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Felix's P.O.V.

Dimitri has already calmed down a bit after the whole possession and exorcism thing.

I am shaken up by what he's told me, but I'm too busy being happy with our little progress. I now know that the girl in my nightmares has a name. It could be a lead.

"She was looking exactly like me! Hair, eyes, nose, lips, chin! Everything! We were identical!" I try to explain in the best way what I saw.

To me, it's amazing process and a step towards solving the whole shadow thing. We just need to find out who Natalie actually is.

"Maybe the shadow created a female version of you... Or something" Dimitri shrugs.

"But what if she actually is someone? You said that you knew the person in your dream!"

"Yeah... That person... Uh... He's dead" he doesn't look at me, but at the wall instead, with lifeless eyes.

"Maybe... Maybe Natalie is dead too? It makes sense... Doesn't it?" I nervously turn towards him.

"I guess? But how can we even find her? I mean how many girls named Natalie are out there?"

"How many dead Natalies are out there is actually the question!"

He finally looks at me, grinning like I just said the most funniest thing ever.

"That sounds so fucking weird. It's like we're hunting corpses or some shit"

"We technically are! If Natalie is actually dead"

The chances of finding out who she is are really low, but they're still there. I don't want to give up, especially not now when things changed drastically. It's not the usual nightmare I have had during all these past years.

I had the option to make a choice, more or less, and I even found out Natalie's name. I could even take a good look at her to see that we're actually quite similar.

It sounds crazy but here we are.

My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell ringing and I look at Dimitri who shakes his hand in the air.

"It's probably just Violet" he stands up and walks towards the door, opening it.

I tap my foot against the floor, awkwardly, waiting to meet her. It feels weird that I'm already meeting Dimitri's friends and what not.

She's also the one who has all those posters and the lesbian flag. She must be proud of who she is. Wish I could be like that too and finally accept myself after all these years of hiding in the closet.

"Oh I see" Violet suddenly appears in the door frame, startling me.

She scans me from head to toe, with a serious look and then smiles, walking towards me.

"You've found a new boyfriend and didn't even bother to tell me" she shouts and Dimitri groans from the other room.

I can feel my face burning up under her stare while she's looking at me with a smirk. All this just because she called me Dimitri's boyfriend. The thought of actually being in a relationship is still something new to me, but it has a good ring to it.

Me? Dimitri's boyfri-

Okay I should stop. This isn't helping. Snap out of it. You're here to figure out why you're haunted in your dreams by a monster, not to find a boyfriend. It's not some kind of matchmaking event.

Find your soulmate now! Oh but beware! This "soulmate" might come with a curse that will ruin your life and make you sleep deprived. But no big deal.

It almost makes me want to laugh. All these years I didn't even have the time to like someone. I was always too paranoid and in my own head to actually see the world around me as it is.

There might have been a few boys in high school that caught my eye, but they were either popular and untouchable, or the straightest dudes ever.

The kind of dudes that get married as soon as they finish school to have a family with a good Christian wife and then live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. It sounds like a great start to a good horror movie to be honest.

"He's not my boyfriend" Dimitri crosses his arms in front of his chest.

I can feel my heart dropping, almost as if I was expecting him to answer something else. I know damn well we're not in a relationship. What was I expecting him to say?

That we're husbands and that we just got married and we'll adopt five cats to raise as our children while we grow old? If we even have the chance to do that with The Shadow.

"I'm Felix" I say with a smile, trying not to look too desperate.

Violet smiles back at me.

"New friend! You know what that means Dimitri? Drinks! Let's celebrate"

"Celebrate what? The fact that you're an alcoholic?" Dimitri looks at her and she just rolls her eyes.

"Come on Felix! What do you say?"

What do I say? I've never drank before. I already have hallucinations while sober so me drunk would be a big no. But she seems too excited to actually turn her down. Plus, it's been a while since I've had fun.

And my birthday is coming next week too. I've never even considered it something important. Hana would always make time to bake me a cake and we would have fun, just the two of us. But lately she's been so busy because of work.

She also knows that I'm old enough to understand, so she mostly buys a cake from a store down the road.

I don't even like sweets that much, but once a year I'm willing to eat it, since I don't want to give up the tradition of blowing the candles and making a wish.

"My birthday is next week... Maybe we can grab a few drinks and-"

"Oh my god! Perfect! We have to celebrate!" Violet grabs my shoulders and shakes me before looking at Dimitri with a smug expression.

"When is it?" his attention is on me, completely ignoring her.

"8th of july"

"Do you like chocolate? We can get a cake or something"

"That's supposed to be a surprise Violet" Dimitri glares at her and she just shrugs.

"Oh no! It's alright! Besides I don't like sweets that much... I prefer sour things" I scratch the back of my head and Dimitri looks lost in thought.

"Sour things? Like lemons?"

"Yeah! I love lemons"

"How about we make you a litre of lemonade! Just imagine the sourness"

"One drop of juice accidentally lands in your eye and it's all over" Dimitri elbows her, but she starts laughing.

"Can you imagine Dimitri peeling lemons aggresively with blood shot eyes like he just smoked a joint?"

Thinking about it, it does seem like a funny picture and I can't help but laugh, maybe a bit too loud than I would have wanted.

"Fine! You've already became a team ready to take me down! What did I do to deserve this? Felix... Poor you. She already corrupted you"

"Oh shut up! When life gives you lemons you make lemonade right?" She grabs him and ruffles his hair.

"Oh stop it" he pushes her hand away, still with a smile on his face.

I smile too, feeling a bit weird. I've never looked forward to my birthday like I do now.

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