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Dimitri's P.O.V.

I open the door to the apartment and let Felix in, as he's holding our new 'pet'. There wasn't much going through my mind when I decided to take him home, but I guess I'm tired of being alone all the time. Even more, I always wanted a dog.

The dog looks around the apartment confused but immediately starts sniffing around the living room. I smile and then turn around to talk to Felix, but I'm left speechless when he pins me against the wall.

Without saying a word, he leans in and presses his lips against mine. It all happened so fast, but I immediately respond to him, making sure he knows I feel the same.

I wrap my hands around his neck, my fingers tangling in his hair. He deepens the kiss and I can't think about anything else except the fact that I've been waiting to do this since forever. I try to pull him closer even though his body is already stuck to mine.

He wraps his hands around my waist, chills going down my spine at his touch. It's not enough, I need more. With only a kiss, he's making me go crazy. The kiss is passionate now, but I crave more. My legs are about to give up from all the emotions I'm feeling, as I'm being intoxicated by Felix's touch.

We only pull away when we're out of air, gasping and cursing at myself that I can't kiss him forever. Without any breaks. Even dying out of suffocation in the process seems worth it if I'm being held like that.

"That was my first kiss" he whispers, a blushing mess and I smile hugging him even tighter.

Where's the Felix from before? The one that kissed me without any hesitation and took the lead. Now he's shyly looking away, avoiding my gaze even when my hand gently brushes against his cheek.

This time, I kiss him again. He pulls me closer and I guide him to the couch before breaking the kiss. I shove him down and straddle his lap before pressing my lips against his. The only thing I can think about is how good it feels and we haven't even done anything more yet.

Just being with him is enough. Like this. Before I know it he's kissing down my jaw and neck, low groans leaving my lips. Then I snap out of it. What is happening?

"W-wait..." I push him away gently and see his flushed face with eager eyes.

His hands sneak under my sweater making me gasp and hug him tightly, so he doesn't see the way I'm blushing right now.

"We just kissed for the first time... We should wait... Yeah. Wait for a bit"

"Does this mean... You like me back?" Felix asks in a shy voice and I have to pull away from the hug to look at him.

Is he serious right now? We were all over each other just a moment ago and he's asking me if I like him? I cup his face in my hands and press my forehead against his, closing my eyes.

"Of course. I like you so much I feel like I could die right now"

He tries to say something back but the words come out like a tangled mess while he's blushing. However I get the idea and ruffle his hair before standing up and stretching.

"We should wash him up" I make my way to the bathroom as Felix is still on the couch, dazed.

I turn on the water in the bathtub and stare at my hands for some time. We kissed. Me and Felix kissed. So he likes me back. Just the thought of it makes me want to kick my feet and giggle.

Should I ask him out on a date? Then we could make it official. Wait... He does want to make it official, right? But if he doesn't... I'm fine with that. Whatever he wants.

The dog storms inside the bathroom followed by Felix who is now avoiding my gaze. This makes me want to laugh and tease him a bit but I hold back and instead pick up our new pet and put him in the bathtub.

"He's a boy... What should we name him?" I move the shower up and down his back.

Surprisingly, he's obedient and doesn't move around too much. From the first time I saw him I could tell he's a golden retriever. But he's not too big, which means he must still be quite young.

"How about Snowy... Since we found him today and it's also the first day it started snowing?" he says and I laugh.

"Adorable... It's perfect"

After I finish giving him a bath, Felix takes him out and we dry him with towels. Then we move on to the living room and use the hair dryer. Again, he obediently follows us, sticking his tongue out and kicking his tail around in excitement.

He must be the most well behaved dog I've ever seen in my life.

"Dima... I'm sorry" Felix suddenly says and I look at him scared

"What for?"

"For... I think... Did I go too far before? When we were kissing? I just... I lost control since I wanted to do it for so long"

"Are you stressing about that? I liked it. A lot. It's just that I want us to take our time and not rush"

He smiles and we both sit in silence, taking sneaky glances at each other. There's a happiness in my chest I've never felt before, so intense that I could suffocate at any time. I wanna kiss him again.

So I take his hands in mine and do it. I kiss him again.

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