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Felix's P.O.V.

Time passed slowly and spring came finally. Dimitri's birthday was on the 19th of February and he insisted that we don't make a big deal out of it. We all went out and ate McDonald's before I gave him a gift that I've been working on for some time.

A little keychain that I crocheted myself.

"Is this...The Shadow?" he asked amused looking down at the dark, but cute creature.

"Not so scary anymore huh?" I smirked and he kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you"

Of course i didn't tell him that I learned how to crochet just for this. Or that I restarted it a few times because I couldn't get the pattern right. At first I wanted to make a cute cat, but then got the idea that The Shadow would be more fit, since it's how we met. Plus, it's adorable to see it so small and cute, compared to the way it always seemed scary and towering.

I smile remembering it and look up at Dimitri that is scrolling on his phone as he holds me in his arms.

"What?" he mumbles lazily and I shrug.

"Just thinking" I snuggle into his chest and he smiles.

"About what?"

"Us...i guess"

His face seems worried now and I realize how bad it must've sounded.

"Wait! I didnt mean it like that...its just...ah...I really love us. I love you"

He smiles and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too. So much"

I sigh happily and rest my head on his chest, wondering what I did to deserve him. Such an amazing and handsome guy. Perfect inside and out. I can't help but lean forward and kiss him.

He kisses me back, slow at first but then it turns more passionate and hungry as my hands rest on his shoulders and his go down to my waist to hold me in place against him. I feel myself getting slightly dizzy and lean forward even more, pressing my body against his.

I pull away to breathe and rest my head on his shoulder before placing a few kisses up and down his neck, moving towards his collarbone. His breath hitches but he doesn't tell me to stop snd instead tilts his head back. I suck on the skin and bite into it slightly, leaving a few marks.

He tilts his head back even more and closes his eyes as I smirk against his skin and pull away.

"Ah...Looks nice. Since the last ones faded away already..."

Dimitri shots me a glare but still has an amused expression.

"Snowy doesnt bite me and he's a dog but you do..."

I lean forward to kiss him again but get intrerrupted by Snowy which jumps on the bed between us. He'd grown a lot these past few months and it's been harder and harder to give him a bath lately.

"Aww..." Dimitri pets his head and scratches his chin.

"Great...now the dog gets all the attention again" I cross my arms and he chuckles at me.

"Yeah yeah. That's right. Be jealous"

I can't help but crack a smile at him. I really do love him so much that sometimes it even hurts.

"I love you" I wrap my hands around him and pull him closer, trying to push Snowy away.

He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head before ruffling my hair.

"I love you too"

Before I can lean in and kiss him Violet and Luna barge into the room, scaring Snowy in the process. I groan mentally and fall down on the bed with a slight pout.

"Okay, love birds. It's Wednesday! Do you know what that means?" Violet crosses her arms and smirks while Dimitri lets out a laugh.

"Movie night?" he asks and Violet nods her head.

"Right! We already bought the snacks so it's up to you what movie we watch" Luna snakes her arm around Violet's waist.

I don't even remember when we started this whole "Wednesday is movie night" thing. It all started out of boredom but Violet really takes traditions and routine seriously. Maybe too seriously sometimes.

"How about Titanic?" Dimitri asks with his eyes almost sparkling and Violet groans.

"But we watched that last week! Something else!"

I think about it for some time before raising my hand like I'm in school.

"Felix? Yes? Any idea that is not Titanic?" Violet looks at me, expectantly.

"How about The Perks Of Being A Wallflower?"

Luna's eyes light up and she nods.

"I love that movie!"

"If Luna says she loves the movie then we're watching it" Violet says before sprinting into the kitchen and Dimitri scoffs.

"Double standards"

I just chuckle at his words.

Violet and Luna managed to save enough money to buy an apartment for themselves so that means Dimitri is living on his own now. Which also means I can come over and cuddle and kiss whenever I want to. It gives me a weird sense of freedom and I love it.

I hear a knock on the door and practically drag my body towards it to open it. Sam is standing in front of me with a smile and a box in one of her hands. She also joins us for our movie nights.

"I brought donuts"

I don't even have the time to answer before Violet literally pushes me out of the way and drags Sam inside, her eyes lighting up at the mention of donuts. I rub my back and ruffle my hair in slight annoyance but also amusement. She really loves donuts.

We move the couch so it faces an empty wall before turning on the movie projector, which we found at an incredibly small price. Our movie nights at first meant just watching whatever we found on TV but then Violet insisted that we make it more legitimate. So that's how we came to buy it from a sketchy dude.

We really thought he would scam us but the thing is working pretty good.

I plop myself down on the couch with Dimitri next to me, immediately cuddling him. Violet and Luna do the same and we have to squish in together to make space for Sam too. Snowy jumps in her arms and she has to keep him down on her lap in order to be able to watch the movie.

The movie has just started but Violet is already stuffing her face with donuts and I can't help but smile to myself.

In moments like these, where we're all together, laughing and having fun. When I'm by Dimitri's side, able to hold his hand and kiss him, when I have all my friends with me.

That's when I truly feel like I belong.

The Shadow's Grip • bxb [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now