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Dimitri's P.O.V.

I feel like shit.

Because I just saw Harper? Because it was a nightmare? Because I want to forget about my past and bury it, but no matter how hard I try it still haunts me?

I don't fucking know.

Felix is laying down next to me on his bed that is obviously too small for the both of us, but we're not complaining. Not when we almost both died out of fear.

So much time passed that it's already dark outside and we haven't done anything besides being lazy and trying to stay awake.

What can I even say after freaking out so bad? I scared Felix too and I can't help but feel guilty. We haven't even known each other for more than a week but I can't forget the look on his face, being afraid that I might die.

I don't think I even treasure my life that much.

"Wanna go out?" he's the first one to talk and I would lie if I said I wasn't grateful.


"Yeah. There's a convenience store down the street. Maybe we can buy something to eat..."

"Yeah... Why not?"

So we're going out. Instead of staying inside and rotting here, we're going out. Even if it's already night.

If it's not for work, I don't usually go out at night. I like sleeping and staying in, but now I can't even do that in peace since The Shadow has been fucking me up.

Felix is the first one to stand up from the bed and grab a denim jacket from his closet, before trying it on and taking a look in the mirror. I'm still laying down, watching him and giving him a lazy thumbs up when he turns around almost as if he's asking for my opinion.

I don't bother to grab anything, I came here in a T-shirt since I don't get cold easily.

"It might be chilly outside. I can give you a jacket if you want"

"No, thanks... I'm alright"

He just nods and grabs his keys from the counter while I walk towards the door, but don't open it. I'm waiting for him patiently while he turns off all the lights in the house, running from the darkness like a little kid.

I almost let out a chuckle, seeing him running from one room to another after the light is gone.

"Don't tell me you don't do this too" he can see my smile and he points a finger at me aggressively.

"I don't have a problem with darkness"

"Me neither. I have a problem with what's in the darkness"

Felix opens the door and I go after him, taking in the clean and refreshing air of a summer night. It's like I can finally breathe again after almost being suffocated to death.

I'm next to him, while he locks the door and throws his keys in his backpack. He's looking around, a bit impatient and almost anxious.

Is he scared?

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Oh? No! It's just... I'm not used to going out at night. I prefer to stay inside to avoid any... Unwanted incidents" he scratches the back of his head and I understand.

Now I know what he means by "unwanted incidents". I'm still wondering how a person could live four years full of fear every night.

With The Shadow you never know what to expect. Hell, we don't even know what it's after, what it wants from us. What do me and Felix have in common? Besides that our sleep schedules are currently completely fucked.

We're walking down the road and I can already see the small convenience store. So he really wasn't lying when he said that it's very close.

It's very peaceful and quiet, walking at night. I know Felix is waiting for me to say something, he doesn't want to make me feel uncomfortable in any way after what happened. What is weird is that he hasn't asked anything about what I've seen in the nightmare.

"You don't wanna know?" I ask and he looks at me confused.

"I thought... Well... Aren't you still shaken up?"

"A bit. But I'll manage" I shrug and stuff my hands in my jeans pockets.

Now I kind of regret that I didn't bought a jacket with me. Not because I'm cold. For the pockets.

"Alright... What did you see?"

"Someone... Just like you... I saw a person"

"A random person?"

"No... I know that person"

Used to know. But he doesn't need to know that. At least not yet. If he is going to stick around, over time I'll open up to him and he'll find out. We'll have to wait and see how this works out.

We finally arrive at the store. It's as small as it looked from a distance. Like those stores that are just for basic needs and nothing more. Those that take five minutes to explore throughout.

"Hi Varvara" Felix waves at the cashier.

She waves back and smiles. Crazy curly hair just like Felix's, but hers is brown and not black. She has a pack of cigarettes in one hand and her phone in the other, nails painted dark blue.

"Varvara?" I ask and she looks at me with a smirk.

"Hm? And who are you?"


"Oh? You're from Russia?"

Felix is looking confused at her. Of course. She's talking in Russian. I can understand her and smile while shrugging.

"I'm a bit rusty. Haven't spoken in a few years" I also answer in Russian but I'm a bit insecure since it's been a while since I was able to talk to someone like this.

"What brought you here? So far away from your home"

"My crazy family. Left them behind a long time ago. What about you?"

"Born and raised here. But at home, with my parents, we're speaking only russian" she then flashes me a smile and I return it.

"Wow... Leaving me out of the conversation like this. What are you saying?" Felix raises an eyebrow at us.

Varvara shakes her hand in front of him before patting his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Nothing important" she's speaking English again.

"Let's see what we can buy" Felix grabs my hand and drags me to a shelf full of chips.

I look at him and then at Varvara, a smile on her face, almost as if she knows something that we don't.

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