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Felix's P.O.V.

After I sent Dimitri that photo I've been more anxious than ever. Will he think it's ridiculous?

I did it on impulse, without even thinking about the consequences. I'm such an idiot sometimes I can't even stand myself.

And now, it's already night and I'm staring at the ceiling thinking about erasing my whole existence.

Maybe running away to some abandoned island and remaining there,
where I can avoid any human interaction. Or maybe changing my name and moving to another continent.

All seem like perfect choices in this moment. I can't even talk to Dimitri since he's at work. And I don't even want to see him again after sending him that embarrassing photo.

I groan and rub my face in frustration. It's like I'm in a constant war with myself. I'm supposed to sabotage my enemies not my own person. Ridiculous.

I turn around in bed, facing the door to my room now and freeze in shock when I see that it's open. Before going to bed, I closed the door.

I remember... But then what happened? My eyes are glued to the open door and fear is taking over my whole body, making me paralyzed.

"You're still awake" a voice from the other side of the bed says and suddenly I can move again.

I stand up immediately and look behind me, seeing a girl lying down on the bed next to me. It's Natalie. But this time she's not a little girl anymore, but a woman. She looks about my age.

"Natalie?" my voice comes out shaky and anxious.

She stands up too, with a smile on her pale face. It's like the temperature in the room suddenly dropped below zero and I can see my breath.

Her figure is moving around like the flame of a candle. The closer she gets the colder I am, shivering like a cat that was left out in the rain. But even so, there's still a smile on her face, watching me with curious eyes.

"You remembered this time"

Her voice is like an echo, coming from afar, barely noticeable if you're not paying enough attention.

"Why do you look like me?" I gain the courage to ask and she just laughs at me.

"We're more alike than you think. Not just how we look"

I don't know anything about her so I can't argue with her, but now is a good time to ask questions. And maybe even get some answers.

"What do you know about The Shadow?"

"About as much as you two know" she lies down again and stretches her arms against the sheets.

"Shit... Well... How can I find out more? Please... Anything will help" I plead desperately and her smile vanishes.

"Hm... There is a way...

"What way?"

"I don't have much time left... Look" she takes something out of her pocket and hands it over to me.

"What's this?" I try to look at it but she holds my hand tightly.

"Do what it says. But remember to be careful" her dead eyes look right into mine, sending shivers down my spine.

After that she lets my hand go and I curiously peek at whatever she left me. However, I'm puzzled when I see a leaf in my hand.

There's a house drawn on the leaf. A little cottage that reminds me of those in which usually witches from fairytales live in.

Around it, there are tall trees that make it obvious this house is somewhere in a forest.

I turn it around and see something written on the back.

"Basil's little house in the woods near town"

What kind of fucking clue is that? Who is Basil? And more importantly, where can I find his "little house" in the woods? It's a forest! It's gigantic and it could be anywhere.

Before I can ask any kind of questions, Natalie is gone. I'm left alone in my room, glaring at a leaf like it has done something awful to me.

I want to call Dimitri, but if I do I will sound like a complete lunatic, like I just lost all my marbles.

The room is somehow warmer now, but I'm cold even after Natalie leaving so I grab a hoodie from my closet.

Hana is at work and suddenly I'm feeling afraid to stay in the house all alone. Maybe I can go to Dimitri. It's not like there are a lot of customers at a gas station during the night, right?

But then I'll seem like a clingy friend. The kind of friend that is always with you and that wants to go anywhere you go. He deserves some time alone too. I can't be on his back all the time.

But I can't help it. I just can't help it. He's so kind to me. And patient, caring about those around him. He's also quiet but fun at the same time. Just thinking about him makes me kick my feet.

It's not good for me, liking boys so easily, only knowing them for a shot period of time. Even so, it's like I've known Dimitri all my life. He just gets it. He gets me.

Even when I'm acting like my weird ass self, he doesn't judge me, but instead accepts it. It's hard not to like someone, especially when they do this.

Plus, he's handsome too. Adorable even. With his hazel eyes and dimples showing when he smiles.

I'm giggling into my pillow like I wasn't talking to some dead girl's spirit just a minute ago. I can't help it, that's just how Dimitri makes me feel.

Ridiculous, like a fool, but damn good at the same time.

But I shouldn't. I shouldn't go and make him think I'm even more annoying.

I look at the leaf in my hand and then at my phone. Dimitri responded to my photo with a text and I didn't even have the chance to see it.

Nervously, I unlock my phone and think of all the possibilities. Then I see it and my mouth drops.

"How was it to have the most talented angels take their time when creating you?"

So fucking corny. Almost embarrassing. But I can't help but smile.

Oh, fuck it.

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