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Violet's P.O.V.

When me and Luna actually have the time to go out on a date, we either drink coffee somewhere or go people watching at the park.

This time, we bought the coffee from a Starbucks near us and decided to sit on a bench, talking about the most random things.

A man that just passed by with a weird looking mustache or a lady that was covered in tattoos from head to toe. It's refreshing to see new faces.

But my mind keeps going back to Felix and Dimitri. I'm happy that he's making new friends and finally moving on, but a part of me is still worried.

"So tell me more about him" Luna takes a sip out of her coffee.

Of course, I already told her about them. Every detail I remember. But she wants to hear it again and I can't blame her.

Dimitri is usually a pretty reserved guy, so people don't approach him as much in general. And Felix seems like a ray of fucking sunshine. The complete opposite of him in every way possible.

"He reminds me of a lost puppy. All over the place. A hot mess if you will"

"I'm happy Dimitri is back on his feet" she smiles and I squeeze her hand.

Well, it's already been two years since it happened. But we can't help but be worried about him. He says he's fine now, moved on and ready to live his life in the best way possible.

Even so, we're stuck in the past.

"It's summer now. He'll be fine. I don't know how he'll survive winter though"

That's when it happened. And whenever winter comes around, Dimitri gets all depressed and doesn't even come out of his room to talk. That just shows that, in fact, he hasn't moved on.

But Felix can be a new start for him. The fresh air he needs.

We don't know everything that happened between Dimitri and Harper, since he was always quiet about it. But when he died, it broke all of us since we were friends.

He didn't even get out of his apartment, only for the funeral when I had to beg him and almost sleep in front of his door for the night.

A lot has changed since then. It's like when we decided to move out of the old neighborhood, where we met Harper, we decided to become the best versions of ourselves.

Dimitri quit smoking, but it seems like he still does it, rarely, when he's very stressed. I had really long hair, almost reaching my waist, but I cut it. Luna came out to her "perfect parents" and then left with us, without any explanation.

Oh, how I hate her parents and their fake asses. If I wouldn't love her so much I would fucking kill them both. They're the worst kind of parents there could be.

Dimitri's parents at least told him directly that they hate him. Luna's, however, act like they love their daughter so much, but then talk shit about her when it's just the two of them.

When she came out they weren't happy but didn't cry themselves to sleep either.

Of course, finding out I'm Luna's girlfriend was a different talk. They asked a bunch of questions and I didn't knew how to answer any of them.

What could I even talk about in the first place? I'm lost.

I have no family. My only older brother, who had raised me ever since I was 5, died of an overdose when I was 17.

I have no dreams. Growing up, all I could think about was getting enough money to survive tomorrow. I didn't had the chance to think about what I would like to be growing up.

Like a doctor. Or a lawyer. Or a firefighter. Maybe a policeman. Things children usually dream about.

Not like I could afford to go to college anyway. So now, I have no goal that I would like to reach anytime soon.

"I wanna die" I say and Luna puts her arm over my shoulders.

"You think you're the only one?"

I love her so fucking much. I always make sure to tell her, but it feels like it's not enough. Like my whole body is about to burst from the admiration I have for her. Words aren't enough.

And sometimes actions aren't enough either. Kissing her is not enough. Hugging her is not enough.

If there is one thing I'm sure about my future, it's that I'll be by her side. When we're older maybe we'll even get married. I know I'm getting ahead of myself thinking about something like that, but I can't help it.

Not when I'm still giggling and kicking my feet whenever I receive a call from her or a text. Not when every song I know suddenly becomes about her.

I look at her and smile.

I'm hopeless.

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