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Dimitri's P.O.V.

Was the text too much? I don't know. It's like my corny side comes out whenever I start to develop feelings for someone.

Can't help it. I don't even know if it's anything more than friendship.

I was ready to avoid facing Felix until at least his birthday because of that stupid text, but he had other plans. Showed up at the gas station with a leaf in his hand, talking about some dead girl and Basil.

Whoever the fuck that is supposed to be.

I look at the leaf for what feels like the tenth time but I'm still clueless. Felix has payed for the box of cereals he's eating from now, reminding me of our first meeting.

"So we just search Basil's house in the forest and find out more about The Shadow? Seems easy"

"Yeah if only the woods weren't infinite"

I sit down next to Felix at the cash register and rub my forehead, trying not to get a headache. It's good that we're finally making progress, but it's also damn exhausting.

"When are we gonna do it?" I ask, just wanting to get this over with.

"After my birthday. Let me enjoy my two days of peace"

Right. Only two days until his birthday. I've been trying out all kinds of recipes before I got to work, just so I can find whatever will work best for him. I don't think I've ever eaten so many lemon brownies before.

It has to be perfect. I'll find a good recipe and then cook it right on the morning of his birthday so they'll stay fresh. I just have to actually choose one.

"And she didn't say anything else?" I point at the leaf and Felix shakes his head.

"She said she didn't had time... But I don't think she knows anything else so whatever"

"Thank you mysterious spirit. This is really helpful"

"Well that's why they're called mysterious, right?"

"I guess? I don't know. This whole thing..." I wave my hand around "it still doesn't feel real"

"I know. You never really get used to it"

Before I can say anything else, I hear a gunshot in the distance, making me stand up instantly. Who the fuck is out there at this hour? And with a gun?

Felix wants to say something but I shush him immediately, ready to hear a car pull in the driveway. However, there's no car but a second gunshot instead. This time it sounded closer.

Hell no. I'm not doing this tonight.

I grab Felix's hand and rush to the janitor's closet, the first "safe space" I could think of. He's confused but doesn't say anything, not even when I literally shove him into it. I shut the door behind us.

"Oh my god... Is it... Is it a shooting?" He whispers.

"I don't know" I try to hear if there's anyone outside, but it's now deadly quiet.

"What about the money?"


"The cash register"

"Fuck it. I'm not losing my life over a couple bucks" I crouch down next to a bucket with a dirty mop in it.

"Employee of the month" Felix laughs, still whispering, before crouching down too.

Then there's silence. That kind of silence that drives you crazy and makes your ears bleed. The door of the gas station opens, and closes, making both of us look at each other in fear.

And the way Felix's eyes are full of fear is tearing my whole flesh apart. I wish I could comfort him and tell him that everything will be alright, but I'm scared shitless myself.

However, I grab his hands in the darkness, holding them tightly, maybe to feel safer. Or to let him know that I'm still here.

We're in this shit together. In a closet, as ironic as that sounds since we're both queer and afraid of actually being each other.

Sure, I've been out for a few years, but the fear of being judged is still there. My parents really left an imprint on me, making me think that every new person that I meet is just like them.

I know it's wrong, but I can't help and think that what I'm doing is wrong. What if I'll actually regret it? What if my feelings aren't actually real? Am I just confused?

These are questions that bothered me all my teenage years. Being told your whole life that people like you go to hell.

And from then on, you have two choices. Lie to yourself all your life and go to heaven, be a good Christian and listen to what they're saying to you.

Or run away, accept yourself and realize that maybe, after all, what you're feeling isn't wrong. With the risk of actually going to hell, but at least you're not living a lie.

Right now, holding Felix's hands and feeling him getting closer doesn't make me feel like I'll go to hell at all. On the contrary, it feels heavenly to sit in this silence.

I forgot about whoever was outside shooting guns a long time ago. Now all I can think about is what Felix wants to do next. He stops suddenly, close enough that I can actually feel his breath fanning my face.

For some reason, I'm blushing, but thank god he's not able to see anything since it's dark.

I don't know what I want. Maybe he's waiting for me to make a move but I'm confused with my feelings. Does he feel led on by me?

One part of me wants to take his face in my hands and kiss him, but another is telling me to carefully think it through. I don't want to make a mistake that we'll both end up regretting.

Suddenly, there's a pound on the door, scaring the shit out of us, almost making me scream in terror.

I stand up and open it without thinking too much, almost on impulse. Of course, I immediately regret it when I see some old dude pointing his gun right at me.


"Cheetos?" he asks and I put on the best customer service smile I have.

"Okay... Let's talk... Put the gun down and-"

"Cheetos!" he points it right at my forehead, making Felix scream.

"Just give him the damn Cheetos!" He's on the verge of crying and I sigh.

He won't kill me. It's too much of a trouble. Where will he hide the body? There are security cameras everywhere and his face isn't even covered. He's probably the dumbest thief I've ever met.

If you're going to rob a place at least do it right.

On top of that, Felix can count as a witness. So he's fucked. Whatever. I'll do what he says for now.

I walk towards the shelves right in the back and grab a few bags of Cheetos. The whole time, the gun is pointed at the back of my head like we're in some kind of soap opera.

"More!" He shouts and I nod.

After that I walk towards the cash register and take a bag to put them in. At least, I'm still polite.

He looks at me and then at the bag full of Cheetos in front of him. His gun is still pointed at me and he scratches the back of his head before taking something out of his pockets and handing it to me.

It's money. And now I'm confused.

Before I can ask anything else he's already walking out of the door.

"Oh God. Are you alright?" Felix grabs my shoulders.

"What the fuck was that?"

We both look at each other in silence and suddenly, it's like we're back in the closet for a few seconds. He takes a few steps away from me and awkwardly clears his throat.

I look at the money in my hands and then at Felix again.

Am I still afraid?

The Shadow's Grip • bxb [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now