save me aunt Natty

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Age: 6

Mom: Wanda maximoff
Dad: vision

Aunt: Natasha romanoff
Uncle: bucky Barnes

(This isn't going to be sad, I promise, unless you are like me and didn't grow up with this childhood)


Y/n grabbed my hand as we were walking the crosswalk.
I loved holding her little hand, and I don't think I'll ever be ready to let my niece grow up.

"Look, there's a princess, aunt Natty! A real princess!" She squeled and jumped.
She pointed at a cosplayer.

There was some sort of cosplay event at the park.
"Wanna go over and see other costumes, huh darling?" I asked.
She nodded bewildered.

The first thing she did when we got over the crosswalk was run over to the cosplayer, portraying Aurora.

"Are you a real princess?" She asked, her head tilted just like her mamma, but she doesn't do it when she is angry. She does it when she's curious.

"Why yes, my friend?" the cosplayer giggled and did a pretty little curtsy.
Y/n put her hand on the cosplayers skirt.

"Hey y/n, we don't touch other people and their clothes unless we asked, and they said yes, alright, doll?" Bukcy said.

"Isn't it wonderful? The good fairies made it for me, " the cosplayer did a little twirl.

"And my beloved Phillip even kissed me for the first time in this dress." she clapped her hands together and blinked her eyes vividly.

I smiled when I saw y/n scrunched her face up in disgust.
"Speaking of which, have you seen my Phillip he's wandered off." y/n shook her head.

"I could use some help finding him. Could you make my acquaintance?" She was really making it magical.

"Aunty can I, pretty please, aurora is so pretty," she made puppy eyes.
I giggled and crouched down.

"Of cause, we will be right behind you." I giggled and booped her nose.
She jumped from excitement, but when aurora reached out her hand, she calmed down and gently took it.

After a while, we walked daround and got a good look at a lot of the place, y/n finally found Prince Phillip and said bye to aurora. Though it didn't stop her from saying hello and hugging every other princess she could spot.

She even hugged all the villains she could find.
We started to walk away from the Disney section and further on.

"Aunt Natty, can I have that lollipop over there?" she pointed to a princess stand with lollipops and candyfloss.

"Sure," bukcy said and took her onto his shoulders.
I went over with them to pay cause I had the money.

"Hello 1 princess pop please and a fairy floss thank you" the woman in the stand smiled happily and picked out a very big lollipop for y/n, sure the ones she was selling wasn't exactly small, but this one was bigger than my hand.

"And with the princess pop follows along a tiara for the royal highness," she said with a smile, putting a fake silver tiara on y/n's head.

"Look, auntie, I'm a princess!" She giggled.
I smiled and took a picture of her eating the lollipop cause it was smeared onto her whole face.

"Your mom is going to kill me. Do you know that little munchkin?" I said and tickled her before paying.

As we went completely away from the princess world, I glanced at bucky who was eating a candyfloss that was decorated with princess toppings and fairy wings, but of cause that child had to save the decorations, trying not to destroy them.

"Uncle bucky is funny." I broke out laughing but  quickly agreed with y/n.
Suddenly, we found the Avenger section.

"Look, she looks like mommy!" Y/n pointed out someone cosplaying as Wanda.

I took her down from buckys shoulder, and we walked over to the cosplayer.
"You look like my mommy," she shyly said as she hid behind my leg.

The cosplayer grabbed something out of a purse near her.
It was a necklace with Wanda's crown piece.

"Can I have a picture with her?" Y/n asked.
The cosplayer crouched down and handed y/n the necklace.

She gave us a little nod, and bucky took a picture.
"Thank you, it really means a lot for this little troublemaker, since Wanda is on a mission, so she misses her mom," the cosplayer smiled.

"Of cause, she  was so adorable, and if you go just around the corner, stand over there, I think my friends are there they are cosplaying you and bucky," I smiled and nodded.

"Have a nice day" bucky started.
"How much for the necklace?" I asked. Bucky had helped y/n get it on, and she was completely star-struck.

"With how much she loves it, nothing, her smile when getting it was enough." I thanked her gratefully, and we left.

(Time skip)

We finally got home. Even though y/n had gotten thousands of different little gadgets from different cosplayers, we finally made it home safe and sound.

There were like 10 portraying Wanda, and she wanted a picture with each one of them, but they all also had a little gadget. It differed from key hains to necklaces and bracelets.

But each time it looked different, and y/n was as shocked as before.
But the cutest was when she met someone cosplaying vision, who was in a group with someone cosplaying me and bucky and Tony and then of cause vision.

She demanded that he lifted her up cause that's what vision normally do.

Anyways, we decided to take her to get dinner at chick-fill-a.
I thought if her mom's going to kill me anyways, why not load her up on different reasons.

"Aunt Natty, an ugly magnetic goblin has captured me!" Y/n squeezed from inside her room.

I pretended the faint as I saw bucky, who was guarding her bed.
"Aunt Natty, save me!" Y/n squeled.

I pretended to wake up, I grabbed y/n's princess foam sword and pretended to kill bucky.

I lifted y/n down who was in her princess dress.
"Your majesty is safe now," I bowed down with pride.

"And now comes the king," bucky said, riding on y/n's hobby horse.
Y/n shook her head and looked at bucky very mad.

"You're not a king daddy is" she laid her arms on cross before pointing.
Bucky rode back sadly but still made it fun for y/n.

The front door opened.
"Your majesties, you daughter, princess y/n has been saved from the ugly magnetic goblin," I said and bowed down.

Y/n jumped into Wanda's arm.
"My little princess all saved, huh?" Wanda said, kissing y/n on the forehead.

Vision lifted her up by his left arm.
"Hello darling, I believe you've spent your time fun?" Vision asked.


I glared at y/n with a proud smile.
"Can you apologize to Uncle bucky, sweetheart?" Wanda asked y/n.

She nodded and went into her room.
"I'm sorry, Uncle Bucket, I just thought it made you look pretty!" I covered my mouth as to not break out laughing.

Apparently, magnets are hard to get off of his arm for some reason, but we find a way.



Time to bring out your inner mommy issues now! Or parent issues in general

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now