Its not FAIR! -TW

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Age: 17

Mamma: Natasha romanoff(deceased)


I went to mom's grave.
It was quite rainy and cloudy today.
It's been 10 years, 10 yeas since she died.

"Hey snuggly wuggy-" I let out a shaky breath as I placed flowers on her grave.
"I know it's been a long time since I've been here talking to you last, but uhm. Aunt Wanda took me on a little vacation to Bahamas, so I got to spend some time with my cousins. You know the little ones I told you about, Billy and Tommy.

They're wonderful kids they really are so sweet and loving. " I giggled a little and took a sip of my tea.

"Oh, would you like a cup of tea?" I asked like I was going to get an answer.
I poured her a cup of tea and placed it on the ground.

"I started school today, summer break is over, so that means I won't have as much time to visit you, but I will do my best to visit you as much as I can" I re arranged the things infront of the grave so they looked presentable.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to live with Aunt Jelly for a while, cause Clints down with the alcohol again. I'll never get used to packing up my things every now and then, but I guess I'll just have time suck it up, " I mumbled the last bit.

"Oh yeah, and I met a cute boy, who you would definitely not approve of. He's rebellious. He has tattoos and piercings. But he's kind and does charity work at an orphanage. He helps feed the homeless and keep the elderly happy over winter. " I chuckled and drank a little more tea.

I sat there a little moment and just took in the sounds and the air.
"Oh yeah, we're doing a school project on historical heroes, I think alot of people will do their project on the Avengers, or well, Tony, Stevie, gummy bear and some of the other dudes on the team" I sighed.
I used to love to chit-chat with mamma and tell her all about my life.

But something just seemed to be missing, like mamma isn't there.

"I don't know, I don't think I wanna do my project on you, I just don't think I can, it hurts too much." it started to really get windy. Luckily, I was sitting under a tree.

"Maybe I'll do it on like Martin Luther King or George Washington." I laughed a little. I really wanted to believe she was there, but I couldn't feel her.

It started raining.
"It's sure getting chilly out here, and it's turning dark." I grabbed a blanket from my bag and wrapped myself in it.

It felt like a wind was stroking my face. Like, mamma tried to make me fall asleep and sure it did work .

I woke up in Aunt Jellys arms.
"Rise and shine, little stinker." My eyes fluttered opened and I was still facing a mammas grave.

"I was worried, stinker," she said while braiding my hair.
She does it just like mamma. Mamma was a good braider.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," I answered.
Suddenly, I got licked in the face by a big warm tongue.

"Fanny!" I squeled. A dog laid on me. Fanny, Fanny was aunt yelenas dog.

I giggled as she licked my face, and her tail wagged happily.
I gently pet Fanny. She had long fur.

"Yeah, it wasn't just me, Fanny missed you." I giggled and kissed Fanny.

"Let's let your mom rest. You need to get some food in your belly, I made Mac and cheese." I smiled and packed up my bag.

The tea cup had fallen over, so I picked it up.
"Love you mom, I'll see you soon." I kissed her stone before leaving with Fanny and yelena.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now