I should've known- pt 2

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Age: 16

Mom: Elizabeth Olsen

Amelia's Age: 1 month


I picked up the crying Amelia from her crib, I hope she doesn't wake up mom.

I kind of feel bad for mom, she was done having kids after she had me.
But she apparently wanted me and Amelia here.

"Shh" I whispered as I bounced her, I quickly checked her nappy but she was probably hungry.

I unclipped my bra and let her feed while I did some script reading.
I already have my GED, I got it when I was 14.

When I finish this movie, I'll go to college and in a lot of years, I'll become a doctor, a neurosurgeon.

Don't get time wrong I love acting, especially with my mom, but I would rather become a surgeon.

I would rather save people's life by operating than acting.
She latched off and smiled at me.

"You're such a happy baby" I whispered and moved her away from my boob. I clipped on my bra again and put Amelia in her crib.

I gently rocked her and she was quick to fall asleep.
It was already four, there's no way I'll be able to be go to sleep anytime soon.

When the clock striked six, mom came into my room.

"How long have you been awake?" She asked and wrapped her arms around me.

"Around 3:30 but it's alright ma' did Millie wake you?" She shook her head and gently rocked Amelia.

She had her Binky in her mouth.
"I made breakfast"  she gently spoke and let go before going downstairs. I picked up Amelia who had just woken up.

I walked downstairs with her on my arm and jumped slightly back when I saw the twins.

"Hey Ash" I laughed and went to hug them.
"Hi Mary Kate" she kissed my head.

"Can you day hi huh Mil?" I gently waved with her hand.
I could suddenly smell a Nast diaper so I went and changed her nappy.

But as I got downstairs she began crying again, this time she was hungry as she tried to latch onto my breast.

"Millie, I just got down," I groaned, just as I stood up, Ashley gave me something.

A cover for when I feed her.
"This way you don't need to go to another room everytime you want to feed her" I thanked her and sat down at the table, quickly letting her feed.

I started eating as well.
"You guys going to design some new clothes soon?" I asked the twins. They nodded in unison.

"It's out in like two weeks" I nodded as Amelia latched off.
I quickly clipped my bra on again and took down my shirt.

I put away the cover and gently burped Amelia.
"So jimmy wants you there by five, I'll be behind scenes with Mills while you're on the show" I nodded.

"Hey MK, you wouldn't like to hold Amelia would you?" I teased, Amelia was grabbed right out from my grip.

I laughed before standing up with my plate and putting it by the sink.
I went up to change since I had leaked through.

When I came back, Ashley was sitting with Amelia, while watching a movie.
"Y/n honey, we have to go out, they want us on set" mom said and kissed my head. Now filming while having a one month old isn't the easiest, but I'm so happy that there's some parents on set.

"I need my child back Ash, sorry" I giggled and got handed Amelia who was sleeping peacefully.

I put Amelia in the 'child restraint' in other words, her little seat.

She smiled at em and blabbered some sounds.
"You're mommy's little smiler aren't you?" I laughed lightly and kissed her nose.

I sat down in the backseat next to her and mom started to drive.

"Ohh you're going to be a little heartbreaker" I whispered looking at my beautiful daughter, who was smiling at me. I put my finger at her and she grasped around it with her little hand.

"My little heartbreaker" I mumbled loud enough for only me to hear.
She babbled some more and smiled.

"I'm going to stop by the baker and grocery store" mom said and parked in a parking lot.

I got out of the car and went to grab Amelia.

I strapped the baby carrier to me and put her in there.

She just laid he head against my chest.

Mom locked the car and started to walk, I grabbed her hand as paparazzis swarmed us.

"Y/n, y/n who's the father of your baby" I heard, that kind of hurt.
I lifted up the cover of the baby carrier to protect her from all the flashing lights.

"Please leave us alone, we have a child with us" mom tried to remain calm.

"Y/n, y/n who is your father and who is the father of your new baby?" I covered my my face until we finally got inside.

"Y/n Olsen, can I have a picture with you?" A little girl asked me.

She had pink glasses and a braided ponytail.

She looked no older than 5 or 6.

"of course" I smiled at her and unstrapped the baby carrier and gently handed her to mom.

I crouched down to her.
"Can you pick me up?" She asked gently.

"Mills, behave," I giggled and picked the little girl up.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and hugged dme as I had placed her on my hip.

"Smile Mills" the mom said and we both smiled.
Mom went and took a picture of us too.

"Is it okay I post this?" The mom asked.
"Of course, is it okay I post her on mine too?" The mom nodded and giggled.

I gently placed the girl down.

"Thank you y/n, by the way, you are an amazing mother" That just send warmth up my cheeks.

It's the best compliment, especially as a young mother.
"Thank you, you seem amazing as well" she thanked me and mom went over to me.

"I know where Amelia gets her smiley ways from" mom whispered and kissed my head.

"You want to keep or can I take my girl back?" She put her arm over Amelia protectively.


A/n: I hope you like this
I can't find the tag of who requested it!

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now