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Felix's P.O.V.

I would lie if I said I wasn't scared.

Even as a kid, darkness always terrified me. It's like a black sea of ink engulfing you, eating you whole until you can't scream for help or cry out loud because nobody will even hear you. Or maybe I'm more scared of what is in the darkness with me instead of it as a whole.

Most people grow out of this fear as they become older but I'm still going strong, having some of the worst childish behaviors. Even if I already turned 18 years old, sometimes I act like a kid. Well, I'm telling myself that it's not my fault all the time and that some people just expect me to grow up too fast.

The cashier boy is already gone through the back door and only now reality hits me like a truck. My feet are planted into the ground and even if I wanted to move them I couldn't. It's like I'm paralyzed.

I feel like a kid again. Helpless in front of the monster that is hiding in the closet, the darkness being his advantage, only me being able to see it. Having no control over what's happening and other people saying that it's all in my head.

Except, here I don't have a warm blanket to hide under or my parents to call for. Cars are passing by, bringing me comfort with a little bit of light that lasts for a second. If I'm not careful enough and blink I might miss it.

After what feels like a deep breath, when I can be in peace, the darkness comes again and suffocates me. Now it's getting even harder to breathe, feeling as if I'm under pressure and not knowing where I can run to hide. No matter how much I wipe my hands against my jeans, they're still wet.

How did I even end up here? Sweating while hyperventilating, looking at what I assume is a wall in complete darkness. Even if I scream right now he's probably not going to hear me because of the rain. But it's worth giving it a try.

My mouth is open but words won't come out. It's like I'm not strong enough to say anything at all. From all my being I want to scream and let it all out. But nothing happens in the end. My body is acting like it's not even mine, like I'm some stranger that needs to leave immediately.

In such a miserable state I know that it's close. I'll never mistake this feeling, like I'm being choked by someone, not being able to move at all. When this happens I know that the monster is lurking somewhere near looking for me. And if it gets me then it was all in vain.

Running away to clear my head. Using my bike to end up here. Searching for help. Why did I do all that if I know that it's going to find me anyways? How could I be so stupid?

I want to curl up in a ball and cry while banging my head against a wall over and over again just because of how stupid I can be sometimes. But even if I want to do so, I still can't.

Tears are rolling down my cheeks and my breath is hitched, but then I remember. My eyes are wide as I remember what my aunt said to do when this happens to me.

Breath in and out. Close your eyes and focus on yourself. It's alright. It's just another nightmare. All in my head. Happy memories.

Right. Be optimistic. I'm not going to be stuck here forever. And it's kind of embarrassing to cry like this in front of a stranger that I met just a few minutes ago.

Something that makes me happy. Maybe that one time when me and Sam went out for ice cream and a stray dog made me drop it to the ground. Even if back then I was mad and frustrated we got a good laugh out of it. It's crazy how something that at the moment feels awful can actually become a happy memory if you're with the right people.

Also my aunt and how much she takes care of me. She doesn't have to do it, she could have just tossed me out on the streets. All those nights when we would play cards and she would subtly let me win so I won't be sad. Her making sure I always take my pills, even if they're not working at all.

It's helping me a bit. At least I don't feel out of breath anymore. And I'm not crying either. My feet are a bit shaky but I'll be okay.

What's weird is that the gas station boy is still not back from the back room. I wonder if he's okay. He seemed to be pretty concerned about me so it would be a shame if something were to happen to him.

What was his name again? Dimitri I think.

Ah, if my mind is drifting off like this it means I've calmed down for now.

Another car passes by, light on the wall in front of me and I see it. Panic comes over me again as the shadow of the monster is right in front of me. That means it's right behind me.

Even if it doesn't have any form my gut is telling me that it's here. I'm too scared to turn around to face it anyway.

I can't do it anymore. Instead of turning around and facing it like I should, I run towards the back door opening it. Without even opening my eyes I run into the room.

But then I stop in my tracks. Or more like I'm stopped. I hit something, or someone, on my way there. When I finally look up I see the guy's face in pain as his back hits a shelf full of boxes, them falling on the ground along with his phone.

"What are you..." before he can finish his sentence his eyes look up, somewhere behind me and they're filled with terror.

It can't be. Or can it...

Can he... See it?

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