way more cake for me-TW

790 42 7

Age: 7

Mamma: Scarlett Johansson
Dad: Colin Jost

Sister: Rose (18)
Brother: Cosmo(15)

Chris Evans


"Remember the invitations honey!"

Dad gave me the birthday invitations and kissed my head.
I rushed to my first class with the invitations and some small candy bags.

I started putting the invitations on the table and put the small bag of candies on top of the invitations.

Mom finally allowed me to hold a birthday party and Uncle Chris is coming as captain America!

Mom might also change into her black widow suit. But I prefer her as just my mommy.

The classroom started to fill and everyone started to munch on the candies.

Some even read the invitations.

"When's your birthday y/n?"

I looked fra the teacher with a grin.

"Today but my party is on Friday!"

She giggled at my excitement and told everyone to make sure to tell their parents about the invite.

But when the class ended they all threw out the invitations.
The teacher walked out and I was just standing, staring into the trashcan.

No one even seemed interested in my birthday party with the real Captain America.

I wiped my face and went to the next class and then eventually it was lunch time.

"Look at y/n she thinks she knows captain America"

Some girls snicker in the corner and some boys point at me laughing.
I frown as I sit by myself once again, eating all by myself.

Mom had made me a cute little birthday lunch. She rarely ever had time to make me lunch and spend time with me. But she took a day off work today.

She made me a tortilla with some meat and veggies but she also put in some pancakes with a bit of nutella.

The apples were cut up in stars and hearts and the cucumbers were made into roses.

She even wrote a note for me.

A small group of boys grabbed my pancakes and tortilla and ran away before I could catch them.

I almost teared up but I shoved the emotions down and just ate the apples and cucumbers.

When the school day was over I was met by rose and Cosmo in Roses car.
I smiled and ran over to her.

She picked me up and hugged me tightly.
"Hey little squirt"

I dig my face into her shoulder and giggle. She kissed my head and grabbed some of the spare candy bags from my backpack.

"Rose, come on, mom is waiting!"

I wave to Cosmo and crawl into the car and sit next to Cosmo.
I gave him the last spare bag and he quickly ate it.

"Did you have good birthday at school chicken?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. Cosmo started braiding my hair cause that's totally not weird.

When we got home mom immediately hugged me.

"Did people like your invites?"

"Mhm, and they all loved the candy"

I lied. Mom didn't need to know that they all threw out the invitations.
She smiled and ruffled my newly braided hair.

"I just did those ma"
Cosmo complained and tried to fix my hair.

(Time skip till the birthday party)

The chauffeur drove me home. He had even taken the big car cause he thought everyone from my class was coming.

There wasn't anyone else that could pick me up.
But that's okay, Corey is nice.

"We're here Ms. Jost"

I frown as I stare out the tinted window.
I could see mom walk out the front door with a huge smile, she was expecting me to come out with a bunch of classmates.

Uncle Chris walked behind her in his captain America suit.
I opened my door and walked past mom and uncle Chris.

"Hey! Y/n!"

I ignored mom's calls and just went to my room.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now