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Dimtri's P.O.V.

I checked the circuit breaker but nothing seems out of the usual. Outside it's pouring down hard and it's not the first time something like this happened during a storm. It's not uncommon.

Even if I feel a little bad about leaving Felix behind, I really don't want to be back there with him again. I'm suffocating just thinking about the pressure in the room back there with him.

I'll just walk around here until some time passes. It's boring but it's better than fearing for my life and maybe even having a full on panic attack.

I don't think even 5 minutes passed before I got too bored from "exploring" the room and started looking at my phone. It's about to die so I should try and save the rest of my battery for the light since we'll remain in complete darkness without it.

What am I even doing? Hiding in the back room like a coward. What am I even saying? Maybe the guy's energy is a bit off but he must feel lonely back there. It's just the two of us anyway so we should stick together.

Right. I should go back and stop acting like a child. I'm not 5. Hiding away just because something feels off to me.

Finally, I've made up my mind and decided on going back to at least start some conversation. Isolating myself won't help at all.

Before I can even take a step, the door opens with a loud bang and Felix enters the room, not even opening his eyes to see where he's running. Of course he stumbles against me and I fall against the shelf behind me.

My back hurts like hell and my phone falls on the floor together with some boxes. Even if I bite my lip to prevent a scream from coming out, he can probably tell from my face that I'm in pain.

He looks like he wants to apologize to me but I don't even acknowledge him in that moment because I see something more interesting behind him.

I can't tell what it is. A tall creature that you can't really see in the darkness but sense it. Then the pressure and off energy from before is filling the room again and it's hard to tell if it's from Felix or the thing behind him.

Even so, I'm terrified. I can't move at all and Felix is clinging to my arm refusing to even turn around and face whatever that is supposed to be. For now, it's staying in place, not moving at all.

"Can... Can you see it too?" He whispers  against my arm, like he's careful not to let it hear us talking.

I don't even have the power to answer so I just nod faintly but he gets the message and his grip on my hand tightens.

"It'll be gone. It's... It's a matter of time. Relax" he's whispering again but I'm not even sure I heard everything he said because I'm too busy trying not to completely lose my mind.

Relax? What the fuck even is that? A ghost? Some vengeful spirit? Is this guy haunted? Now it all makes sense. Why he asked me if I believe in ghosts, the awful energy when you're in the room with him and maybe even the fact that he was on a bicycle in the rain.

Some time passes and the air becomes lighter, like some weight has been lifted from my chest.

"Is it... Gone?" I have a big lump in my throat that I can't get rid of no matter how many times I swallow.

"I think so..." his voice is unsure.

After what feels like an eternity I can finally breathe in peace and look at my surroundings wondering what just happened. There's a sense of safety that I can get from the room now even if Felix is here. So maybe he wasn't the problem.

The darkness engulfs us again. My phone died and the flash went out earning a scream from both of us. I'm too scared to even be ashamed right now. Even if we might be safe now, I'm still shaken up by what happened.

"Dimitri?" he shakes my hand and I extend my arm blindly in the darkness searching for his shoulder.

When I finally found his shoulder I squeeze it and sigh planning what our next move will be. Is it safer to stay here than to go out again? Where is that... that thing now?

"What the fuck was that?" it comes out of my mouth without me even realizing.

"So you saw it too?" his voice seems happy and excited despite what just happened.

"How can you be so calm? Of course I saw it. Well... More like sensed it since it's so dark. I can't even see your face now but I can tell from your voice you're not as scared as I am"

"Ah... It's just because I'm used to it"

Used to it?! This guy becomes weirder every time he opens his mouth to talk. Without thinking I raise my hand from his shoulder like I was burned by something.

"What do you fucking mean? That thing is something you're used to? Are you some kind of witch? Maybe cursed? I don't understand"

"You don't get it... All these years everyone told me that it's all in my head. That I'm sick! But you saw it too right? That means... That means it's not just me that sees it! You saw it too..." his voice breaks at the end I can tell that he started crying.

I don't even know what I should do in this situation. Is he crying because he's still scared that it's going to come back? Is it going to come back? It's like these things don't really matter at the moment.

I pull him into a hug even if I was suspicious of him just a few seconds ago. I'm not sure if it's comforting at all but it's the least I could do while we're both here in the darkness. I can hear that he's still crying and his curly hair is soft to touch.

Suddenly, it's not dark anymore and my eyes start to hurt as I look around. The power is back and it's no longer pitch black around us.

Felix pulls back from the hug and only then I see that he has a smile on his face. He wasn't crying because he was scared that the thing might come back.

He was crying because of relief.

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