what happened to my little girl- last part

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Age: deceased

Mom: Scarlett Johansson
Step dad: Colin Jost

Roses age: 13
Cosmo's age: 6


"Scarlett, I have a question for you" a fan said loudly.

"So I lost my mother to cancer, and it affected my family deeply and tore us apart, so my question is, how did the loss of y/n affect your life?" I felt the air get caught in my throat.

Elizabeth grabbed my hand and caught my eye, I gave a little nod.
"Uhmm, it somewhat made ouf family closer" I took a deep breath and grabbed tighter onto Elizabeth's hand.

"Unlike cancer, we had to sit through, million of court sessions, facing my daughter's murderer, it was extremely hard facing him, especially for my youngest daughter, Rose, but it brought us closer" I wiped my face.

Elizabeth whispered into my ear.
Which made a little smile appear on my face.

"Thank you Scarlett, for inviting all of us to her funeral, we know you're a very private person so we would like to thank you" I smiled a little.

"And thank you for answering" the fan walked away from the microphone.
Another fan stepped up to the microphone.

"Happy birthday to Y/n" she said quickly and stepped away again.
A lot of questions about y/n started coming in.

"Can we please get know another topic" Elizabeth said into her microphone.
"Thank you," she said

"Are you and Scarlett dating?" A person asked.
"No, sadly Scarlett has a husband, who she has a child with and who she loves very much, and I have a husband myself who I love very much," Elizabeth said with a chuckle.

"But if the opportunity ever comes, I might consider it," I joked.
Elizabeth looked into my eyes with pure love in her eyes.

She smiled, but we quickly directed our eyes back at the crowd.
We were out for some premiere for our new movie.

It all went so fast afterward that I was quickly home.
"How was your day, honey?" I asked Rose. We were eating dinner.

"It's been fine, Grandpa is Grandpa, you know," she said with a laugh.
I smiled and gave a little laugh.

"Yeah, I know. Did you learn Danish, or did he curse out on Danish again?" I said with a laugh.

"No, thank God for that! But he did try to translate things from Danish to English, " she laughed.

"Oh gosh, please say he didn't," I said with my mouth stuffed with spaghetti.

"Oh yes, he did. It sounded so stupid, but it was cute," I chuckled.
I noticed she was still wearing y/n's necklace.

"Have you even taken it off since I gave it to you?" I asked, pointing to the necklace.

"Yeah, every time I shower," i rolled my eyes. Rose just laughed.
We finished up eating.

"It's y/n's birthday," she said.
"I know, want to go and put flowers on her grave?" I asked.

"I already did, Grandpa brought me there." A knock was heard, and I jumped slightly but went up and opened it.

It was Alex. He had a bouquet of roses.
"Already dropped one of by y/n's grave. It just feels more like she's still here if I give it to you." He let tears fall.

He wiped his face and handed me the flowers.
"Wanna come in?" I asked.

"That would be nice," he said with his voice breaking.
I let him come in, and then i closed and locked the front door.

He sat down next to Rose.
"Do you have any pictures with y/n?" Rose asked.

"Rose-" I said, trying to stop her.
"No, it's alright, it makes me happy to show her," Alex said.

He pulled out his phone.
"That's when I proposed to her. She was wearing her tiny winky pajamas cause she thought she was only getting Starbucks." Rose laughed.

"When she got home, she went straight to girl talk with me, mom also joined in and she got so happy that she made us a whole 7 course meal" Rose said, I do remember that.
I laughed.

"Her engagement ring is here, I have been meaning to give it to you," I said and grabbed the jewelry box.

I handed it to him.
"Thank you, would you like the wedding ring I had bought for her?" I shook my head gently.


(Next day)

"Mom, I love you," I said and walked into the school.
It's so weird in school, I started back in school a couple of months ago.
But it's so weird.

"Hey Rose, are you alright? You look down today?" Mrs. Julies asked.

"I'm fine, thank you, Mrs. Julies" she wiped a tear from my face.
"I'm sorry, it was y/n's birthday yesterday, it's just a little hard." she gave me a hug.

"If you want, you can go in the tent and scroll on your phone, just don't tell the others," Mrs. Julies is the sweetest.

"Thank you, but I really just want to stay normal." she smiled and gave me a quick hug.

It was all fien and normal until lunch.
Apparently, there was a new kid.
I say down by myself today. Normally, I would have sat with my girlfriends, but not today.

"Hey loser, why are you sitting by yourself?" The new kid asked.
"Kev, leave Rose alone," Leah said.

The Kevin guy sat down next to me.
"Pretty necklace," He said and grabbed the pendant.

"I bet my girlfriend would like it," He said, and I knew what he wanted to do.
"No! It's my sister's!" I yelled and got a tight grip onto it.

"Well, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. She will probably just think you dropped it." He yanked it off of me.

"Kevin! Give that back!" James said.
James was the popular boy in class.
When Kevin didn't give me it back, James punched him right in the face.

I got it back.
"Thank you, James." he smiled.

"And for your information Kevin, Rose's sister was murdered a year ago, her sister is y/n Eliza johansson, go figure" James said grabbing the neck of Kevin's shirt and lifted him up.

I wiped my face as to the chain of the necklace was completely broken.
Kevin walked back over to me.

"I'm sorry rose, my dad is a jewelery maker, he can fix the chain, if you go with me home, you'll see be punished and you'll have your chain fixed" I let out a soft laugh.

"Thank you, it's just been very hard, and it won't ever be as it was when y/n had it again, but thank you" He smiled and left.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now