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Dimitri's P.O.V.

Christmas Eve came fast but it didn't feel like holiday. However I did accept to go over to Felix's house for dinner. Suprisingly, after what happened with The Shadow, it's like a rock has been lifted off my chest and I feel much lighter.

I'm looking through my closet to find something nice to wear, but I feel like I'm going crazy. What should I wear? I'm meeting Felix's aunt properly for the first time and I should make a good impression. I feel so anxious, I feel as if I'll explode.

I sigh and settle for a fluffy sweater I once got as a gift from Violet on Christmas Eve. I put it on and brush my hair in the mirror before putting on the best smile I can come up with. I look like I'm deranged.

These past few days all I've done was crying, letting myself feel everything and not bottling up anything. I've cried with Snowy by my side, in Felix's arms and at the kitchen table while telling Violet and Luna everything that happened. I'm so grateful for them.

I'm grateful they let me alone, that they didn't pressure me to talk about my feelings. I need to let myself feel everything now.

With a sigh I put some dog food in Snowy's bowl and some water. Then I pet his head and grab my jacket and scarf, ready to leave. I take one last look in the mirror then make my way to Felix's house.

Before I realize, I'm already sitting in front of his door, my palms sweaty as I hold onto the cupcakes I brought as a gift. And something else for Felix. I carefully picked it and almost had a mental breakdown trying to find out the perfect gift for him. But then I decided to settle for something classy. Matching sweaters for me and him.

I sigh and knock on the door before Felix opens it with a smile and hugs me tightly. I ruffle his hair and chuckle, trying to keep my balance and not fall over.

He leans in for a kiss but I panic slightly when I see Hana right behind him. He seems to notice this and places his hand on my shoulder gently.

"It's okay" he whispers and I take a deep breath before smiling at him.

I lean forward and peck his lips. His eyes light up and he looks like an adorable puppy that just got his favorite toy. I can't help but crack a smile myself before walking in as he shuts the door behind us.

"Hello, Ms. Nishimura" I smile at Hana, trying to be as polite as I can.

Then I give her the cupcakes I made, slightly nervous but it all vanishes when I see her taking a bite out of one and her eyes lighting up.

"Oh my god, this is amazing! I didn't know you were a cook!" she nudges and winks at me and I can't help but smile.

"Sam is here too. Hope you don't mind" Felix walks to the couch before plopping himself down on it next to her.

I wave at her and smile while she waves back. Of course I don't mind. I see she's wearing a T-shirt now. I never saw her wearing T-shirts before. I can see scars on her forearms and I immediately look away, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. It probably took a lot of courage.

I put Felix's gift next to me, wondering when will be the right time to give it to him.

Hana prepares dinner while Felix stands up to help her and she sometimes takes glances at me and I can't help but tense up and smile like an idiot. Suddenly, while talking to Sam, I hear them talking in Japanese and I widen my eyes.

Sam takes notice of this and smirks.

"Didn't know he could speak Japanese?"

I shake my head. I never even thought about it. But I can't deny that he sounds amazing speaking it. Though I understand basically nothing. I can hear him whine at some point and I can't help but blush. Sam just smirks looking at me.

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