what happened to my little baby girl- part 1

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Age: 19

Mamma: Scarlett Johansson
Step dad: Colin Jost

Roses age: 12
Cosmo's age:5

( TW: kidnapping and rape)


"Hey y/n, can I try your makeup?" Rose asked. I turned around on my chair.

"Why you're pretty?" I scrunched my eyebrows.
"Well, I really wanna try makeup, and yours are just so gorgeous," she said with a smile. She was lying in my bed.

"I swear to god, if there's someone bullying you, I will kill  them!" I said, Rose laughed making my barricade break, so I was laughing as well.

"After I finish, I can help you if you want," I offered and turned around again.
"Thank you, you're the best sister," Rose said.

I quickly finished off my makeup.
"Come here, sit in my chair," I said and got out off my chair.

Rose sat down in it.
"So you start with primer. That's the one right there," I said, pointing to the primer.

I guided her through every little step.
From, foundation to how to apply blush the right way so there didn't come too much.

when the rose was done, she was staring into the mirror.
"I look so pretty," she mumbled.
"You do loon pretty, you always did look pretty," I said and hugged her.

"Let's go show mom," I said with a giggle.
We got downstairs, and mom nearly choked on her tea.

"You look gorgeous, Rosie, baby," Mom said and placed her cup of tea down.
Rose rushed over and hugged mom.

"Did y/n teach you?" Rose nodded.
Mom kissed her forehead.
Then we heard dad come home from work.

"Colin, Colin!" Rose said and was quickly off. Mom looked at me with a smile.

"Mom, I was wondering if you would allow me to go out tonight?" IA shed and sat down.

"Welk that depends, where, with who, and when?" She said, taking a sip of the tea, incredibly loud.

"Well, Alex, invited me and the girls out for a night in some bar nearby his house, they allow 19 year Olds in and only have a few alcoholic drinks and it's at 7 o clock so I'll be home by 10 o' clock I promise. Otherwise, I'll call. " Mom smiled, and yet aging sipped her tea way too loud.

"Alright, you can go, but I want a call when you arrive and when you leave and if you come home later." she was stern, but she was right to say that.

"Oh, thank you, ma, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said and was hugging  mom.

She kissed my forehead and pushed me away. I quickly kissed her cheek and left happily.

I went to my room and grabbed something out of my formal side of the closet.

The first thing I got was the dress my mom bought me,  for my first time going on a dress up date.

Alex was quite rich and always invited on spending ever so much on me. Even though I tried to make him not.
I added a corset and soem fishnet stockings, then to cover my arms cause it was cold. I added a dark grey cowboy jacket.

And some high heel, over the knee boots. I just added some flowers to my hair, of cause it was fake flowers, but they were cute.

I rushed downstairs to show mom.
"Mom, look, ain't I adorable?" I gave a little twirl. And saw mom smiling fully.

"My little babygirl all grown up, huh?" she teased. The living room door shut, and I turned around as soon as Rose saw me. Her jaw hit the floor.

"You look amazing," she somewhat said.
"Thank you," I said.
A knock was placed on the door, and Alex came in.

"You look amazing, babe," He said. He took out some flowers from behind his back.

"Oh, stop it," I said, looking down and my feet blushing.
"Okay, I'll take those, and you guys leave. This is weird at this point." Mom took the flowers  and shooed us out.

He quickly picked up the girls and drove us to the bar.
As soon as we were in, Alex got us drinks.

He handed me one that smelled strong.
"It's called 'bend over Shirley' made with raspberry vodka, lemon lime soda, and grenadine," He said.
I took a sip, and my facial expression changed to pure disgust.

"You don't like it?" He had a smug laugh stuffed on his face.
"No!" I laughed and handed him the drink.

I went up to the bartender who seemed nice.
Alex came as well.
He put his hand around my waist.
"Hey, she would like a hurricane? Right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Would you like an angel shot as well?" The bartender asked.
"An angelshot? No, thank you, this is Alex, my fiance. He has made a hurricane to me way too often, " I said and smiled.

The bartender started making the drink.
I got the drink and quickly paid before leaving to our table.

We sat and chatted, drinking and eating some snacks.
Until i had to pee.

"I have to go pee pee, see ya soon," I said and grabbed the neck of his shirt.
I pulled him closer as I sat on his lap and kissed Alex.

"Come back, you're extremely drunk, darling." I chuckled and kissed him again and left.

I quickly finished my business and went to wash my hands and just fix up my makeup.

I heard the backdoor open, and a couple of sketchy guys came in.
I quickly gathered my stuff in my purse and tried to leave, but they grabbed me and blocked my airways.
I kicked and tried to scream until it went black, and I couldn't move or think.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now