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Dimitri's P.O.V.

I know I'm having another nightmare as soon as I see the forest again. The blue sky, the sun and the wind howling have all become familiar things, seeing them every night for the past week.

Standing up, I walk around and sigh at the feeling of fresh grass under my bare feet. I've already gotten used to the scenery, the woods are vast and almost impossible to make out but they're definitely not infinite. There should be an end somewhere, since it would be a waste of power to create something that doesn't have an end.

The Shadow isn't that stupid. It knows how to reserve its power and use it to its advantage. Attacking me and Felix at the same time takes a lot of energy and it can't come across as strong as it wants to be in such a situation. So either only one of us is going to get a peaceful sleep or the shadow won't scare us that bad.

I already know the path to the church, where I'm supposed to get to, so it won't take long to get there. But why does it want me to be there especially? Maybe we'll find the answer to that question soon.

My steps are slow while I'm trying to take in everything as best as I can. It's a surprise that I see my destination sooner than I expected. Maybe The Shadow is trying to make me feel lost, but it's not gonna work. I have my eyes and my way set on that damned church.

My hand are ready to open the doors but before I can move them, I'm stopped in my tracks by darkness hovering above me.

My breath hitches and for a second I even forget how to move, my legs feeling weak and my hands being cold as ice. Even if it's already been a week I can't seem to get used to that feeling when it's close. It's such an unexplicable fear that is making my whole body feel paralyzed.

I can't turn around, not even if I want to because it just seems impossible at this point.

Somehow the darkness in front of me becomes smaller, letting the sun's rays hit the grass in front of my feet again. I'm relaxing a bit, or trying to at least, by taking deep breaths and telling myself that it's okay.

It's just a dream. I'll wake up soon. I can't give it the satisfaction of seeing me scared to death.

"Have you forgotten already?"

My eyes widen. For the first time since I've started having nightmares I hear it's voice. The Shadow's voice. It's hard to understand what it's saying, making my ears ring with a voice that sounds like nails on a blackboard.

On instinct, almost instantly, I turn around and face it.

Instead of a monstrous creature I'm met with a pair of eyes that I know too well. They're exactly like they looked back then. The same deep brown eyes that seemed to see right through me every time. Except they're more lifeless. That's how I know it's not the real him.

This is not the Harper I used to know. Sure, it looks exactly like him, but that lifeless stare doesn't belong to him, I'd know that better than anyone.

He smiles at me and for a moment my whole being aches, like I was stabbed with a knife right through my chest. It's like I want to scream and cry at the same time but nothing comes out.

How long has it been since I've seen that face staring back at me with such happiness? And more importantly how could I ever forget what happened back then?

It hurts but I would never want to forget.

"You're not him" I try to gather all my strength and finally something comes out.

It looks at me surprised, only for a brief second, before its face goes back to a smile. Instead of Harper's genuine smile I'm met with one that gives of an air of superiority, a smirk.

"How would you even know? Did you care that much to really get to know who he is?" It lets out an annoying laugh.

"I cared!"

I want to argue with it but I know it's useless and I'll just waste my energy. That's what it wants to do. Provoke me because I'm already weak.

"Then why didn't you showed it when you still had the chance?"

Slowly, it moves towards me and I can't run away as I would want to because I'm paralysed again. Not from fear but from shock. I don't know what I should do.

I flinch when its cold and rough hands cup my face, making my whole body shiver. From the fingertips its skin starts to turn into a dark grey while the eyes turn completely black, shedding tears that leave scars behind.

"Just leave!"

No matter how hard I try to push it away, it's stronger than me. While trying to get away, I shut my eyes closed, waiting for whatever's about to happen. I can't die, but I can't live like this either.

A breeze hits my face, refreshing and when I open my eyes again The Shadow is gone already. It left just like it appeared, out of nowhere, in the blink of an eye.

I see something in the sky coming towards me and take a few steps back as it lands in front of me. An owl.

A brown owl with piercing orange eyes, that are watching me patiently, staying in place. I wave my hand in front of it, but it doesn't have any kind of reaction and that makes me take another two steps back.

What if it's The Shadow again?

There's a voice coming from the distance, but I can't understand what it's saying. It's faint and echoing through the whole forest, covered by the wind that is getting stronger.

And then the owl that's still standing in front of me, not moving an inch. The orange eyes from before are now slowly turning dark brown, making me hypnotised. I can't look away.

My brain tells me to, but I can't. And the voice is coming closer. Now that I'm focusing on it, this voice is familiar, like I've heard it before. And it's calling my name... Desperately.

Then I hear it loud and clear. Shouting my name, making my eyes ring and making me jump, looking around confused.


I'm in his room now, and he's sitting next to me, watching me with worried eyes. It feels like I'm suffocating, trying my best to take in as much air as I can.

And a weird emptiness engulfs my body making me want to break down and cry.

The Shadow's Grip • bxb [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now