey, y/n/n, so do you know if you're coming Friday?" I shrugged and grabbed my vape, robbie hated that i vaped, but instead of my nic vape, he bought me a nic free.

"Like I have no idea," I inhaled the vapour.
"Well, if so, we're supposed to do a family thing, with like good memories and a family tree," I exhaled again.
And a big mist escaped.

"Do you even have pictures of your family? I mean, I haven't seen one picture of your mom and your dad around your house, " she asked.

"I think my mom has some sort of album in her room, I saw her looking at it one day, but there's no way I'll get a hold of it. And like my mom and dad split Yeats ago, I barely remember him. " I inhaled again and waited a little before exhaling again.

"Hey y/n, is there anything you want from the store?" Robbie asked. He popped his head inside.

"No, thank you, but apple menthol and strawberry," I said and pointed to my vape.

"You know what, if you want stuff to that thing, you get it yourself," He said and left.

"Mom is leaving too. Why couldn't she just stay it to me herself.
Mom doesn't talk to me unless necessary. We do have small talk at the dinner table.
But like small thing she could say to me herself is often Robbie.

"Before I go, why don't you go into your moms room and find the photo albums, and steal a couple photos for the project?" That was actually a good idea.

"Oh yeah, that's a good idea, see ya' love you," I said, and she left.
As soon as I heard the front door shut and the car go away, I was off to the master bedroom.

I looked under the bed and found nothing but dust.i then searched every inch except for mom's secret drawer.
So I guess I have to search the secret drawer, oh how I am gonna regret it.

I shut my eyes and carefully opened the drawer. I slowly opened my eyes, and to my relief, it wasn't too bad.
Just some condoms and the photo albums. Yes, albums, apparently there was more.

I grabbed them and closed the drawer.
I sat down on the bed and opened the album I didn't know about.

I instantly reconised my biological dad.
And my mom.
They were young, and in high school

Mom was wearing a low-rise mini skirt, with some ugg boots and a white shirt with soem puffy sleeves.
She was also wearing a bandana looking thing around her braided pigtails.

She looked so happy. They were sitting on a picnic table, and dad had his srms wrapped around her neck from behind.

I flipped a couple of pages and saw a picture with me in it.
It was me in a little Christmas baby dress.
Mom was wearing a red crinly what looked like a satin dress. She had a black eye, though. She had tried to cover up, but it wasn't done very good, she also had bruises on her arm.

On the same page, there was a picture of me putting my hands on mom's cheeks.
I smiled, mom was so happy on that picture, in difference from the Christmas photo.

There was also a picture of mom sitting with me in her lap, opening a present.

Then, after some more flips through pages and smiling at every picture where it was only mom and me.
I saw their wedding photo, my dad and my mom. Mom had a baby bump on the picture.
She was happy. But extremely young, meanwhile, my dad looked around in the late 20s.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now