Little friends?

681 11 14

Running, sprinting, flying-(FASTER, QUICKER, HURRY, SAVETHEM-)

He caught them. They're safe in his arms. Away from everything and everyone in this horrible, horrific, dangerous place...(the others said it was safe- look at what happened when he let his guard down-) He let out a quiet breath, unthinking, just holding them in his arms tightly, feeling if he were to loosen they would disappear.

(just like she did- because of you!

That wasn't my fault!! Shut up! Stop! You're wrong!)

He took in another shallow gasp of air, he shook lightly, so unnoticeable that you would think he was frozen if you didn't pay close enough attention.
The person in his arms blinked hard, trying to focus their eyes into seeing anything more than blurred shapes, blood trickling down the side of their head like a small stream.

(A stream-just like where they last hidden from everything - Giggling played in the back of his mind, a distant memory, included in the odd happy ones in his collection of memories worth remembering- just pure joy, and nothing else. He loved those moments of happiness that occurred between them. (he wants to have more of those moments))

Humming lowly under his breath, a familiar, comforting tone they knew oh so well, they made it for each other after all, alerting the person in his arms to who was carrying them. They relax just barely and copied the tune if a bit shaky, confirming that they heard the other and that they were alive. God, they were alive and they weren't leaving him alone, here in this crushing and brutal world...

(They won't leave him, they promised!
S̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶m̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶-̶)̶

His legs gave out from under him, everything slamming back into him, like an explosion, painful and everywhere-
He could hear the others calling out to him, he yelled back voice horse, now desperate for any sort of relief of the agony wracking his body. They were moving quickly towards him, he could hear their harsh breathing and rushed steps, running? No, sprinting, they were sprinting, no different to him a few minutes before.

Since help was here... surely he could rest a little, right? Yes, that would be fair, just a tiny nap... only a few minutes though, they still needed him. So he has to wake up, he made them a promise after all...
His vision shakes, pain flowing through out his head. He glances down at the person in his arms and gives them a light squeeze, he tilts to the side, falling, he sees familiar shoes not even five feet of them.

He smiles lightly as his eyes close, a hand made it's way to his hair, massaging it lightly.

Yes, a bit of sleep seems pleasant.

(̶H̶e̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶h̶o̶p̶e̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶w̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶u̶p̶


{Three months after Miyo's sixth birthday}

Miyo awoke abruptly, shooting up in his bed. His heart beating miles per second, he takes a breath now staring at his closet at the end of his bed. He snaps out of his trance to his mom's voice and the smell of food coming from the kitchen, he crawled out of bed, and made his way to the pleasant aroma coming from the stove.

#1 - Life's Not Fair(Was It Ever?)Where stories live. Discover now