you don't get to do that-Tw

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Age: 15

Mom: Wanda maximoff(deceased)
Dad: vision(deceased)

I looked up, and all the tears were making my vision blurry.
But it looked like mom. It looked like mom who was lying in the hospital bed in the other room.

"Tell us what the Avengers are planning or she dies." Mom can't die twice.

"No" electric shocks ran through my body.
I screamed loudly.
It was a weird pain. It didn't really hurt, but at the same time, it hurt like hell.

I looked over at mom. Her body was shaking. The heart moniter was beeping loudly.

"Fine, we'll do this the hard way," they put up the camera.
"Tell your little friends how you're going to die if they don't turn up and give in their weapons." he grabbed a gun and pointed it towards my head.

"Or tell them how much you miss them," he giggled. He was face to face with me.
I looked at the camera.
"Hi there, auntie and uncles, I miss you, of you ever do think about paying me a visit that would be nice-" I got cut off by an electric shock waving back and forth in my body.

The pain was killing me. I met out a loud sob.
"Help, please, I can't stand it anymore, Tasha, please!" I yelled out crying.

Zero walked into the room.
"Your family owes me some blood, I suggest you give up your little family's whereabouts." I looked at him. My breathing was heavy.

"I would never," I screamed in pain as he smashed my stomach with an iron rod.

He came all the way into my face.
"As I said, pretty little one, I suggest you give up their whereabouts. Otherwise, that won't be the only pain you feel. So you give us their placement, and I'll give you a little treat. " He gently lifted up my head to make me look into his eyes.

"Necause as I said, your little friends there, owe me some blood in exchange for my family's blood, that they killed under the attack of ultron" He kissed my foreheadand left with a smile.

I looked at the camera, and it was still filming.
"Goodbye, this is where I part from you, my friends," I whispered. I closed my eyes.

Everything around me was so loud, I'm pretty sure there was an explosion. But my mind was calm.

"Hey no, y/n, you can't die on me, I will kill you." I got some gentle slaps on the cheek.

I opened my eyes and saw Natasha.
"Good morning, sleepy head, come on, let's get you up and out," she loosened the straps and helped me up.

I collapsed and coughed up some blood.
"Come on up, sweetheart," she said and helped me up once again.

She put an arm under my legs and lifted me up like a bride.
I pressed on her earbuds as I heard Tony ask who was responding.

"Natasha romanoff, I found y/n, we're on our way to the quinyet, y/n need immediate medical care" I let go of her earbud and gently moved my head before coughing up some blood.

"How about we don't cough until we get to the quin yet?" She asked as she started to run.

"Hold on, princess," she said.
I let my eyes close again.
It started to get cold.
My body was starting to get cold.

"Are you cold, baby?" I heard. I couldn't answer. I was so tired.
I felt something wrap around me before I was strapped down.

"Don't worry, it's just to keep you safe," Natasha said as she stroked my hair.
"Hey, what's your name?" I heard Bruce ask.

"Brucey," I mumbled.
"Hi sweetheart, can you open your eyes for me?" I tried but failed big time.
"Come on, you can do it, honey, open your eyes." I forced myself to open my eyes.

I saw Natasha with teary eyes.
"Natasha, she's awake," Clint said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Bruce shined a light into my eyes.
"Her eyes are reacting. That's good." I let some tears fall.

"Tasha, can I sleep now? Can I rest?" She shook her head and kissed  mine.
"No, not yet. It isn't your time just yet, " she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Hey y/n, when we're landing, we'll make sure you're all alright," Natasha said.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest," I mumbled.
I saw mom once again.

(Time skip, 8 months later + natashas pov)

"Hey honey, how was school?" I asked, kissing y/n on her head.
She moved away from me.

She gave a thumbs up before she went over to the table, grabbing an apple.
"Would you like new bodyguards? Is that it? What is wrong, darling?" I asked y/n.

She flipped me off and left for her room.
She's been quiet. She won't even tell me what she would like for dinner.

Sometimes, I'm afraid that the kidnapping had traumatized her so much that she can't talk.

I went to her room and opened the door. Y/n turned to me.

"Get out of my roo-" I smacked the door.
Making her jump back and stop in her sentence.

"No!" I said stern.
"Y/n, you won't talk to me. You won't tell me how your day has been. I can't help you, sweetheart. " I wiped her face.
She gently pushed me away.

"I don't want to talk, I can keep quiet," she mumbled, eating a piece of apple.
"No! NO y/n, you don't get to do that!" I stated.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"I gave your mother one promise before she died in my arms, one promise." I let out a cry.
"I promised to keep you safe. And I can't do that if you won't talk to me, I can't know how to help you, I can't know if you're on a bridge trying to kill yourself if you won't talk to me!" She had tears on her face.

I looked into her eyes.
She was scared.
"Tell me something, how has your day been, what would you like for dinner, something  give me something?" I begged her as I sat down next to her.

"I went and talked with my therapist today. She said that i definitely had opened up more about the experience at Hydra." I put my arm around her.

"You're not the only one who talks with a therapist, I do too." she looked at me with a grin.

"How did that go?" She asked with a little laugh.
"Let's just say that I am changing therapist next month," I laughed.

"I also talked with my teacher about repeating the year cause I was so behind in math and English." she put her head on my shoulder.

"Can I come with a recommendation?" I asked her.
She nodded.

"You have online school, or well it's really homeschool, that way, you have more time to work on the the things that is hard to keep up with, and I'll be here to help" I offered.

"Plus, you won't have to have bodyguards with you to school." I saw a little smile on her face.

"I would like that a lot." I kissed the top of her head.


A/n: at least it had a happy ending, give me that ya'll

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now