im just not hungry-TW

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Age: 16
Mom: Wanda Maximoff
Mamma: Natasha Romanoff.

Peter's age: 16


I grabbed my school bag and went out.
Gosh, this school uniform is way too loose. If I didn't have a belt, then the skirt would fall.

Well, I went out of my room and downstairs.
Mom was drinking tea and Mamma, coffee.

"Mom," I said, getting her attention.
She looked up at me with a smile.

"First, I think I need a new uniform. This is getting kinda... loose, " I chuckled.
"Second of all, I'm out, I have study group right about now" is said and waved bye before leaving.

"Peter will give you your lunch later!" Mamma yelled after me.
I ran to school, not because I  a study group but because the school is quieter in the morning.

I sat down on the deep window sill in the library.
MJ jumped onto it, on the other side.
She had a book by her hand, 'of human bandage', to be correct.

"You know, not eating can lead to extreme damage," MJ said, glued to her book like always.

I groaned and put my book down.
"Do you seriously think I want to hear that right now, I'm one inch away from not having a tight enough belt," I said sternly.

"Just saying," she said, shrugging.
I jumped down from the sill and put the book back in its place before leaving.

Sometimes, I hate MJ, but she's also a good friend when you need her.
I sat down in math, and after that, it all seemed like a blink of an eye, and I was sitting next to Peter in lunch.

"You're not gonna eat that?" He asked, I shook my head and pushed it over to him.

"Thank you, Mrs. Natasha put in mini pancakes with mini chocolate chips. They are the best. " I laughed as he stuffed his mouth with pancakes.

"They are, aren't they?" I mumbled.
Peter smiled and stuffed his face with more food.

Eventually, he was done, and once again, it felt like a blink of an eye, but this time, I ended up at Peter's house.

"Oh my dear lord, y/n I've missed you." May give me a bone-crushing hug.
"And how did you lose all that wait you're thinner than paper and lighter than a feather?" she exclaimed, worry hinting in her tone.

"Just been working out May, don't worry." I smiled and hugged her once again.

Peter picked me up and laid me on his bed.
"Kids, I'm going out. Have fun, but not too much," she said, laughing a little before she left.

Peter laid down in front of me. We had our foreheads against each other.
"Y/n, what's going on? You've been so off lately, " He said. He was definitely worried.

"Peter, do you promise not to tell anyone ever or worry too much about me?" I asked. He smiled.

"Pinky promise," He said, and we made the pinky promise.

"It's just -" I hesitated.
"Gosh, it's hot in here," I said and took off my shirt.

"You know, let me just go grab a water," I said and got up.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water.

I felt hands being placed on my stomach and a chin in my shoulder.
"Since when y/n?" He asked gently.
I took a deep breath.

"Since we got together, but I have been eating sometimes," I said, I turned around, and he was smiling  sadly.

"I love you," He said and kissed my forhead.

My phone rang from Peter's room, so I rushed out of Peter's arms and into the room.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now