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Felix's P.O.V.

I followed the dark aura to my bedroom where I already knew Dimitri was sleeping, or at least trying to.

When I opened the door it was like it was suddenly hard to breathe. I took some deep breaths knowing that it's probably only in my mind and that everything is fine.

But it isn't fine.

Dimitri is crying and mumbling something in his sleep. I'm shaking him and even slapping him across the face but nothing is working so I'm in full panic mode.

Trying to figure out what to do while he seems to be trapped in a nightmare. It all makes sense. Why The Shadow didn't appear to me when I was sleeping. It targeted just Dimitri now so the attack would be stronger, leaving him even weaker than before.

I can't think clearly and do what I did before, scream and shout at him while shaking his whole body. But he's unresponsive. It's like he's not sleeping but is unconscious.

What if he doesn't wake up? What is happening in his head right now? In the worst case scenario, what if he dies?

No. It can't happen. Not here and not like this. It's all my fault that this is happening. If we haven't met. If I didn't went to the gas station that night.

My train of thoughts stop when his eyes shot open. He's gasping for air and coughing, almost as if he was chocked and it's hard to breathe now.

I run to the kitchen, closely to falling down on my way after I tripped over my shoes, to bring him a glass of water. Not once in my life I've ever poured water in a cup with shaky hands like my life depends on it.

On my way back I'm careful because I don't want it to spill everywhere, but my feet move faster than I intend them to.

Dimitri is still breathing heavily, his hands covering his eyes and sweat dripping down his face.

"I uh... I brought some...water... I don't know if it'll help"

He's not looking at me. I don't know what I should do to help him calm down faster.

I put the cup of water on the cupboard next to the bed and cover my mouth with my hand. Now that the panic is gone it's all starting to set in and I feel like bawling my eyes out at what I just witnessed.

I dragged a completely innocent and normal person, that would now live life unbothered if it wasn't for my selfishness, into this. If something happens to him in the future because of The Shadow, it's all my fault. Nobody else's but mine.

I'm trying to hold back and not cry because I know that the last thing Dimitri should see in this state is another panicked person. I need to comfort him in the best way I can.

"W-where am I?" his voice is barely recognizable, like he's been screaming for days.

"In my room...Are you okay? Can you see me? What happened?"

Before I realize that there's to many questions I've already said them. He's finally looking up, around my small room and taking deep breaths. His eyes are red from crying and his whole body is shaking.

"Please... Say something" my voice cracks at the end and I'm barely holding back from breaking down.

His eyes rest on me after I say that and they fill with tears again. I really want to know what he's thinking at this moment. Is he scared? Is he sad? Is he relieved? Or maybe all of them at once?

"I'm... Sorry"

These are the only words that leave his mouth before he starts crying. What is he sorry for? He shouldn't be apologizing to me, especially not after what just happened. It feels wrong.

I sit down on the bed, next to him, and pull him into a hug. That's something I did on instinct, without thinking too much, because he needs comfort and support now more than anything.

His head rests on my shoulder and his hands hold my shirt tightly, like I'll run away if he lets go. While we're sitting here I remember that he did the same thing for me back at the gas station when I was scared and uncertain.

My hands stroke his hair gently and we both don't say anything for a while. The only thing that seems right is sitting in silence.

"Are you okay?" I whisper and he pulls away from the hug, nodding weakly.

He just sits there, looking at his hands and closing his eyes to steady his breathing. Even my hand trying to catch one of his seems to make him flinch so I don't try to get closer if he doesn't ask.

Silence. And Dimitri sniffing now and then. Other than that nobody says a word.

"It was there" he finally says after what feels like forever and I'm feeling a bit relieved.

"The Shadow?"


His response is short and dry. I don't know if I should ask anything more or just leave it like that. We've calmed down a little, but still have our guard up in case something happens. But it all feels useless since in the face of danger, I'm the last person you would like to rely on.

I'm not good at comforting people either. I feel like an idiot, but I have no idea what to do when someone's crying like this in front of me. So I acted on impulse right now, and did the first thing I felt was right.

He's still sitting there, not saying anything. I don't know what to say either, so I lay down next to him on the bed. He seems surprised, but doesn't say anything and silence engulfs us.

A calming and soothing silence that calms both of us down, in a weird way, and that makes me strangely relieved.

The Shadow's Grip • bxb [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now