Is This Legal? I- It is- HOW?!

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The days leading up to the sports festival seemed to blend together. Miyo and Jin had managed to bump into each other multiple times while the teen was walking around over being unable to sleep from his nerves. Jin had been a great help at distracting the teen while he was stressed out, making him laugh, and other things similar, he even let Miyo talk and complain about heroic lessons and how ridiculous his friends were during class.

During one of those days Miyo was also able to corner Midoriya and spoke to the boy about his destructive quirk. He even gave the other suggestions on how to use it.

"You're focusing all of the power into one place when you use it. Stop that. If I had your quirk, I would concentrate on how the flow of power feels. For example, when I turn into mist I feel cool and light like a cloud. For you, I imagine, it feels hot or boiling? Similar to a fire maybe? Yeah? Okay I can work with that.

Do you know how forest fires, or fires in general, work? It destroys everything it comes across, like how you brake your bones. But when the fire is controlled and contained it provides heat for the cold. So what I'm suggesting here is, you lower the amount of power you're using and, hear me out, spread it all over you."

Then Miyo ended up scolding the other when he found out he had no plan whatsoever for the Sports Festival. Midoriya's words being:

"P-Plan? Uh, well, you see... I- Uh- I don't h-have one?"

Once those words were spoken Midoriya was forced to listen to Miyo as he ranted and raved about,

"-Do you know how dangerous such a quirk could be? How it could hurt both those around it and the user? And not to mention the outcome of any miscalculation while using it! That could result in someone dieing!-"

Midoriya looked as white as a sheet of paper when he eventually escaped the relentless class representative. Miyo doesn't regret anything he said. 


Miyo is considering mass murder.

Seriously, Todoroki and Bakugo have both threatened and challenged Midoriya with declarations of war of their own within the last ten minutes. Hitoshi also made a declaration of war to the whole class too. So, yeah, this morning has been tense for everyone in the class.

Oh, and has Miyo mentioned that he's meant to be giving a speech at the very beginning of the festival because he got high marks in the hero course? Well, now you know, because at this very moment Miyo has just been called up to speak the athletes oath at the microphone beside Midnight.

Surely, if he falls from the raised stage at the right angle, he could injure himself, so he doesn't need to participate in this silly event. People are watching literal children beat each other for sport, how is this legal? This is being viewed live everywhere in the world. That means everyone can see their weaknesses and strengths. That's just not his cup of tea, and he would like to live until he's in his late sixties at least, please and thanks.

His yearmate's eyes sear through his back as he quietly makes his way up the steps at the side of the stage. When he arrives beside her, Midnight smiles at him in what he believes is a comforting way.

After taking a breath to steady himself, Miyo steps toward the microphone, his heartbeat thumping loudly in his ears. He has no idea what to say, so he'll have to wing it and hope for the best. He scans his eyes over the huge stands, the audience's gaze seeming to judge his every breath.

"Uh, hello everyone? Just before I begin, I'm going to say that I was never told I had to speak to anyone, so I'm apologising in advance if I make a mess of this. "

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