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Felix's P.O.V.

"Morning sunshine"

I can hear Dimitri's voice while he opens the curtains, letting the light of the morning sun in my room.

My head is pounding like it's being hit with a hammer and I'm on the verge of crying since I'd rather sleep than do anything else right now.

"Go..." I wave my hand at him but he just smiles and drinks his coffee from a pink mug with a unicorn on it.

I recognize that one. I got it as a present from my mother when I turned 7.

"Come on we need to go witch hunting in the forest"

"Don't wanna"

He puts his mug on the cupboard next to my bed and then grabs me by my feet, trying to drag me off the bed. I think I just let out the most inhumane screech.

In a poor attempt at escaping, I kick my feet around, making Dimitri fall right over me on the bed. Embarrassed, I bury my face in a pillow before I can actually look him in the eye.

He rolls over and looks at the ceiling while I finally get up, motivated by my will to die right in this moment.

"I don't like this either. But we need to find out more about the entity that is haunting us, darling"

I flip him off and throw the pillow at him while he laughs. Lazily, I make my way to the bathroom and wash my face, but even moving my hands around seems painful at this point.

Suddenly, I feel a disgusting taste in my mouth and before I can think about what's happening I'm already throwing up into the toilet.

Not the best way to start this morning for sure.

"Oh God..."

"What would you like? Coffee? Tea? Juice?" Dimitri leans against the doorframe, watching me with his hands crossed over his chest.

"More vodka please"

"Yeah... I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want you to die yet"

"Yet? So this was a plan all along! You're trying to kill me you monster"

A second wave of vomit hits me before I can say anything more and my head is in the toilet again, while Dimitri goes back to the kitchen.

"Coffee it is" I can hear him shout.

After sitting next to the toilet, staring at the ceiling and rethinking all my life decisions that led up to this moment, I finally get the motivation to stand up.

Violet and Sam look as terrible as me with dark circles under their eyes and crazy hair. Luna and Dimitri didn't drink at all so they seem perfectly fine.

"Breakfast" he puts a plate full of waffles, bacon and eggs in front of me.

It all looks delicious. The nausea from before still isn't gone, otherwise I would've already devoured the shit out of this meal.

"Got any plans today?" Luna asks and me and Dimitri look at each other like we're planning to rob a bank.

"Not really. I think we'll just hang out" he says and I nod.

"Yeah... We won't do much... If we would've planned something you would definitely know... Because we're friends... So yeah"

I say a bunch of nothing in a lot of words and then nervously laugh while Dimitri tries not to lose it, making another omelette for Sam.

I finally come to my senses because he looks so good while cooking. His food is delicious, and the serious expression and concentration on his face is a bonus.

He's dreamy and I smile out of nowhere, Sam looking at me as if I'm plain crazy.

"First time getting drunk Felix. Congrats" she takes a sip out of her orange juice and Violet covers her mouth in shock.

"No? Really! First time? I'm honored! I was the one that got Felix drunk!" she throws her hands in the air while Luna pats her shoulder.

"That's nice honey"

Is that really an achievement? I can't lie, I had fun yesterday. The only bad thing about it is that I remember talking to Dimitri but don't know what it was about. I just hope I didn't told him of any feelings I might have.

The air doesn't seem awkward between us so maybe I haven't said anything. Before talking to him I felt as if I was slipping out of reality.

I guess I'm a depressed drunk.

"This is bullshit. I've ordered these shoes a week ago and they still haven't arrived" Violet checks her phone.

"What shoes?" I ask.

She shows me her phone and points at a pair of flip flops that look like fish. Confused, and speechless, I don't really know what to say except shrug.

I look back at Dimitri and he avoids my gaze almost immediately. Was he staring at me? Do I have something on my face?

Trying to be subtle, I touch my face awkwardly to see if there's anything weird that might catch his attention. Then I remember that it must be about yesterday.

On instinct, I slap my forehead while Violet is still talking about her fish shoes, passionately. Of course, that catches everyone's attention but I just play it off with another awkward smile.

Fuck my life. Just fuck it.

We finish breakfast rather quickly. Well, I was staring at Dimitri the whole time, trying to be sneaky. By the time everyone was finished, I was still taking bites out of what I had on my plate.

Violet and Luna left after helping Dimitri wash the dishes. Sam was watching me like an annoying mother that pretends she knows everything about her child.

"You like him, don't you?" she whispers, careful not to let Dimitri hear us, even though he is in the bathroom.

"I don't know, okay? Wait... Is it that obvious?"

If Sam could tell, then I'm sure Dimitri will be able to do the same soon. And I'm fucked.

"It is. Painfully obvious. But maybe he can't tell. I don't know" she shrugs, but I panic like my whole life depends on it.

Well, it feels like it does. Until now all I had to worry about was staying alive, but now I have to actually acknowledge my feelings and try to hide them.

It feels impossible.

"I don't know what to do"

Sam looks at me and then takes my hand in hers.

"Do whatever makes you happy... Try your best. I don't want you to have any regrets..."

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