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Felix's P.O.V.

Sam has been the only close friend I've ever had since high school. The only one that kept in touch with me even after graduation.

We trust each other and that's what helped us survive all those years of fighting - with ourselves and others.

Her family never accepted who she really is. They're strictly, and stupidly, religious. In what world is the will of someone else more important than the happiness of your own child?

After graduating she came out as trans to them but they still acknowledge her as a boy, using her dead name and everything. Fights are common and in one way or another I'm happy that she's now confident enough to stand up for herself and what she believes in.

I know how much she struggled because she's always been there by my side. The scars on her wrists haven't healed completely and when I see them I'm happy. It should bring back bad memories but instead to me they bring comfort since I know that she's over it. She wouldn't do something like this again, and I'm happy that she learned how to go on.

While I know what she's talking about when saying her father threw a fit, Dimitri sure doesn't. It feels wrong leaving him out of the conversation but I don't know what common themes we could talk about at the moment.

I'm realizing that besides our agreement of finding out more about the shadow, I don't really know anything about what kind of person he is. What he likes to do in his free time or his favourite foods if he has any. Small things like that. Things friends usually know about you.

But of course I can't find out everything there is to know about him in a day. Over time I'm sure we'll get to know each other better.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot why I came here" Sam grabs her backpack and searches for something inside.

"I thought you're here to visit your friend because you missed him" I try my best to make a sad face and she just hits my shoulder with her fist.

"I wanted to give you this" she hands me a little bottle with sand and small seashells in it.

"What? I remember I told you I don't want a souvenir" I glare at her for spending her money on me but she just waves her hand in front of me.

"I didn't bought it. I made it myself. I thought that way it would be more meaningful"

I shouldn't feel emotional just because of a gift, but I'm close to tearing up. Sam always puts others before herself and tries her best. It's a shame that her asshole parents can't realize what an amazing girl they have.

"Come here" I stand up from the chair and pull her into a tight hug, not wanting to let go.

Wait a little bit more. Then you'll go away and be happy, being yourself, not something they want you to be.

"You're so dramatic" she rolls her eyes at me while I struggle to stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks.

"How can I not cry? I have such a caring and amazing friend!"

She chuckles and sits down at the table again. Dimitri is eating his food peacefully, watching what's happening in front of him with curiosity.

We hear Sam's phone ringing and her smile immediately fades from her face while she picks it up.

"What?... Yes... I'll be there"

The call ends quickly and she sighs standing up and walking towards the door without even saying anything.

"You have to leave already?" I ask and she nods, not even facing me.

"I'll... Uh... I'll call you... Good luck on whatever you're doing"

She finally turns around and smiles, sadly, before opening the door and leaving.

I'm here, in front of the door that just closed behind her. A little bottle in one of my hands and my eyes filled with tears that I hold back. Maybe it's the frustration of the situation. Or maybe it's because of the stress.

I don't know for sure but I have to control myself. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and go back to the kitchen where Dimitri is still eating.

"Your friend?" he asks and I nod while sitting down again.

"From high school. She has some problems at home"

My ramen has gone cold and my appetite from before is suddenly gone, but it would be a waste to throw it out so I eat it anyway. He doesn't dare to ask me anything about it and I'm grateful, but also suffocated by the heavy air.

"Want to nap for a little bit? We're both tired and our brains can't work in these conditions"

"What if The Shadow comes again?"

We both agreed to call it The Shadow since that's what I've always did since it first appeared to me. The name is basically the first thing that popped up in my mind.

"I don't know. But we can't keep going on like this. We'll die of exhaustion before it can kill us"

He has a point. Staying awake for this long isn't good at all.

"I'll take the couch. You can sleep in my bed"

He doesn't argue with me and I'm grateful.

I finish eating and put the bowls and mugs into the sink. A blanket and a pillow is all that I need to feel comfortable sleeping on the couch.

Dimitri walks to my room and before I even have the chance to change the pillows and covers he falls asleep without any problems. I know better than to disturb him, since he's as exhausted as I am, and take my place on the couch.

While I'm staring at the little bottle from Sam that I'm holding in one of my hands, my eyes start to feel heavy. Slowly I'm falling asleep and feeling happy, at ease but a bit uncertain of what will happen.

I'm surprised when all I'm met with is black. Everywhere I look it's just darkness. Even if I feel pressured and a bit uncomfortable, there's no sign of The Shadow or the usual nightmare I would have every night.

I turn my head around but can't see anything at all.

Before I can realize where I am, I wake up from the dream that seemed like it lasted only a second. Usually the nightmares feel like they last hours, but this one went by fast, as a blink.

However, there's this heavy pressure in the air. Where does it come from? Outside it started to get dark and looking at the clock I can say I slept for a few hours. Such a peaceful sleep without a nightmare. It almost seems impossible.

I stand up from the couch and walk towards my room. My hand stops right before I can touch the door and open it. The heavy pressure in the air, that suffocates me, is coming right from my room.

Right from where Dimitri is sleeping.

The Shadow's Grip • bxb [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now