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Dimitri's P.O.V.

I'm scared shitless. And who wouldn't be after what just happened? Felix is happily clapping his hands, saying the name "Natalie" all over again like some kind of lunatic.

I make the sign of the cross with my hands, out of instinct, still trembling.

I was thinking about God knows what, me and my hopeless past. Suddenly, I snapped out of it when I felt Felix turning around in bed, against me. It was violent and quick, almost as if something was trying to come out of him.

But out of nowhere, it stopped. He was sleeping peacefully again, a relaxed expression on his face. I didn't thought much of it since he seemed okay. I rested my head against the pillow again, closing my eyes for a few seconds.

When I opened them again, I froze in horror, unable to move or do anything at all. Felix was slowly, but surely, floating in the air.

I slapped a hand over my mouth in shock, and I immediately stood up, not even sure what to do next. He didn't seem to be struggling, or having a nightmare. He was floating around, almost as if he was in space, with no gravity to help him stay on the ground.

My hands somehow ended up in my hair, pulling it, maybe out of confusion or out of fear. I didn't know what to do. I was panicking, looking around like a lost donkey.

Out of instinct I grabbed my cross necklace and took it off to hold it in my hand. Maybe I watched too many horror movies and thought holding the cross in front of Felix was going to do something, but it didn't affect him in any way.

He wasn't screaming, he wasn't mumbling anything in a weird scary demon voice. He wasn't hitting himself against the ceiling or the floor.

Even so, for me in that moment, everything seemed like some "the conjuring" type of shit. I lost all sense of reality.

I even blinked a couple of times and rubbed my eyes to make sure that I'm not having some sort of sick hallucination. For a moment, I thought that maybe I was the one dreaming.

My thoughts were racing, and I couldn't even form one coherent thought of what was actually happening.

I pinched myself and even slapped myself over my face to make sure I wasn't having a nightmare. And I did what I know how to do best. I was afraid.

Holding my cross tightly against my chest, my knuckles turning white. Did I hate it? Yes.

Suddenly, I turned into my parents, holding onto a cross for my dear life, mumbling prayers, in russian, in polish and in English. At one point I was mixing the languages in a panic, not even sure what I was saying anymore.

I never prayed this hard in my life. What scared me the most was how calm everything was. There wasn't any commotion, Felix being as calm as ever, still asleep.

I was panicking, in silence. Scared, confused, feeling like an idiot because it seemed like I was making a big deal out of nothing.

If my mother would see me now, she would probably cry out of happiness that her sinful boy is finally being a good Christian.

"Jesus Christ... God..."

I was praying to any deity that might be out there, looking down at me and what an idiot I am. Instead of calming down and grabbing my friend, holding him against the bed or something, I was pointing my cross at him.

What a fucking idiot. It's like whenever I'm scared or in danger, this whole religion thing activates and I'm suddenly the most devoted believer. If I had a Bible close to me, I would have probably started reading it out loud, crying at the same time.

Crying because I look exactly like my mother and also because I'm scared as shit.

Then, Felix fell down on the bed like nothing happened. I didn't move an inch, still mumbling under my breath. Slowly, I started taking a few steps towards him.

Before I could process what just happened, he suddenly stood up, like Frankenstein rising. He looked at me with a smile on his face and I was trembling like an idiot.

"Natalie!" he keeps on saying and I'm just staring in disbelief.

"H-how... W-what... Felix" I grab his shoulders out of nowhere and look at him directly in the eyes.

"Yes?" he answers with a smile on his face and I feel like I'm losing my mind completely right here and now.

"You were... You are... In the air" I gulp, my throat feeling so dry that the fucking desert has nothing on me.

"Huh?" Felix is confused and he has every right to be after what I just said.

I cover my face with my hands, wondering how I can even tell him this.
Do I just tell him that he was floating around in the air? I sound like a fucking idiot.

The whole thing sounds idiotic. And Felix doesn't even seem affected so maybe he didn't even had a nightmare. Then what the fuck was that? I'm sure it's not normal for humans to just fly.

"You were fucking floating in the air. Like you were possesed or something" I shout and then cover my face again, giving him time to think about what I said.

"I was... Floating?" he asks and I nod desperately.

"Y-yes... Oh my God yes. I didn't even know what to fucking do! I was holding onto the cross like it was the last thing on earth. I don't even know! I thought I need to exorcise you now or some shit!" I said everything without even stopping to breathe.

Felix seems surprised, but not panicked and over the edge like I am.

"Hm... Well that's weird"

"That's it? I thought you were dying! I was acting like some sort of idiot"

We both look at each other in silence and my face starts to burn up from embarrassment. Did I take it too far? I almost lost it completely.

I groan and rub my forehead in frustration.

"I'm sorry I made you worried" he puts a hand on my shoulder and I suddenly get the courage to make eye contact with him.

How can I even be mad? It's not his fault. He shouldn't even apologize.

I just want him to be safe.

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