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{O2:45 at night: Miyo's Pov}]

(4 years after getting his quirk,
he's 10 years old)

Mom and Father went to bed three and half an hours ago, I went to my room a whole hour before them but I still haven't managed to fall asleep. I've tried lying on my back, sides, stomach, and I even tried sleeping in my mist form. None of them have worked.

Ao huffs beside me, frustrated with my lack of sleep. I copy him and shoot up into a sitting position, I gaze around my room stupidly as if expecting it to tell me how to sleep properly, I don't get an answer to the sleeping problem but my eyes find an old notebook, it's tucked just underneath my desk. I slip out of bed and kneel down to reach the notebook, the cover is a faded red with scattered stars and moon's all over the cover.

I open it cautiously, half expecting it to fall apart in my hands, two names are written on the first page.

Tenko and Miyo

They're written scratchy, messy and splochy, the ink pooling at connecting lines.
Under the names is a photograph of two male children, it shows the first one as being around the age of eight or nine, with jet black hair, brilliant grey eyes, a small beauty mark under his right lip, and what appears to be dry and irritated skin mostly on his neck and the area around his eyes.

The second child, who appears to be five or six, is practically hanging from the first. Only just reaching the firsts shoulder to lay his head down, with pale skin, soul peircing silver eyes, short white hair with a blue tint, and an almost unnoticeable beauty mark right above his left eyebrow.

Both boys are wearing matching bracelets, red and black in colour, with 'T' and 'M' in silver on them.

I look down at my left wrist, my bracelet stares back at me, the 'T' on it causes a smile to rise on my face. I touch it tenderly, a distant fog like memory comes into my mind, giggling and a familiar face with a huge joyful grin set across it.

-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_

[{Flashback: 4 and
a half years ago}]
(Miyo's 5)

Tenko Shimura... he's my best friend. His mother, Nao, is my Mom's best friend, making her my auntie, she asked me to call her Auntie Nao. I spend nearly every day at their house, I had to stay with them during the day because of Mom and Father both working at different hours.

(Mom hated when I was left alone with Father, the few times that happened she had come home to me locked in the hall closet with already healing bruises, raw cuts and scrapes, and I ended up being dehydrated which caused me to pass out while inside the small, crushing, dark, and silent space.)

During week days, I would be collected at school by Auntie Nao, she would bring me to her house, I would do homework that I had, and then I would go and play with Tenko until Mom would come to bring me home.

I enjoy playing with Tenko, he's like a older brother to me and he didn't get a quirk the same as me! He is always fun to play with and he gives the best hugs! Tenko is around or about four or five years older then me, I think? So that would make him nine or ten.

He has a skin problem that makes his neck and eyes extremely irritated and itchy, it looks very sore. For his birthdays and other holidays I would try to find a special skin cream for the itching, but I wasn't able to find any that worked for Tenko.

On Friday nights I was normally allowed to stay at Tenkos house for a sleepover. We would play games, colour, draw, and talk about heroes! Tenko is really good at breaking down and explaining heroes fighting styles, how their quirks worked, how the heroes relied on their quirks, the quirks weaknesses and better ways to use them and so many other things!

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