parent's day!

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Age: 7

Adopted mamma: Natasha Romanoff



Remember, tomorrow is parents day, so you'll have to bring your parents and do a little presentation about your favourite to do with them like throw a ball or watch a movie" I looked up at Mrs Jacobs.

She gave me a slight, pitiful smile. Every orphan is supposed to be in a foster home, every single one, except me, I'm in a group home.

The other kids there don't even like me, I hate it there.

I watched as everyone else packed up their things and rushed out of the class. A tear slightly ran down my cheek.

"Hey y/n, you don't need being anyone tomorrow, you can just do a presentation about someone you like, like one of the avengers or something" Mrs Jacobs softly said as her hand placed itself on my shoulder.

I just nodded and packed my book into my backpack, it was a hand me down and in pretty rough shape.

"Hey, sweetie" I shake my head and wipe my face.

"It's okay" I mumbled. I looked into her soft brown eyes and she looked back into my eyes.
Her arms wrapped around my body, giving me a tight embrace.

I push away and go to the group home, returning to school the next day, with no one by my side.

"Look everyone, y/n doesn't have any parents" one of the girls teased right as Mrs. Jacobs came inside.

She smiled brightly with the same signature smile as she sat down in front of the class at her desk.

I look at all the other parents, all the kind moms and dads, in all shapes and sizes, colours and heights.

They all seemed so loving, like their heart was twice the size of their body.

I sat down in my seat, in the back of the class as Mrs. Jacobs stood up.

"Goodmorning children, and welcome to all you lovely parents!"

Everyone says good morning like always, it's like it's on repeat.

"So for today we have a bunch of plans, we start with some presentation from the kids, where we get to meet the parents. Then we have a break, but after the break we have a very special guest for all of you" suddenly the room starts buzzing with whispers.

Who could it be? Do I have to look more presentable?
Questions ran through my head.

"Quiet Llama" they all quiet down and make the llama with their hand.

"Good, she's very excited to meet you. But after we meet our guest we have a few activities for the mom's and dads to compete in with their children" I looked at a mom and she softly waved at me.

I smiled sadly at her.

The first girl came up, holding her two dad's hands.

"This is my dad's, pappa Michael and Dad Thomas" she presented proudly.

"Mike works as a doctor so we don't get much time together but when he's home we like to play candy land and I always win" she adored her father's.

"But when we're all together we like to go for hikes or go to the park!" She laughed.

I think her name is Florence, she was adopted from Bulgaria. Why do people adopt from other countries when kids like me are alone in their own country? It's not fair.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now