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Dimitri's P.O.V.

I look down at my feet and then up at the sky, the breeze slowly hitting my face. Then I see the church, the usual setting in which my nightmares take place. But something's different. Very different.

The air feels lighter, more easier to bear than before. I go in, unconsciously waiting for The Shadow to appear from behind me and consume me whole. But nothing happens and I'm met with a familiar scene instead.

The chorus singing, people on their knees or standing with their eyes closed and hands together, silently praying. The voice of the priest echoes through the tall walls dressed in gold. Breathtaking paintings decorate the ceiling with angels and heavy chandeliers full of candles.

The sun shines in through the painted windows, almost as if it's a sign from God. A sign that he's hearing all these prayers, all these voices singing at once. Some people are whispering to each other, careful not to disturb others.

Russian. They're speaking Russian. This is the church I used to go to when I would visit my grandma. Every Sunday during the summer holiday we would go together. And I would stare at her as she was saying her prayers, buying candles and lighting them for all the souls we've lost.

"I'm praying for your safety and health... So you grow up to be a strong and responsible boy... One who will always take the right path and will be able to tell right from wrong. My beautiful boy" her embrace was always full of truth and warmth.

In the crowd of people, I see her. She's smiling back at me and I can't help but cry. As my tears are flowing down my cheeks I make my way towards her. That smile I've seen so many times, but still don't get tired of. I take her wrinkled hands in mine, wondering how many stories are written in her palm.

How many seasons, how much love, how many silent prayers under a candle light at night? How many cookies or cupcakes or sweets have they made?

I hug her tightly, crying uncontrollably. What I would give to be a kid again, running back in her arms at the end of every day, tired from playing around. I miss her. I miss her deeply.

I don't know if she's well or not, if she's still alive or not. There's nothing I know or heard about her since I ran away and every day I could feel myself feel more guilty. Maybe I should've stayed for her. Even though it was painful.

"Did I choose the right path? Is this the right path? Please... Please tell me" I beg her but she just caresses my hair gently, not responding.

I'm on my knees, just like the rest of the people surrounding me and all I can see is her, surrounded by a light so welcoming it almost feels holy. Her hands are holding mine gently and she kisses my forehead. I close my eyes, feeling all her warmth, filling me with happiness, with life.

When I open my eyes again, she's not facing me anymore. She's facing the altar, her head down as she's whispering prayers. I look around, a bit lost. How can such a familiar place that was once my home feel so strange now? So foreign.

Then I see someone standing up. I can't make out who they are, almost as if they're too far away, even though the church isn't very big. It's like a shadow and my eyes widen. No no no. Not again.

But I can't run away anymore so I clench my fists and prepare for what's about to happen. It takes small steps towards me and I can already feel myself getting engulfed by darkness. All the prayers and the singing voices are fading into the background and the shadow that is walking towards me is slowly taking the form of Harper.

I clench my fists even harder and stand up too, so I can face him. He stops right in front of me and smiles, but something feels off. I don't want to be afraid anymore and I need to do something about it. So I extend a shaky arm towards him before putting it on his shoulder gently and slightly squeezing it. His eyes widen and stare at me, burning holes into me. Slowly, but surely, the darkness from before is replaced by light.

The voices from before are slowly heard louder and louder until I can hear them clearly again. And as I'm blinking slowly, Harper is slowly walking away. I walk after him and turn him around. Instead of being met with his usual smirk or eyes, I'm met with Felix's warm smile. My eyes widen and the first thing I do, on instinct, is hug him tightly.

He looks heavenly, here, surrounded by light and by people singing. I grab his hand and we leave the church, running. After opening its doors and seeing the vast horizon of green grass and blue sky, I can't help but feel content, as if a big rock has been lifted off my chest.

We run and run, and I feel the ground against my legs and look at him. He looks even more ethereal in the sunlight. I want to stop and kiss him but my feet don't want to slow down. He looks at me too, his eyes following me as his hair bounces up and down in the wind.

We stop at some point, but not because we're tired. We've been running for some time and I haven't felt tired at all, not even for a second. His hand gently touches my face, taking his time, like his touch is healing me. He caresses my cheek, my eyelids, my lips and I can't help but lean into the touch even more.

Then he leans forward and presses his lips against mine. That's when I wake up in my room, a welcoming light pouring on the bed. Felix is still asleep and he looks just like in my dream, without a worry in the world.

Was that The Shadow? I don't even know or care. I gently stroke his hair and smile while looking at him. It finally feels like I can start again. Like I choose the right path.


It's so hard to get into writing again after being lazy and abandoning everything


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