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Felix's P.O.V.

I open the doors to the gas station and go in, soaked from head to toe.

There seems to be no one inside, and a chill runs down my spine when I realize that I might be all alone again. Just me. And that monster that can follow me everywhere.

It's impossible. I'm sure there might be someone here, otherwise it would have been closed, right? I don't think it would hurt to look around for a while and maybe even grab something on my way out. As long as there's no one to catch me, I can usually get away with stealing. It's not like it's my first time shop lifting either.

I go directly towards the shelf where I see cereals. I love to eat them directly from the box and when I mention this usually all I get is a few weird looks from Sam. She says that it should be a crime to eat them like that, without no milk. Well, it's not like she's here to tell me that it's weird.

I grab a box and before I can do anything else I hear some shuffling from next to me. That's when I know that there's someone else here beside me.

I turn around and see a guy holding a box in front of me. Judging from the way he's dressed, I'm guessing he works here. His hair is a funky color, a shade of light pink - almost white. I can't see his face too well from behind the box, only his hazel eyes looking back at me.

"Uh... Sorry. You've waited long for me?" he puts the box down and walks towards the cash register.

I remain in the same place as before, staring into space for a few seconds before coming back to myself again. The monster is nowhere to be seen so I guess I'm safe for now. I sigh and go towards the guy, putting the cereal box in front of him.

"That'll be 3,27 dollars" he says and I flinch when I hear his voice.

Of course that earns me a strange stare from the guy who is just trying to do his job. I rummage through the pockets of my backpack and panic when I can't find the money I'm supposed to pay with. I'll just end up looking like an idiot if I don't have any.

"Just... Just a second"

Things are starting to get a bit awkward with me full on panicking now and him just staring at me, so intense it's making me really nervous. Luckily, I find the money my aunt gave me a few days ago when I went to hang out with Sam at McDonald's. Of course we ended up staying in a playground and talking about useless shit on our minds. But she doesn't need to know that.

"Uh... Here" I give him the money and grab the box, ready to leave but then I remember why I came here in the first place.

And the darkness outside seems like it could engulf me whole if I leave. Plus it's raining even harder now and I'm sure I even heard some thunder in the distance. Maybe he'll understand if I stick around for a few more hours. But what if it's too weird? I don't think anyone wants to be stuck with a stranger like this in the middle of nowhere. I could be a criminal for all he knows.

My eyes wander around the shop and they rest on the name tag on his chest. Dimitri. That's his name. Sounds foreign. So I'm guessing he's not from here. I've never met a foreigner before, someone that was not born here in this town.

"Uh... Dimitri right?" I stutter and try to find any idea on what to say next.

"That's my name" his answer is clear and flat.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a bit more? I mean... It's raining really hard outside"

"Didn't you came by car?" he looks surprised this time.

How could he not tell? I look like I just came out of the shower, wet from head to toe. Did he really think I ended up like this from walking from my car to the gas station? That's like a few steps.

"I came by bicycle" his eyes widen at my answer.

"Then stay! You'll get sick if you go around on your bicycle in this weather"

"Right... I just thought it might be weird for you and all"

"Weird? I work night shifts at the gas station. I don't think there's aything considered " weird" that I haven't seen yet" he laughs a bit and I do the same.

I guess he's trying to be polite. His english is very good though and he doesn't have a weird accent at all. Maybe he grew up here. I feel like I shouldn't judge people like this based on their name.

I still have a few dollars with me so I also buy a coke and then sit down on a chair I found laying around next to the cash register. Even if it's awkward, with him looking at his phone and me going through my backpack to see the damage of the rain, its better than being out there.

My phone won't turn on and I almost want to crash it on the floor, but Dimitri is looking at me with what I assume are curious eyes. I can't let my anger issues get the best of me right here, with a stranger watching.

I open the box of cereals and start eating them, glad that he doesn't say anything even if his eyes stay on me a little longer.

How did I even end up in this situation? It's so stupid. I should really stop making decisions on the spot and using my brain more instead.

All I can do now is wait...

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