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Dimitri's P.O.V.

I admit it, I gotta give Felix some credit for being so trusting.

We haven't known each other for that long, but he's willingly following me to my home. I could be a serial killer for all he could know.

Am I happy that he trusts me and sees me as a friend? Yes. Should I be worried that someone might take advantage of his trusting personality? Also yes.

There's a half an hour walk from the park to my apartment. We've already been walking for some time so we should arrive soon.

It's weird because now I'm asking myself all kind of stupid questions.

Did I left the apartment clean? I hope my clothes aren't thrown around in random places. Do I have any snacks left? If we get hungry, what can I give him to eat? What if he thinks it's too small? What if he doesn't want to stay over when he sees it?

I'm not the one to really care about what other people have to say about me, or my life in general. People will talk no matter what you'll do so it's useless to waste your energy on trying to close their mouths.

But with Felix it feels different. Almost as if I want to make a good impression to him. Like I can't let him see the bad part of me, only the best I can offer.

I haven't felt like this in a while. Feeling like you have to be the best version of yourself for someone. Like anyone else can judge you, and talk shit about you, and you wouldn't even care, but if it's them it would absolutely break you.

The cat from the park is still following us and I have to keep an eye on Felix so he doesn't turn around and pick it up again. I don't want him to have a bad allergic reaction ending with us in the hospital.

"Don't!" I point a finger at him and he stops in his tracks looking at me and then down at the cat that is brushing against his legs.

"Just a second! Just a little pat"

His eyes start getting red again and I grab his hand dragging him away from the cat, but it's running after us. I give Felix a napkin to blow his nose and then try to chase away the cat by waving my hands around, but it's not working at all.

The cat looks at me like I'm crazy and then tries to jump on Felix's leg, making me groan in frustration.

"So cute" he pats it on the head and I grab him by his shoulders.

"Look at me! Don't give in! You're stronger than this temptation!"

"I can't! I need to pet it!"

"Please" I lower my head in defeat as Felix wants to pet the cat.

Before he can do it, we both hear movement in a nearby bush, the leaves rustling. The cat runs away and we don't even pay any attention to it anymore.

Both me and Felix are looking directly, at the bush, almost as if we stopped breathing, waiting to see what happens next.

Suddenly, a dog jumps out of the bushes, in front of us, and Felix lets out the most horrendous scream I've ever heard in my life. I feel like my ears will burst and anyone who hears him will call the police thinking they're witnessing a crime scene.

Before I can say anything to him, he starts running, the dog wiggling his tail and sprinting after him.

"You idiot! Stop! He thinks you're playing with him!" I shout after Felix but I don't think he hears me because he doesn't stop.

The dog is barking loudly now and Felix is running even faster. I groan and rub my forehead before shouting after him, in vain. Instead of destroying my vocal cords for nothing, I run after them too.

Now, it's like everything is straight out of a cartoon. Felix is almost crying, running for his life while the dog behind him is barking and growling, and me behind them trying to keep up.

This isn't for me. I already feel like my legs will give up on me every second and every breath I take is painful. This is what I get for being lazy and doing basically nothing in my free time besides sleeping.

Felix suddenly stops too, leaning on a trash can next to the sidewalk. I think I would say something about how disgusting that is if I wasn't too busy trying to breathe and not die of suffocation right fucking now.

I slowly walk towards him, like I'm a 80 years old man who barely gets out anymore because of back pain. The dog isn't barking anymore, just watching us, like we're two idiots.

To try and scare him, I stomp my feet on the ground in his direction, but it doesn't feel like it affects him in any way. The fact that we're not running anymore bores him, so he's soon gone, almost as if he wasn't even here in the first place.

"What an idiot I am" Felix chuckles, trying to hold in his laugh.

"I thought I was gonna die" I say, still out of breath like I just ran a whole mile.

Suddenly Felix laughs out loud, like I just said the funniest joke ever. Or maybe I am the joke myself. I haven't thought of that.

"I'm sorry... It's just... You looked hilarious" he covers his eyes with his hand and sighs in a poor attempt at calming down.

So I really was the joke.

"Can you tell I don't like running?"

He just shakes his hand in front of me, still laughing uncontrollably. I don't want to give in, but seeing him like this next to the trash can is making a smile appear on my face.

Before I realize, I'm laughing too. And I'm not laughing because I find the situation funny, but more because of Felix's laugh. He sounds like a donkey.

It's been a while since I've felt like this. Carefree, comfortable and happy. Just us laughing like idiots in the middle of the night, nobody able to see with how much adoration I'm looking at Felix right now.

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