the monsters gone- TW

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Age: 13

Mamma: Natasha romanoff

Aunt: Wanda maximoff
Uncle(s): Tony Stark, Bruce banner, and (Clint barton(deceased))

(Tw: alcohol addiction)

I sneaked my way through the living room, mom was lying on the couch and passed completely out.

There were empty beers all around the living room and an empty vodka flask in her hand.

I got to the kitchen and started making some food for Mamma and I.
After Uncle Clint died, she found her happiness in drinking she even got us in a car accident because she was drunk.

I grabbed a plate and put the sandwich on, then I also grabbed a bottle of water and went into the living room with it.

I gently shook her awake, and she immediately threw the empty vodka bottle after me.

It landed on my head as I wasn't fast enough to duck.
It shattered, and a piece of it pierced my scalp, making it red from blood.

"Fuck off" I yelled and stood up walking away.
I quickly put a clean cloth on it to stop the blood.

I gently touched it, and it felt deep.
I grabbed my phone and dialed Uncle Bruce's number.

"Hello y/n," He said after a couple of seconds.
"Hey, Brucey, do you think you could pick me up? I need some medical help," I said with a little sigh.

"Of cause, I can bring the supplies over if you want." I mean, that way, I was sure that mamma didn't drink anything else.

"Yes, thank you, I need a couple of stitches that all," I said. He answered with an 'alright be there' and hung up.

I quickly took off the cloth from my head and started cleaning up the bottles.
Bruce got into the apartment right as I had finished up cleaning. I had put a new clean cloth on top of my head again as it had started bleeding again.

"Hey darling, are you alright?" He asked.
I nodded with teary eyes.
"Hey baby, let me see it." He gently carresed my back.

I winches in pure pain as he touched my heas gently.
"Is she hurting you y/n?" He was trying not to show the pain in his eyes.

"Mamma?" He nodded and sat me down.
"No, mamma is great. She just wanted to get herself a cup of water, and then she slipped, and the cup crashed on top of my head." he hugged me.

"Well, I have to do this at the tower," and a little after that, I was under local anesthesia.

He had removed the glass and was onto sewing me up. The doctor strange was watching to make sure nothing went wrong.

When Bruce had stitched me up, he helped me into the living room so I could lay on the couch.

Aunt Wanda came and sat behind me.
She ran her fingers through my hair tips.

She fell asleep after a while.
But I couldn't sleep, I was worrying about mom. I didn't know what she would do while I was gone.

"Hey y/n," Tony whispered as he walked inside the living room.
"You need to sleep," He said, grabbing Wanda's body.

Wanda immediately woke up.
Tony put her down again.
"Sorry," He said and left.

I wiped a tear that i was trying to hide.
"Y/n is Natasha hurting you in anyway, did Natasha do this to you?" Wanda was stern.

"It was my own fault I made her max while she was drunk, and I know I shouldn't." Wanda placed her arms around me.

"It wasn't your fault y/n, your mom is an alcoholic, she's been going to aa meetings, i know that cause i go with her and i knew she's getting better, I knew that much but I didn't know it was this bad" she said and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm really, really sorry," she whispered with sadness, filling her tone.

I hugged Wanda back.
"Wandy, I'm just happy she's attending AA meetings with you to get better,"
I mumbled.

Wanda was addicted to alcohol aswell, but she got better, she changed. She saw how much it hurt my cousins who's sadly passed away from ironically enough, a drunk driver.

She even still attends AA meetings, and to hear that, she made mom go with her so Natasha could get better. Just means that maybe mom will change.

Eventually, we fell asleep both of us.


I woke up with y/n in my arms.
I smiled at her. She was so peaceful. She wasn't worrying. She was just sleeping.

She broke my heart yesterday, but she just put it together again.

Her little eyes flattered open, and she was quick to get away.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy," she said.

"Don't worry, let's get to your mom and make sure she's alright," I said and gave her a side hug.

She smiled lightly and got up.
I grabbed my purse, which was on the coffee table, and I grabbed one of the many car keys.

"I'm going to come along," Tony said, grabbing the keys from my hand.
I giggled a little, and so did y/n.

We quickly got to y/n's house.
Y/n quickly got out, and so did I.
"Can I just go in, only me? I'll come get you guys." I looked at her with an unsure look.

"Please, I promise that if she tries to hurt me, I'll come get you," she pleads me.

I let out a breath and slightly rolled my eyes.
"Alright, but one finger lifted, and you go out here." she thanked me and got inside the house.

She walked out, sipping on a beer. Exactly 11 minutes after.

"Y/n, you're thirteen!" I screamed.
I quickly grabbed the beer out of her hand and threw it away.

"The monster is gone," she said and buried her face into my chest.
Loud sobs escaped her mouth.

I realized what she meant, and then I started stroke her back while trying not to cry myself
"Mamma!" She cried out, wanting Natasha.

Tony walked into the house.
"Wanna go inside with Tony and I again?" She actually nodded and parted from me.
She grabbed my hand and walked in with me.

Y/n walked over to Natasha and put her hand against Natashas cheek.
"We will meet again soon." she might be thirteen, but she acts like a 30 year old.

Tony had called a doctor, and he came in and nearly immediately declared Natasha dead.

We held her funeral a couple of weeks later.
Y/n shot herself in the head, on her birthday only four weeks later.


A/N: I'm sorry u know you guys wanted a happy ending to this one shot, but it ended how it did, and I was sobbing making this, so I feel the pain, too.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now